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Zebra cake is a classic recipe made with kefir. Zebra pie with kefir step by step recipe with photos simple

How is this done?! This is exactly the question that arises for those who see a cross-section of the Zebra pie with kefir for the first time.

The whimsical interweaving of multi-colored stripes evokes amazement and interest.
And it turns out that it’s quite simple to do.

We will need:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. kefir (preferably fatty);
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 100 g (or 1/2 standard pack) butter or margarine;
  • 2-2.5 tbsp. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1.5 tsp. vanillin extract (optional);
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda;
  • 3 tbsp. flour (more may be included).


Break the eggs into a bowl and mix with the sugar with a mixer until it is completely dissolved.

It is not necessary to whip into a fluffy foam.

Add warm softened butter. You can melt it in the microwave or in a water bath, but do not let it boil.

Beat butter with eggs.

Pour kefir over the eggs. It will be better if it first sits for half an hour without refrigeration.

Add baking soda to the mixture. There is no need to extinguish it with vinegar.

Advice: If the zebra pie is made with non-acidic kefir, the soda in the recipe can be replaced with baking powder.

Add flour in small portions

Knead thoroughly

The finished dough should resemble the consistency of good condensed milk or thick sour cream.
If the dough is too runny, add a little flour.

Divide the dough into two parts. It doesn't matter if they are not exactly the same. Equal parts will produce a "Zebra" with an equal number of light and dark stripes.
Add cocoa to one of the parts and mix.

Let's get down to the main thing in the Zebra recipe - the correct filling of the mold. We do this by alternating light and dark dough.
To do this, pour one spoonful of one or the other dough into the mold, each time exactly in the center.

Grease the pan with a little oil. If you don't have a non-stick pan, grease a regular pan and line it with baking paper.

Using a tablespoon, starting from the center, place two types of dough in turn until they are finished. Place two to three tablespoons of light batter into the bottom of the pan. Place the same number of tablespoons of dark dough in the middle of the light dough.
Don't wait for the previous layer to spread over the pan - continue alternating light and dark dough layer by layer. The mixture will gradually fill the mold itself.

The larger the quantity of each portion, the wider the stripes will be. For a classic result, just take a regular tablespoon. The mold can be lined with parchment, but simply grease it with butter.

With very small alternating portions (for example, if you use a teaspoon), the colors may end up mixing. The striped effect will be lost.

Advice: thicker batter produces clearer stripes. But the dough will turn out less fluffy.

Now we make 5 strips with a toothpick - draw them from the middle to the sides.
Then we will draw a toothpick between these strips, but in a different direction - from the sides to the center.

Here's what the cake looks like before going into the oven.

Bake the “Zebra” pie with kefir at a temperature of 180 - 220C. This will take approximately 35-40 minutes.
Do not open the oven before the top has darkened.. The product may fall.

Check for doneness by piercing the center with a dry toothpick. If it remains dry, the cake is ready.

Remove the finished cake from the oven, use a thin knife to carefully separate it from the sides of the pan and invert it onto a wire rack. Turn it upside down and let cool.
If desired, you can sprinkle the top of the cupcake with powdered sugar.

Now let's see how this is done in practice
Ingredients: 5 eggs 1-1.5 cups sugar 1 cup kefir 2 tsp. cocoa 1.5 cups flour 1 tsp. soda 50-100 gr. oils

Product consumption in the following video for a mold with a diameter of 22 cm.

  • If the cake cracks on top, that's normal. But next time, keep in mind that the temperature was set slightly higher than optimal.
  • If you baked a cake based on the Zebra kefir pie recipe and planned to decorate it with cream, you may have difficulties. The fact is that such a product turns out to be convex. If you cut off the “lid,” the porous surface can gradually absorb the cream, and you won’t get a beautiful cake.
    Just flip it over after cutting the top off. But do this only when it has completely cooled down. And you will get a perfectly flat surface.
  • You can bake a Zebra cake with kefir and in a slow cooker. To do this, alternately pour the dough directly into the bowl. The product is baked in the “Baking” mode for 55 minutes.

Zebra pie with kefir in a slow cooker

About replacing ingredients

The striped cake recipe is optional and unchangeable. You can exclude butter or margarine replacing it from the composition (with a decrease in the amount of flour). In this case, the dough will be more elastic, but less crumbly.

However, the effect of a crumbly pie can be achieved by replacing part of the kefir with 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.

Kefir in the main recipe can be replaced with sour cream while maintaining all other ingredients. In this case, a little less flour may also be included.

What is better to bake Zebra pie with - kefir or sour cream? It's a matter of taste. Still, using kefir is a cheaper, everyday option. With sour cream the product turns out more moist and rich.

It's all about the stripes!

Armed with a test of two colors, we get the opportunity to create real masterpieces. Instead of always pouring the dough into the middle of the pan, you can mark 3, 4 or more “centers”.

Merging, it will form the most bizarre patterns.

You can divide the dough into 3 parts.
Leave one of them white, add a little cocoa to the second, and make the third dark. And the pie will turn out even more interesting.

By dividing the dough unevenly and adding cocoa to a smaller part and lightly running a knife over the dough poured into the mold, we get this effect.

You can also get creative with shapes. For example, you can use a special Bundt muffin pan (with a post or hole in the middle).

You can alternate colors by moving in a circle or in any other way.

To create a sharper contrast in the stripes, you can use dark and white chocolate in the recipe.
In this case, it should be added instead of oil. 50 g of each chocolate should be melted in a bathhouse and added to the already divided dough. Coconut shavings or powdered sugar will suit this cake very well.

By alternating the dough in large portions, you can get an interesting effect - as in the photo.

Or you can make a zebra with faded stripes. To do this, take a knife and stir the striped dough with a few leisurely movements before baking. Be careful not to overdo it! Otherwise, the dough will acquire a uniform color.

Colored zebra - why not?

Having learned how to bake a zebra cake with kefir in the classic version, you can get creative. In cooking, there are many natural and artificial dyes that are harmless to health. You can safely use them.
Your imagination is unlimited!

Or tint half the dough with jam or syrup.

Exquisite zebra cake on kefir with strawberries

This recipe differs not only in its color scheme and the use of berries. It is done on a sand base. And it's not difficult at all!
For the bottom, you just need to crumble any dark cookies and mix them with a small amount of warm butter. There should be just enough oil so that the sand crumbs are no longer dry.
Place the mixture on the bottom of the mold, place fresh or frozen strawberries around the edges and pour the dough in the manner described above.
Strawberry jam or strawberry juice will give the dough a pink color.

As you can see, based on the Zebra pie recipe, you can bake a quick cupcake for morning tea, and an exquisite cake for a big celebration.
At the same time, it is very easy to prepare and does not require “complex” ingredients.
Save it in your home cookbook - and it will help you out more than once.

We suggest preparing the popular and time-tested sweet “Zebra” pie with kefir, which got its name due to its striped filling. Our baking will consist of the simplest biscuit dough, which we will divide in half and add cocoa powder to one part to obtain a rich chocolate color and taste.

The two-color cake is very simple and unpretentious in execution, but the taste and appearance as a result are delicious! At the same time, there is no pompous decor here: the baked goods will look impressive due to the simple combination of contrasting shades.


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 200 g (1 glass);
  • baking soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • kefir - 250 ml (1 glass);
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • flour - 300 g.

“Zebra” pie with kefir recipe with photos step by step

How to make Zebra pie with kefir

  1. Beat all the eggs into a large bowl at once and add sugar. Beat with a mixer until the sugar grains dissolve and the mass increases in volume.
  2. Dissolve baking soda in kefir (no need to extinguish it first). Mix thoroughly and pour into the egg mixture.
  3. Add vanillin, add sifted flour in portions. Stir or beat with a mixer until smooth and homogeneous, leaving no lumps.
  4. Divide the viscous dough into two equal parts, into one of which we pour cocoa powder sifted through a fine sieve. Stir until the mixture is evenly colored into a chocolate shade.
  5. We lay parchment along the bottom of a heat-resistant springform pan with a diameter of 22 cm. Place 2 tbsp in the center. tablespoons of dark dough, and apply the same amount of light dough on top.
  6. Thus, constantly alternating white and chocolate layers, we fill the mold. As a result, the dough will spread throughout the container in an even and striped layer.
  7. If desired, the surface of the future pie can be decorated with a simple pattern in the form of a cobweb. To do this, use the tip of a toothpick to draw straight lines from the center to the walls of the mold (as in the recipe).
  8. Place the container with the future pie in an oven heated to 180 degrees for about 25-30 minutes. During this time, the biscuit dough should rise and brown. While baking the cake, we try not to slam the oven door, and for the first 20 minutes it is better not to open it at all so that the sponge cake does not settle. We check readiness with a match/toothpick as standard.

After cooling the baked “Zebra” pie with kefir, cut into portions and serve, enjoying the cute two-color pattern and pleasant taste. If you wish, you can cut the sponge cake into two identical layers and spread it with any sweet cream - then you will have a full-fledged cake! Zebra pie with kefir is completely ready! Enjoy your tea!

Zebra pie has been known to many since childhood. I offer my version of this pie, which turns out so tasty and tender, with a crispy crust on top, that it does not require any soaking or cream. If desired, you can add raisins, nuts or even poppy seeds to the pie for variety. Preparing the pie takes very little time and even the most inexperienced housewife can do it. So, for tea we have a “Zebra” pie with kefir: a recipe with step-by-step photos at home is attached.

  • 3 eggs
  • Kefir 200 ml
  • Glass of sugar
  • 100 ml odorless vegetable oil
  • A pinch of vanillin
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 cups of flour
  • Soda – ½ tsp (slaked with vinegar)
  • 3 spoons cocoa powder

To prepare the cake, you first need to beat the eggs into the mixer bowl.

Pour sugar into the eggs and beat at maximum mixer speed for 3-4 minutes until the sugar is almost dissolved.

Add kefir, sunflower oil, vanillin, salt and soda, slaked with vinegar. Lightly beat everything with a mixer at minimum speed or with a whisk. The main thing is that all ingredients are mixed until smooth.

Then add flour one glass at a time and mix gently with a spoon.

The pie dough is slightly runny.

Divide the dough into two parts: one will be chocolate, the second will be white. Add cocoa powder to one part of the dough.

Stir until smooth and beautifully chocolate colored.

Line a baking pan with parchment and sprinkle the sides with flour. To obtain a beautiful white-chocolate color of the pie, you need to alternately lay out two spoons of dough of different colors. Place two tablespoons of white dough in the center.

Then place the chocolate dough in the middle.

Continue adding dough until it's finished.

Then, using a toothpick, make beautiful streaks from the center to the edges.

Zebra pie is very easy to prepare, looks unusual, and tastes simply wonderful. I don't know of any other pie that evokes so many emotions. I know at least two recipes for making this pie - one of them is with kefir, and the other is with sour cream. Today we will prepare a pie with kefir, but if you want to cook “Zebra” with sour cream, then here is the recipe: http://eda-blog.ru/pirog-zebra.html - everything is described step by step and with photographs. And we’ll get down to business right now!


  • glass of kefir
  • glass of sugar
  • 2-3 eggs
  • 100-150 grams of margarine
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • vanillin
  • a couple of teaspoons of cocoa
  • 3 cups flour

Cooking method:

  • Add soda to the kefir and let it bubble for a couple of minutes.
  • Melt the margarine, mix with sugar, vanilla and eggs and beat.
  • Then you need to pour flour there and mix. The dough for this pie will be thicker compared to pancakes.
  • Then divide the resulting dough into two equal parts. Mix one with cocoa.
  • Place one dough or another (with cocoa) in a baking dish greased with vegetable oil. Those. so that you get a zebra like this (or you can use it as camouflage or even get creative, for example, in the form of a cobweb).
  • Place the resulting beauty in the oven for 40 minutes at 180-200C. Check readiness with a toothpick.

There are also slightly different cooking options. Although the essence is still the same. You can experiment yourself.

Zebra pie with kefir. Option 2

  • 3 eggs,
  • 1.5 cups sugar,
  • a glass of kefir,
  • 50 grams of butter,
  • a couple of tablespoons of cocoa,
  • half a teaspoon of salt,
  • half a spoon of soda, quenched with vinegar.

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer. Fill it with kefir (you can use sour cream), add butter (you can use margarine). salt and soda. Whisk again. Pour this mixture into the sifted flour and vanilla. Mix thoroughly until smooth. And pour the dough into 2 containers. Pour cocoa into one and stir. Grease a baking dish with butter or margarine.

Now you need to alternately fill it with one dough and then another, as a result the dough will be as striped as a zebra. Place it in the oven at 200-250 degrees for 40 minutes. Then poke it with a toothpick to check readiness (it should remain dry)

After cooking the Zebra, when it cools down, you can also brush it with glaze.

See other step-by-step recipes with photos


Thank you very much for the recipe. I baked the first recipe and really liked it. We ate it, not even a day had passed. I want to try baking it in a silicone mold, but I don’t know if it will work or not. If anyone has tried baking this way, can you tell me if the dough was baked or not?

prepared according to the 1st recipe
Got up - great
Taste is good
View - excellent

I’m cooking according to the first recipe now. It’s interesting, but the amount of cocoa is described. At first it says a couple of teaspoons, and after a line there are 1-2 spoons. And it’s strange that there’s a backing soda and a whole one, there’s a difference. And with margarine the same problem.
Some kind of nonsense

A favorite dessert among children, Zebra cake is traditionally prepared with sour cream, but this does not mean that other ingredients cannot be used to prepare the delicacy.

Using kefir, the cake is no less tasty and aromatic, the dough is airy and fluffy.

Zebra cake with kefir - general principles

The cake making process itself is very easy. Both a novice cook and even a child can cope with this task. All ingredients needed for the dough are thoroughly mixed. Next, the base is divided into two parts and cocoa powder is poured into one of them and mixed. This entire procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. And then creativity begins.

The cake was called “Zebra” for a reason. The dessert is a cake of fancy light and dark stripes, reminiscent of the colors of a zebra skin. This is easy to achieve. The previously prepared dough is laid out on a sheet greased or lined with parchment in turn: a spoonful of dark dough is placed in the center of the baking sheet, light dough is placed in the center of the chocolate dough, then dark again, then light, etc., until the base is finished.

Next, all that remains is to put the sheet in the oven and wait about half an hour. Further decoration of the cake depends on your imagination. Most often, the cake is simply filled with cream or glaze; sometimes the cake is cut and soaked in something. You can layer the cake with fruits, nuts or other fillings.

Recipe 1. Classic Zebra cake with kefir


25 g each of salt and soda;

365 g flour;

255 ml kefir;

225 g sugar;

110 g cocoa powder;

65 g butter.

Cooking method:

1. Set the oven to preheat.

2. Using a mixer, beat eggs with sugar at low power for no more than three minutes.

3. Pour in cold kefir, add salt and continue beating for a few more minutes.

4. Add flour and soda in small portions to the resulting mixture, stir thoroughly with a spoon until it reaches a homogeneous, slightly thick consistency.

5. A small amount of dough is poured into another cup.

6. Pour cocoa powder into one half and stir well, and leave the first white.

7. In a greased mold, first spread the white mass in the center with a ladle.

8. Pour the brown mixture into the center of the white mass, and repeat the same several times.

9. Using a toothpick or other wooden stick, draw lines from the center to the edge.

10. Bake for 30 minutes.

11. Before serving, cool and cut into portions.

Recipe 2. Zebra cake with kefir in a slow cooker


365 g sugar;

225 g butter;

Flour - 330 g;

Egg – 4 pcs.;

30 g cocoa powder;

15 g soda;

260 ml kefir;

45 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer until fluffy and snow-white.

2. Pour melted and cooled butter into the eggs, beat a little more.

3. Add kefir, stir everything well with a spoon.

4. Slowly add flour and soda into the mixture, constantly stirring the dough with a spoon.

5. Knead until a semi-thick homogeneous mass.

6. Divide the dough into two equal parts, add cocoa powder into one and mix well.

7. Grease the multicooker container with vegetable oil.

8. Using a large spoon, place first the white dough in the middle of the container, then the chocolate dough on top, and repeat this until all the dough is gone.

9. Adjust the device to the “baking” mode, time 30 minutes, bake with the lid closed.

10. After the multicooker beeps, allow the cake to cool slightly and remove it from the container, cut into portions and serve.

Recipe 3. Vanilla Zebra Cake with Kefir


Kefir with a high percentage of fat content – ​​265 ml;

Sugar – 220 g;

135 g butter;

Cocoa – 45 g;

Half a dessert spoon of vanilla;

Soda – 35 g;

Flour – 385 g;

Vegetable oil – 35 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Combine eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer until a stable snow-white mass.

2. Pour in cold kefir and beat for another 2 minutes.

3. Place the butter on a flat plate, place it in the microwave for 1 minute, and remove it. Cool and pour into the kefir-egg mixture, add vanillin, beat a little more.

4. Mix soda with sifted flour and slowly pour into the mixture in several additions, stirring often.

5. Knead the dough until it has a consistency like thick sour cream.

6. Transfer a little dough to another container and mix with cocoa.

7. Using a ladle, place a small amount of chocolate dough in the middle of the greased pan, place white dough on it, repeat until two mixtures are gone.

8. Using a toothpick, make lines on the surface from the middle to the side walls of the mold.

9. Place the mold in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

10. Turn off the oven, remove the cake pan and cool slightly.

11. Before serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into portions.

Recipe 4. Zebra cake with kefir and poppy seeds


325 g butter;

Medium fat kefir – 245 ml;

Sugar – 210 g;

Poppy – 65 g;

1 handful of cocoa;

Flour – 390 g;

Soda – 20 g.

Cooking method:

1. First, pour slightly warmed water over the poppy seed and leave for a few minutes to swell.

2. Using a mixer, beat the eggs combined with sugar for 2 minutes.

3. Melt the butter and pour it into the cooled eggs, beat for another 1 minute.

4. Add poppy seeds to the mixture and mix with a spoon.

5. Add flour and soda in several stages, continuously stirring the dough.

6. Divide the dough into two halves, mix one with cocoa, and leave the other white.

7. Cover the baking container with parchment paper and place the dough in the middle, alternating brown with white.

8. Place the mold in a hot oven for 30 minutes.

9. After this time, pierce the cake with a toothpick; if it is dry, then remove it from the oven; if it is wet, bake for another 5 minutes.

10. Before serving, cool slightly and cut into portions.

Recipe 5. Zebra cake with kefir without butter


465 g flour;

Sugar – 165 g;

Vegetable oil – 135 ml;

Kefir with high fat content – ​​255 ml;

Salt, vanillin – 5 g each;

Soda – 45 g;

Acetic acid – 15 ml;

Cocoa – 85 g.

Cooking method:

1. Pour kefir and vegetable oil into beaten eggs with sugar, stir well with a spoon.

2. Add soda, slaked with vinegar, vanillin, salt to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Slowly add flour through a sieve.

4. Knead until smooth, tender, slightly thick consistency.

5. Divide the dough into two halves, add cocoa to one and mix well.

6. Place a tablespoon of brown dough into a baking container greased with vegetable oil, then white dough, brown dough again, white dough, and so on until the two halves of the dough are gone.

7. Using a toothpick, draw lines from the center to the sides of the mold and place in a hot oven, bake for a little over half an hour.

8. Cool and divide into portions.

Recipe 6. Zebra cake on kefir with strawberries


Kefir – 230 ml;

340 g butter;

Flour – 385 g;

Soda – 35 g;

Sugar – 170 g;

Egg - 3 pieces;

Fresh or frozen strawberries - 6 pieces.

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.

2. Pour in melted and cooled butter and warm kefir over low heat, stir well with a spoon.

3. Pour sifted flour and soda into the mixture, knead with a spoon until it reaches a smooth, smooth consistency.

4. Strawberries are rinsed in a colander and turned into a puree using a blender.

5. Divide the dough into two halves, put strawberry puree into one and mix well.

6. In a baking dish covered with parchment, lay out the red mixture with a ladle, then white, again red and white, repeat until the dough is finished.

7. Place in a hot oven and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature no higher than 220 degrees.

8. Cool, remove from the mold, cut into small pieces and serve with tea or warm milk.

Recipe 7. Zebra colored cake with kefir


240 ml kefir;

465 g flour;

35 g soda;

230 g sugar;

15 g each of red, orange and green food coloring;

190 g butter;

40 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Pour melted and cooled butter into the fluffy egg and sugar mixture and stir well with a spoon.

2. Add cold kefir and stir again.

3. Add sifted flour and soda in small portions, knead the thick dough thoroughly.

4. Divide the dough into three equal portions.

5. Food colors are diluted in a small amount of water and each color is poured into its own bowl with dough, stirred thoroughly.

6. Grease the baking container with oil and place first red dough in the middle, then green, followed by orange, and so on until all parts of the dough are finished.

7. Use a toothpick to make lines from the center to the edges of the container and bake in a hot oven for 35 minutes at low temperature.

8. Cool, cut into small pieces, and serve with tea.

Cake "Zebra" with kefir - filling options

A cake is not a cake if the cake is not filled or sprinkled with something. You don’t have to mess around and use the simplest products: powdered sugar, candied fruits, nuts with honey, grated chocolate. Or you can experiment and make cream or glaze.

The simplest creams:

Custard (butter, milk, yolks, sugar, flour);

Sour cream (butter, sour cream, sugar);

Curd (cream, cottage cheese, sugar, nuts, vanillin, gelatin);

Chocolate (plum butter, chocolate, nuts);

With condensed milk (condensed milk, butter, nuts).

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