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Statements about human stupidity and stupidity. Best quotes about stupidity

Human stupidity is a concept that includes several traits at the same time. This is unacceptable recklessness, frivolity, and limited thinking. Those people whose existence is not subordinated to a higher purpose are also unreasonable. One of the universal human traits is satisfaction with one’s mind, but only in a fool does it achieve true rapture. Quotes from great people and popular aphorisms describe this phenomenon in detail, giving it a complete description.

Persistence in Folly

There is a famous quote about stupidity by Aristotle:

It is common for everyone, but no one except a fool, to persist in a mistake.

If a person is smart, he is aware of what he is doing wrong and what needs to be corrected in order to avoid making previous mistakes. But only a madman continues to persist, maintaining the same behavior as before. This is one of the main signs of feeblemindedness.

Schiller's opinion on fools

The great German poet says this about an unreasonable person:

A fool is the one who abandons the matter halfway and watches, with his mouth open, from the sidelines what will come of it all.

I can't help but agree with this quote about stupidity. After all, the one who does not complete the task and believes that everything can work out by itself and without the direct participation of a person is a real fool. Anyone who takes responsibility for his actions and sees things through to the end cannot be considered an unreasonable person.

Voltaire's opinion

A French philosopher says this about narrow-minded people:

The person who always remains the same is stupid.

In his opinion, it is the one who does not want to change himself who is the real fool. Lack of flexibility, unwillingness to listen to other people's opinions can turn even a promising person into a real madman. Having come into this world, the soul must change throughout its life and learn new things. Voltaire rightly calls anyone who does not do this a fool.

Is stupidity necessary?

The Austrian philosopher and logician speaks about this as follows:

Always descend from the bare heights of prudence into the green valleys of stupidity.

This quote about stupidity does not apply to those who lack intelligence. Wittgenstein makes this recommendation to intelligent people who often themselves experience suffering or fatigue from their minds. Sometimes it is vital for them to spend a little time in the shoes of a narrow-minded person. This pause in reasoning allows the mind to rest for a while. This does not mean that thinking individuals will immediately turn into stupid people. A pause in reasoning is always a temporary phenomenon for a smart person. It is also necessary in order to receive insights. After all, it is known that insights come not during moments of intense work, but during rest (provided that the rest was preceded by a period of work).

Difference between man and animal

Sanai, the Persian poet, speaks quite radically in his quote about human stupidity:

He who is blind in mind is not a man, but a beast.

It is impossible to call a real person someone who does not want to use his mind. The main difference between humans and representatives of the animal kingdom is their endowment with reason and consciousness.

If people do not take advantage of this advantage, without enlightening their minds and without taking advantage of this opportunity, they can hardly be called fully human. In this case, the individual relies more on his emotions and instincts - and this is characteristic of animals. Therefore, despite the categorical nature of Sanaya’s statement, it is impossible to disagree with him.

Awareness of stupidity

The following quote about stupidity belongs to the great Russian writer F. M. Dostoevsky.

A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool.

Even if a person acts or thinks incorrectly, just admitting this can significantly advance him to comprehend the truth and change his path. Awareness of one's own stupidity is in no way shameful. Moreover, as Fyodor Mikhailovich points out, it saves a person from the role of a fool.

The need to trust reason

Here is what the Russian literary critic V. G. Belinsky writes about reason:

The greatest weakness of the mind is distrust of the powers of the mind.

In his opinion, one of the main mistakes that a reasonable person can make is distrust of the power of his own mind. This phenomenon can often be observed in everyday life: a completely intelligent person belittles his abilities, considering his intelligence to be insufficiently developed. This significantly reduces the range of possibilities and limits such a personality. Unlike intelligent people who underestimate themselves, stupid people rarely realize their own lack of intelligence.

The attitude of mediocre people to reasonable ones

The French writer François de La Rochefoucauld says this about stupidity:

Mediocrity usually condemns everything that exceeds its understanding.

If a person is not mentally developed enough - in other words, is a mediocre personality - he will condemn everything that seems incomprehensible and incomprehensible to him. This is also one of the main mistakes of stupidity. What she cannot comprehend is condemned. A reckless person devalues ​​the achievements of other people in science, literature, music, sports and other fields.

Belinsky’s expression is in many ways consonant with the opinion of the Spanish playwright and poet Lope de Vega:

The ignorant is the first worst hater of the one who is truly smart and learned.

Imitation of madness

Here is what Goethe writes about human stupidity:

Where stupidity is a model, there reason is madness.

In a group of people where fools are role models, the following picture is often observed: reasonable actions are condemned, and senseless ones, on the contrary, are encouraged. For example, in the company of teenagers it is common to drink alcohol or smoke. In this case, those young people who strive to maintain their health and devote time to more useful activities will be considered fools. And those who waste the precious time of their youth, on the contrary, will be accepted as one of their own. Thus, madness will be considered reasonable, as Goethe writes about it.

About female unreason

Quotes about female stupidity deserve special attention. Let's look at some of the most popular:

All my life I have been terribly afraid of stupid people. Especially women. You never know how to talk to them without sinking to their level. (Faina Ranevskaya).

The smarter a woman is, the more stupid things she does. (Folk wisdom).

When it comes to stupidity, all women are the same. (Erasmus of Rotterdam).

As you can see, unreason is a topic that has interested thinkers of all times and has not lost its relevance to this day. Aphorisms about stupidity help get rid of this shortcoming and maintain common sense in everyday life.

  • The “cruelty” of a man of knowledge is better than the “kindness” of a fool.
  • The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not a support for the master. Visakhadatta
  • All fools are eager to ridicule someone. Pope A.
  • All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn people are stupid. Gracian y Morales
  • A person loses everything over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one stupidity never leaves people. Ariosto L.
  • The fool thought that wisdom would come to him over the years.
  • Stupidity tends to see other people's vices and forget about your own. Cicero
  • A fool can be recognized by two signs: he talks a lot about things that are useless to him, and he speaks out about things that he is not asked about. Plato
  • Fools notice only people's faults and do not pay attention to their virtues. They are like flies that try to land only on the inflamed part of the body. Abul-Faraj bin Harun.
  • The person who always remains the same is stupid. Voltaire
  • He is stupid who does not recognize fools, and even more stupid is he who, having recognized them, does not leave them. Dangerous in superficial communication, they are destructive in trusting intimacy. Gracian y Morales
  • It is a fool who, among the dancers, starts dancing himself. Lucilius
  • If a wise man falls among fools, he should not expect honor from them, and if a fool defeats a wise man with his chatter, then there is nothing surprising in this, for a stone can split a diamond. Saadi
  • Just as dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so a fool does not need wise words. Daniil Sharpener
  • Anyone who is stupid and understands this is no longer stupid. Publius
  • He who is stupid does not benefit from the advice of a wise man. Publius
  • Whoever gets involved with a stupid, vicious wife does not marry a woman - he gets into trouble. Saadi
  • The wise man is drawn to goodness and peace; the fool is drawn to war and strife. Rudaki
  • Lies and deceit are the refuge of fools and cowards. Chesterfield F.
  • A wise man is happy, content with little, but for a fool nothing is enough; that's why almost all people are unhappy. La Rochefoucauld
  • The wise man knows how to act even where he has no experience; A fool also makes mistakes in what he has learned. John of Damascus
  • There is nothing stupider than the desire to always be smarter than everyone else. La Rochefoucauld
  • You don’t have to be ignorant, but sometimes it’s not bad to pretend to be ignorant. There is no point in being wise with a fool, or prudent with a madman; Speak to everyone in their language. Gracian y Morales
  • It is not words, but misfortune that is the teacher of fools. Democritus
  • It is not the one who does not know who is stupid, but the one who does not want to know. Skovoroda G. S.
  • No one is happy among fools, and no one among wise men is unhappy. Cicero
  • One of the unpleasant properties of our time is that those who have confidence are stupid, and those who have any imagination and understanding are filled with doubts and indecision. Bertrand Russell
  • Wit often borders on complete stupidity. Emile Zola
  • Praise is good for a smart person, but bad for a stupid person. Petrarch
  • He who admits himself to be a fool has the right to be considered a sage, and whoever insists that he is a sage is precisely a fool. Brant S.
  • The bee, having stuck its steel sting, does not know that it is missing. Likewise, when fools release poison, they do not understand what they are doing.
  • A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from his friends. Gracian y Morales
  • A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person. Abu-l-Faraj
  • A wise man fights against old age, a fool becomes its slave. Epictetus
  • Stubbornness and excessive ardor in an argument are the surest sign of stupidity. Michel Montaigne
  • Frequent and loud laughter is a sign of stupidity and bad upbringing. Chesterfield

Tags for quotes about stupidity: Stupid, Stupidity

Only fools and dead people never change their opinions.

A fool who accidentally tells the truth is still wrong.

Wise people think about their thoughts, foolish people proclaim them.

No one is always stupid, sometimes everyone is.

While the wise man is looking for the truth, the fool has already found it.

A wise man is happy, content with little, but for a fool nothing is enough; that's why almost all people are unhappy.

A wise man can get more out of a stupid question than a fool can get out of a wise answer.

Ridiculing smart people is the natural privilege of fools.

In exams, fools ask questions that wise people cannot answer.

Inventive phrases about fools

A wise man benefits more from his enemies than a fool from his friends.

A narcissistic person is one in whom fools see an abyss of merit.

Fools should treat smart people with distrust equal to the contempt with which the latter treat them.

Funny Inventive Phrases About Stupid People

If you're arguing with an idiot, he's probably doing the same thing.

All fools are eager to ridicule someone.

A fool is the one who tries to cover up his own insignificance with the merits of his ancestors.

Laughing at smart people is the privilege of fools; They are the same in the world as jesters at court: no one takes their example.

Why is it that a lame person does not annoy us, but a mentally lame person annoys us? Because the lame person realizes that we walk upright, and the mentally lame person claims that it is not he, but we, who are lame.

The wise man knows how to act even where he has no experience; A fool also makes mistakes in what he has learned.

Sometimes there are fools who are smart; but they are never like that with reason.

A fool is the one who abandons the matter halfway and watches, with his mouth open, from the sidelines what will come of it all.

A fool is a person who does not even have enough intelligence to be narcissistic.

Great Inventive Phrases About Fools

An intelligent person sees before him an immeasurable realm of the possible, but a fool considers only what is possible to be possible.

Only the wisest and the stupidest are not teachable.

There are people who are destined to be fools: they do stupid things not only of their own free will, but also by the will of fate.

A fool is always convinced that no one can deceive an intelligent person.

To an ignoramus, everything seems possible.

When a narrow-minded person does something shameful, he always claims that it is his duty.

A fool cannot be kind: he has too few brains for that.

All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn people are stupid.

There are two kinds of fools. Some say: It's old, it means it's good. Others say: This is new, which means it is better.

Argue even with a fool! You won’t gain either fame or profit... But why not have fun sometimes!

Narrow-minded people usually condemn everything that goes beyond their understanding.

There are two kinds of fools: those who doubt nothing, and those who doubt everything.

A foolish man and a wise man, looking at the same tree, see different trees.

Draconian inventive phrases about fools

Just as dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so a fool does not need wise words.

Some people have the ability to appear stupid before they show intelligence. This gift is especially common among girls.

There are two kinds of fools. Some people quit what they started, feeling threatened. Others believe that they themselves will be able to achieve something by threats.

Narrow-minded people always confuse the unusual with the important.

A dullard is a fool who does not open his mouth; in this he is preferable to a talkative fool.

Fat is the middle ground between impudent and stupid: he consists of both.

If you want to look good next to a sage, make a good impression on him; and if you want to look good next to a fool, leave him with a favorable impression of himself.

Importance is the shield of fools.

There are no more intolerable fools than those who are not entirely devoid of intelligence.

Alas, this is how the world works: the slow-witted are firmly confident in themselves, and the smart are plump.

Argue with a person of the weakest mind; argue not out of a desire to win - but you can be useful to him.

Anyone who asks a question risks being branded a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask questions will remain a fool for life.

If a fool accidentally gives a good one, then a smart person should do it.

A fool guesses, on the contrary, a wise man goes through life like a vegetable garden, knowing in advance that here and there he will get a turnip, and here and there a radish.

Long, inventive phrases about fools

He is stupid who does not recognize fools, and even more stupid is he who, having recognized them, does not leave them. Dangerous in superficial communication, they are destructive in trusting intimacy.

The errors of a wise man are positively more instructive than the truths of a fool, for a wise man soars in elevated regions, from where everything can be seen far away, while a fool tramples along low-lying beaten paths.

A fool is like a drowsy, dreaming convict; a wise man, on the contrary, is like a convict who is awake, seeing his chains and hearing their clanging. Will he use his wakefulness to escape?

Fools say stupid things, smart people do them.

Wise men come up with new ideas, and fools spread them.

A great man undertakes great things because he recognizes their greatness, a fool - because he does not understand how difficult they are.

A fool pursues pleasure and finds disappointment; the sage only avoids grief.

A wise fool is better than a stupid sage.

Martyrdom proves that a person was not a fraud, but does not prove that he was not a fool.

If there were fewer simpletons in the world, there would be fewer of those who are called cunning and dodgy.

Some people are called smart, others - stupid. With the mind, perhaps, everything is clear, but what is stupidity? It is a mistake to believe that stupidity is only a lack of education. A person can easily solve complex equations, describe chemical processes and speak several languages, but at the same time commit stupid things.

Stupidity is not only a low level of intelligence. The knowledge accumulated at school and university may not be useful in life, but wisdom and intelligence will always help you find the right way out of the situation. Stupid people can be called those who are unable to see obvious facts, who take life lightly and do not value it.

Stupidity is the inability to appreciate parents, value friends and take care of loved ones. People tend to believe that if these people are in their life today, then they will always be in it. This is the most important mistake in life. Some are consumed by time, others are killed by indifference, and others leave out of despair. The inability to love and value oneself can also be called stupidity. You should not devote yourself to a person in whose life there is no place for you.

The greatest stupidity is not to do what you want with all your heart out of fear, and then regret it all your life.

It is better to do something, even if the action may turn out to be stupid, than not to do it, and then regret it all your life.

When they chase wit, sometimes they only catch stupidity.

You need to think based on your intellectual capabilities.

He who does not respect himself is unhappy, but he who is too pleased with himself is stupid.

You need to be able to objectively evaluate yourself.

It is not words, but misfortune that is the teacher of fools.

No matter how much you explain to a fool, he will not understand, and only failures can force him to draw conclusions and learn something.

Stubbornness and excessive ardor in an argument are the surest sign of stupidity.

You shouldn’t be stubborn if you see someone’s obvious rightness, because the ability to recognize the truth is intelligence.

Three-quarters of crazy things turn out to be just stupid things.

Crazy actions should resemble feats and be done only for the sake of love, everything else is just stupidity.

It is a fool who, among the dancers, starts dancing himself.

Get down to business when you are confident in your abilities, and repeating according to the principle of herd instinct is the lot of fools.

Just as dogs and pigs do not need gold and silver, so a fool does not need wise words.

Stupid people do not even strive to learn something new; they always think that they know everything.

A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

A smart person will accept a person for who he is, and will not point out his shortcomings and try to change them.

You can't make a dead man laugh, and you can't teach a stupid man.

Only life can teach stupid people.

The most expensive thing in the world is stupidity, because you have to pay the most for it.

Rash actions always come at a cost.

I don’t understand how you could do so many stupid things in one day???
- And I get up very early.

With one action, even with one word, you can make something stupid that you will have to clear up throughout your life.

Book wisdom makes a fool twice as stupid.

Wisdom must be drawn from life, not from books.

About stupid women

The smarter a woman is, the more stupid things she does.

Sometimes a woman has to seem stupid and do stupid things, so she gives a man the opportunity to believe in himself.

What's the difference between a stupid and a smart woman? - A stupid woman takes love at face value, and a smart woman takes love at face value!

There is a very thin line between a stupid and a smart woman; sometimes the smart ones show themselves to be stupid.

All my life I have been terribly afraid of stupid people. Especially women. You never know how to talk to them without sinking to their level...

A stupid woman is a pitiful sight, or a stupid woman, with her a man can feel smart...

Smart women guide a man, stupid women control, fools command.

An intelligent woman will always guide a man on the right path.

You’re stupid to me - you explain it for the third time, but I can’t understand!

Stupid people always look for an excuse, blame their misunderstanding on someone, but never admit their stupidity...

If I had always thought with my head, I wouldn’t have done stupid things that are now pleasant to remember...

Sometimes you need to act not according to the instructions of the brain, but according to the advice of the heart...

Making a fool of your man is the destiny of a narrow-minded woman!

By humiliating her man, a woman shows the stupidity of her choice.

Darling, at your age, when you do stupid things, it’s time to think about the consequences!
- Dear, at my age it’s too late to think about the consequences!

There are situations when the consequences no longer make sense.

I'm not at that age to do stupid things unconsciously. I am at the age when they are done consciously and with pleasure.

You also need to be able to do stupid things. Real nonsense should be harmless and enjoyable.

Only a smart woman is capable of all sorts of stupid things; a stupid woman is not smart enough.

To commit a stupid act, you still have to think about it...

Quotes about stupid people and human stupidity

A wise man is happy with little, but for a fool nothing is enough.

In life you need to be able to appreciate what you have.

All fools are eager to ridicule someone.

Just give a fool a reason, but a wise man will notice, but remain silent...

If you are ignorant and silent, then you are acting smart, but if you are smart and silent, then you are acting stupid.

There is no need to speak if you don’t understand anything, and there is no need to remain silent if you are sure of the truth.

Stupid people are not always safe: they are smart enough to say just enough to insult or slander their neighbor.

Stupid people don’t even think about the fact that they can hurt others with their words.

Stupidity and vanity always go hand in hand.

An intelligent person will never brag about his knowledge and achievements.

Overthinking is one of the most shameful types of stupidity.

There is no need to use knowledge all at once.

There is nothing stupider than the desire to always be smarter than everyone else.

The desire to be the best does not lead to anything good; on the contrary, it only dulls one’s own knowledge.

A smart person sees flaws in himself, even if there are none, but a fool won’t even notice obvious ones.

He who is stupid does not benefit from the advice of a wise man.

Stupid people don’t even try to listen to smart people; they think that they already know everything.

A fool thinks that he is smart, but a smart person knows that he is stupid.

William Shakespeare

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Changes do not occur only with the highest wisdom and the lowest stupidity.


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If a person is a fool, then this will last for a long time.


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There are only two infinite things: the Universe and human stupidity. However, I'm not sure about the universe.

Albert Einstein

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A fool can be recognized by two signs: he talks a lot about things that are useless to him, and he speaks out about things that he is not asked about.


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A helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov

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A fool who admits that he is a fool is no longer a fool.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

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Other people's stupidity has never made anyone smart.


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Whenever a person commits stupidity, he does it from the most noble motives.

Oscar Wilde

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The person who always remains the same is stupid.


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The trouble with stupidity is that it always starts over in life.


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English common sense is the inherited stupidity of our fathers.

Oscar Wilde

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It's always good to think before you do something stupid.

Gennady Malkin

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It is best for a stupid person to remain silent. But if he knew this, he would not be a stupid man.


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Those who praise them greatly harm fools.


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Folly and wisdom are transmitted as easily as contagious diseases. Therefore, choose your comrades.

William Shakespeare

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Lack of intelligence should not be attributed to deficiencies in memory.


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Stupidity and vanity are inseparable friends.

Pierre Beaumarchais

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Better a little madness than a lot of stupidity.

Michel de Montaigne

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Even the gods could not defeat stupidity.

Friedrich Schiller

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Oh, if only mental limitations were included in everyday inconveniences.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

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There is no shame in being born stupid, it is only shame in dying as a fool.

Erich Maria Remarque

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How deep are the roots of stupidity!


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People seem stupid to each other mainly because they want to appear smarter.

Lev Tolstoy

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The stupidest man was the one who invented tassels for decoration and gold nails on furniture.

Kozma Prutkov

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Stupidity does not always make a person evil, but anger always makes a person stupid.

Francoise Sagan

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Folly and wisdom are caught as easily as contagious diseases. Therefore, choose your comrades.

William Shakespeare

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People commit the most stupid things, as a rule, from the most sublime motives.

Oscar Wilde

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Stupid people are mostly evil for the same reason that freaks and generally ugly people are evil.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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In the matter of cunning, a stupid person deceives smarter ones.

Lev Tolstoy

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In order not to be a fool, it is not enough to have intelligence: you must also be able to use it.

Edmond Pierre Beauchaine

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Barren minds are the most prolific with words.

Joseph Sanyal Dube

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There is only one wisdom, and it has certain limits, but there are thousands of stupidities, and they are all limitless.

Heinrich Heine

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You can recognize a donkey even in lion skin by its cry.

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Only fools and charlatans know everything and understand everything.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

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Fools are ready to sacrifice everything in the world for the sake of two acquisitions: happiness and freedom, but they are punished by the fact that they achieve their goal, and it turns out that they do not have the ability to experience happiness, and they have no idea what to do with freedom.

Bernard Show

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There is nothing stupider than the desire to always be smarter than everyone else.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Considering how easily we forgive ourselves for our bad deeds and petty passions, and how diligently we hide the weakness of our body, it is no wonder that we treat our own stupidity with condescension.

Jonathan Swift

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It is not the one who does not know who is stupid, but the one who does not want to know.

Grigory Skovoroda

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It is common for every person to make mistakes, but it is common for no one except a fool to persist in a mistake.


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Our entire character is already reflected in any of our actions: a fool enters and leaves, sits down and gets up from his seat, and is silent and moves differently than an intelligent person.

Jean de La Bruyère

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Stupidity is so impenetrable that it is impossible to explore it to the bottom, no echo is born in it, it absorbs everything without return.

Honore de Balzac

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Do not answer a fool according to his stupidity, lest you become like him.

King Solomon

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Sebastian Brant

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There is no stupidity that cannot be corrected with the help of the mind, and there is no wisdom that cannot be spoiled with the help of stupidity.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

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Every fool will find an even greater fool to admire him.

Nicola Boileau

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All fools are stubborn, and all stubborn people are stupid.

Baltasar Gracian

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I consider it extremely stupid to choose something that is not the best to emulate.

Pliny the Younger

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No one is protected from the opportunity to say something stupid. Trouble is when it is expressed deliberately.

Michel de Montaigne

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Always descend from the bare heights of prudence into the green valleys of stupidity.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

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If people never did stupid things, then nothing smart would happen.

Ludwig Wittgenstein

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You cover ignorance with the word of God And you hope to be more than those men with us, You think, Pahom, that you are Chrysostom! But we are sure that your brain is empty.

Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov

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There are two types of stupidity: silent and talkative.

Honore de Balzac

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Stupidity lives close to meanness.

Robert Walser

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Stupidity is a scar.

Theodor Adorno

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It is not words, but misfortune that is the teacher of fools.


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You shouldn't do the same stupid thing twice; after all, there are plenty of choices.

Jean Paul Sartre

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Stupidity, accompanied by music, dancing, furnished with brilliant decorations, is still stupidity, but nothing more.

Antoine Rivarol

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A fool knows only what has happened.


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Stupidity has no right to rule the world.

Joseph Ernest Renan

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All my efforts boiled down to reducing people's stupidity and increasing their honesty.


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How often do people use their minds to do stupid things!

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Do not suffer from the disease of fools. The wise often suffer from a lack of prudence. Fools, on the contrary, have an excess of prudence.

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

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Our stupidity is strong, and its refuges are countless, and the smartest people still have cozy corners reserved for it.

Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

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Scientific fools are the worst of all.

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The mind flits from stupidity to stupidity, like a bird from branch to branch.

Paul Valéry

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A fishing rod is a stick with a hook on one end and a fool on the other.

William Hazlitt

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Given the stupidity of most people, the widely held view will be more stupid than intelligent.

Bertrand Russell

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A smart person believes that he is the same as everyone else, a stupid person believes that everyone is the same as him.

Vladimir Turovsky

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Stupidity is a gift from God, but this gift should not be abused.

Otto von Bismarck

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Anyone who is stupid and understands this is no longer stupid.

Publilius Syrus

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The stupider a person is, the more difficult it is to understand him.

Vladimir Dudinsky

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In a society of fools, people become infected with stupidity.

Pierre Buast

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Importance is the shield of fools.

Charles Louis Montesquieu

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Most people are stupid, and everyone fools around in their own way.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

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A fool pursues pleasure and finds disappointment, but a wise man only avoids grief.

Arthur Schopenhauer

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A fool fails because the complex seems simple to him, and a smart person fails because the simple seems complicated to him.

John Churton Collins

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What gives the idea of ​​infinity is human stupidity.

Marie Ebner Eschenbach

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Not a sinner, but a fool - this is the greatest of our evils. There is no sin except stupidity.

Oscar Wilde

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Stupidity is the worst human quality.


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The number of stupid things committed at the behest of reason is much greater than the number of stupid things committed out of stupidity.

Charles Chaplin

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God will forgive me the stupid things I said about him, just as I forgive my opponents the stupid things they wrote against me, although spiritually they were as much lower than me as I am lower than you, O Lord!

Heinrich Heine

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A dullard is a fool who does not open his mouth, in this sense he is preferable to a talkative fool.

Jean de La Bruyère

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Stupidity is not an animal trait. The animal is protected in a special way from being “stupid.”

Gilles Deleuze

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Condemnation of fools is praise.

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A fool is always convinced that no one can deceive an intelligent person.

Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues

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There are no more intolerable fools than those who are not entirely devoid of intelligence.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Madhouse will win Bedlam!

Arkady Davidovich

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Wherever you find yourself, people will always be no more stupid than you.

Denis Diderot

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Spread great nonsense with great zeal.

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There are people who are destined to be fools: they do stupid things not only of their own free will, but also by the will of fate.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Of all thieves, fools are the most harmful: they simultaneously steal our time and mood.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

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The most harmful thing is a block of wood whose head has been turned.

John Galsworthy

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The Achilles heel is often hidden in the head.

Leszek Kumor

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A person loses everything over the years: youth, beauty, health, impulses of ambition. And only one stupidity never leaves people.

Ludovico Ariosto

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It is a fool who, among the dancers, starts dancing himself.

Lucilius Guy

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Every fool likes his stick.

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He who is stupid does not benefit from the advice of a wise man.

Publilius Syrus

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Excited stupidity is often confused with a seething mind.

Fazil Iskander

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We do less and less stupid things over the years, but the quality of them increases.

Mikhail Mamchich

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The wise man is happy, being content with little, but for the fool nothing is enough, which is why all people are unhappy.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Mediocrity usually condemns everything that exceeds its understanding.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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No one is always stupid, sometimes everyone is.

George Herbert

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One of the greatest disasters of civilization is the learned fool.

Karel Capek

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He was so stupid that even his mother noticed it.

Michelle Galabrew

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Fools are not watered: they grow on their own.

Thomas Fuller

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The one who is dissatisfied with what happens according to the laws of nature is stupid.


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All those who seem fools are stupid, and half of those who do not seem stupid.

Baltasar Gracian

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It is better to listen to the arguments of the smart than to the instructions of the fools.

Daniil Sharpener

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The less worthy bad citizens are of the honorable positions they receive, the more careless they become and filled with stupidity and impudence.


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Fat is the middle ground between impudent and stupid: he consists of both.

Jean de La Bruyère

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Stupidity is the mother of all evil.

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Sometimes there are fools with intelligence, but they are never such with reason.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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It saddens me to think that there are limits to genius. But for stupidity, no.

Alexandre Dumas son

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The whole difference between a smart and a stupid person is in one thing: the first will always think and rarely say, the second will always say and never think.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

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The most invincible person is the one who is not afraid to be stupid.

Vasily Klyuchevsky

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The best way to prove to a stupid person that he is wrong is to give him freedom of action.

Josh Billings

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Weak minds do not have their own delusions, because they cannot think for themselves, even mistakenly, they are always carried away by the delusions of others.

Luc de Clapier de Vauvenargues

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As soon as a fool praises us, he no longer seems so stupid to us.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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Fools should treat smart people with distrust equal to the contempt with which the latter treat them.

Antoine Rivarol

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Fools are rich in sleep rather than in wealth.

Basil the Great

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It is much easier for a smart woman to survive with a stupid man than for a smart man with a stupid woman. Maybe women's stupidity is more aggressive?

Ioanna Khmelevskaya

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There is nothing in the world more courageous than stupidity.


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Next to a fool there is always a swindler.

Honore de Balzac

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There is nothing more absurd than stupid human prejudices and more vulgar than hypocritical severity.

Petronius Arbiter Gaius

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There is no doubt that learning, just like travel and any other auxiliary means of education that improves a person with healthy mental faculties, makes a fool ten thousand times more intolerable, since it supplies his stupidity with a variety of material and gives him the opportunity to show his bad taste.

Thomas Alva Edison

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Polyphony is characteristic of human feeblemindedness.

Alexander Sumarokov

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If a fool were afraid to say something stupid, he would no longer be a fool.

Jean de La Bruyère

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A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

Abul Faraj

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Bad people are such a spectacle that they give rise to good people, just as the spectacle of absurdities gives rise to good taste.

Antoine Rivarol

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There is nothing more painful than the consciousness of something stupid you have just done.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

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Scoop out water with a sieve.

Plautus Titus Maccius

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Stupidity is something very aristocratic.

Robert Walser

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It is difficult for the smartest philosopher to answer stupid questions.


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Stupid people may sometimes show intelligence, but they are incapable of sound judgment.

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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It is stupid to lay out a sea map in front of you when crossing a puddle on a shuttle.

Vissarion Belinsky

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Don't carry firewood into the forest, you madman.


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Fools are taught prudence by misfortune.


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It is more difficult to calm down a fool busy with business than a violent madman.

George Saville Halifax

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A fool is a person who does not even have enough intelligence to be narcissistic.

Jean de La Bruyère

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Once you do something stupid, it doesn't matter. The trouble is wanting to fix it. And leaving the first stupidity is always safer for us.

Lope de Bega

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I'm always afraid of a fool. You can never guarantee that he is not also a rogue.

William Hazlitt

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If stupidity is absent on the face, it means that it is present in the mind, and in threefold size.

Charles Lamb




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