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Love horoscope for October Libra.

The horoscope for October 2017 promises Libra many pleasant life changes, as well as new unforgettable adventures. In mid-autumn, your free-thinking will cross the lines that you yourself have outlined for it. This means only one thing - you will stop thinking and living as society demands. Having completely liberated yourself and let all your “demons” out, you will finally experience incomparable happiness. Another thing is that not all people with whom you will come into contact in October will accept your new, overly freedom-loving model of behavior. You will simply give up on these skeptics, leaving them far behind you, in your past life, shackled by all sorts of stereotypes.

Libra's love of freedom will most clearly manifest itself in everything related to the sphere of feelings of representatives of this zodiac sign. Under the power of your new worldview (more precisely, those thoughts that you have always so diligently extinguished within yourself), you will decide to completely change your everyday reality, and you will decide to start the plan for these October reforms with your personal life. If you are a family man and are already accustomed to thinking, thinking and acting the way your life partner wants, in mid-autumn you will stage a real domestic riot, the outcome of which is simply impossible to predict! If you really have accumulated a lot of reasons for dissatisfaction, if your partner refuses to make concessions, if you do not find bright emotions when you are next to him, well... Then this marriage can be considered completed. Libras, who are just looking for love, will gain increased popularity with the opposite sex in October. How can you explain your success? Yes, only because you will glow as if from within, charging everyone who happens to be nearby with this amazing magnetism. Another thing is that you don’t want to build love with just anyone, and therefore you will continue your search for the ideal soul mate.

As for career and financial affairs, Libra will bring a reasonable share of their October free-thinking into this aspect as well. If you are an employee, taking on a new project, you will decide to slightly break the rules set by your superiors. It’s a paradox, but it is by deviating from the rules and norms, by introducing creativity and innovation into your work, that you will achieve enormous success in your service! They will hold you up as an example, calling the results of your work nothing more than exemplary projects. Libras engaged in the field of individual entrepreneurship will also go against the norms accepted in the small business environment in mid-autumn. You will give up the role of a strict leader who strictly adheres to the generally accepted office dress code, and appear at your enterprise in an outfit that is more suitable for home or for a party. And a little later, you will allow your employees to behave exactly like this (freely, relaxed, at ease). This freedom will bring amazing results, and your employees, experiencing complete emotional comfort from being at work, will begin to work with increased enthusiasm.

Health in October 2017 will not cause Libra the slightest problem, which, in fact, is not surprising. As long as you live exactly the way you want, you will find the long-awaited moral balance, along with which almost ideal well-being will come to you. However, do not forget to continue to strictly control your diet, because overeating, although it is an element of freedom, has never benefited anyone.

Will Libra expect difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex in October? How will their feelings and emotions influence the development of existing and new relationships? A lot of ready-made clues await you in the accurate love horoscope for Libra for October 2017.

Many Libras may feel dissatisfaction with their personal life in October. The lack of interesting events and previous failures in relationships can make a large number of representatives of the Libra sign want to reconsider all their past decisions and plans regarding the love front. The love horoscope warns people born under the sign of Libra who are looking for their other half that drastic changes are not always beneficial to the creation of relationships, especially if they are not properly thought out.

The marital relationship of many Libras may suffer in October due to their desire to experience new emotions. Confusion and dissatisfaction with oneself and one's life can provoke long-term conflict situations in the family among people belonging to this zodiac sign and even cause a further break in marriage ties. Whether the desire to diversify your life is worth it, only Libra themselves can answer. The stars warn them that in October they should be more careful in their actions and statements, so as not to cause pain and grief to their loved one.

Love horoscope for Libra women for October 2017

The need to feel something new can take over single Libra girls. Their desire to radically change their own lives can lead to rash actions and unpleasant consequences. However, despite their oppressive loneliness, girls born under the constellation Libra will be very selective in choosing new acquaintances in October. Such girls do not intend to throw themselves on the neck of the first man who turns his attention to them. Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity will still have to make sufficient efforts to arouse reciprocal interest among Libra girls.

Their chosen ones may cause dissatisfaction and reproaches among married Libra women. As a rule, representatives of this zodiac sign rarely consciously come into conflict with their other half, trying to soften grievances. However, in October 2017, many women born under the sign of Libra will not be too tactful in choosing words to their spouse. Irritation and frequent quarrels can bring such family relationships to the point of breaking. The love horoscope for Libra for October advises them not to get carried away with sorting out relationships and creating conflict situations. The emotions received during such showdowns will simmer inside both spouses for a long time, giving them no rest.

Love horoscope for Libra men for October 2017

Lonely Libra men in mid-autumn may consciously refuse new acquaintances and meetings in a friendly company. The reason for this may be internal emotional experiences that do not allow Libra to relax and pay attention to the beautiful girls around them. Against the background of these torments, single representatives of this zodiac sign may not take advantage of the opportunity in October to make promising acquaintances in terms of building relationships. Whims and hysterics do not make men look good, so single Libra should deal with their emotions in time in October.

Enjoy your birthday. And at the same time, the Sun is in the sign of Libra. This is a time of success and good luck. Now you just need to appreciate every minute. Now you must love yourself. Then you can safely count on harmony.
It is very important that representatives of the sign be bolder and more decisive in mid-autumn. Determine which goals and tasks are more important, and solve them.
And by the way, the situation with money in mid-autumn will also be better.

Horoscope for October 2017 Libra woman


In the first ten days of October, women of the sign will have an epiphany. The result is that you and the world are on the same wavelength. He doesn't like to communicate. If you want to save it, forget about other muzhuks for now.
In the second decade, you have an idyll in amorous affairs - complete dissolution in each other. And they also ruined the planets and added common sense to amorous affairs.
May your darling be faithful and devoted. And the gifts... To hell with them. With gifts.
In the third ten days of October, Libra women are confused. Why is this boyfriend so indecisive? Why do you need him like that anyway? You are so cool and cool... Well, decide for yourself. Well, who knows. Feig knows.
Work got stuck in October. I mean, she doesn't give a damn. And meetings. And negotiations. And finally. And I don’t know how much time and effort you need for all this. Just don’t expect any goodies right away. In the future - perhaps. But not right now.

Women's health is terrible. Venus in a tense aspect. Immunity declines and chronic diseases worsen. Pay attention to your health and well-being.

Horoscope for October 2017 for Libra men

Your darling will surprise you today. Either he has no life without friends, or he is ready to hide with you. Very good Weird. And it doesn't look like it. Was he drawn to experiments? Then it turns out that everything is for real.
You still can’t drag him to the gym in the middle of autumn. Neither carrot nor stick. Give him the sofa. Humble yourself.
With the money, your Libra behaves as usual - in a devil-may-care manner. Likes to lend money, for example. Oddly enough, this policy of his will result in a decent financial profit.
And one more thing - he is not lazy, he is resting. He really needs it now. Take him to the theater, to a concert, to an exhibition. Amuse his intellect.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Libra

The amorous sphere of Libra blooms and smells. Relationships with your significant other are currently on the rise. Finally, another natural honeymoon awaits you. Hm. Get ready, guys!
Lonely representatives of the sign have the opportunity to find their soul mate. The main thing is to turn off your intellect. Listen only to your feelings.

Libra financial horoscope for October 2017

Now is the time for Libra to get down to business. You have a ton of energy and strength. It's time to maximize your enthusiasm and determination. If you miss the ringing piastres in the treasury, make every effort. Everything will pay off with interest.
And one more thing: you will achieve more as a team. But we need to support our partners. Then you will move mountains together and you will all become rich. Clear?

Favorable days for money in October 2017 for the Libra sign: October 3, 8, 11, 16, 21, 27, 30

Health horoscope for the sign Libra for October 2017

The pain point for Libra is the kidneys and adrenal glands. And the lower back. Take care of them. There is a problem? See a doctor immediately!
Now you can't eat anything fatty or salty. Forget about calcium-rich foods too.
Less alcohol and more water! Then your kidneys won’t remind you of themselves for a long time!

The birthday has come, because it is in October that most representatives of the Libra zodiac celebrate this holiday. And since the Sun is in the sign of Libra at this time, then fortune is on your side. Libra, it's your time! Learn to enjoy any pleasant little things, enjoy every day, love yourself. And then harmony with the world around you is guaranteed.

The astrological horoscope for Libra in October 2017 suggests being bold, proactive and decisive. Determine the most important goals for yourself and strive to achieve them. The middle of the autumn period also promises material prospects.

Favorable days for October 2017 for Libra:

Love horoscope for October 2017 Libra

In love relationships, October promises a bright manifestation of feelings, relationships with the other half will sparkle with new colors, one spark will be enough to ignite the flame.

For Libra who has not yet found a partner, the astrological horoscope for October 2017 recommends not to miss the chance to find one these days. When making new acquaintances, do not think rationally, listen to your feelings and sensations.

Favorable days for love in October 2017 for Libra:

Libra financial horoscope for October 2017

Mid-autumn is completely your time! There is enough energy for everything. Be bold, take on things with enthusiasm, and you will achieve great results. The financial horoscope for October 2017 for Libra promises that representatives of this sign will be able to achieve good profits if they put in enough effort. And don’t forget to encourage the partners who work with you, if you have them, of course, so that no force majeure occurs. After all, it’s easier to reach new heights in a good team than on your own.

Favorable days for money in October 2017 for the sign Libra:

Health horoscope for the sign Libra for October 2017

The Libra zodiac is responsible for organs such as the adrenal glands and kidneys, as well as the lumbar region. Accordingly, October is the time to take care of them. If you notice problems with your kidneys, do not delay and contact a specialist.

According to astrological trends, the October 2017 horoscope for Libra gives the following recommendations: watch your lifestyle and diet to avoid kidney diseases in the future. Remember that this organ will not appreciate excessive consumption of fatty foods, salty foods and foods high in calcium. And of course, don’t overindulge in alcohol. Follow the prevention of kidney diseases, and then these diseases will bypass you.

Stressful days for Libra in October 2017.

In October, most of Libra's attention will be directed to the sphere of work and business. At this time, you will want even more independence and power in this area.

In October, you need to pay important attention to your health. Excessive exhaustion can lead to illness. Therefore, do not forget about time to rest and do not test your body’s strength.

In the sphere of personal relationships, the horoscope predicts pleasant events. Friendship and love will literally follow you around.

The influence of Mars in this area may force you to take active action. You are ready to do great things for the sake of love. However, all that is really required is to show a little love to those close to you.

In October, your desire for justice will be intensified several times; try not to judge harshly those you love.

In the financial sector, the most active will be the end of the month. 26 and 27 there is a probability of significant events in money.

Throughout October 2017, the beliefs and views of the Libra man and woman will change dramatically. You will be able to look at life from a new angle, and these views will definitely help you in the future. This is a favorable month to become better and kinder.

Career horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

The career field promises unforeseen and unpredictable events. This field will require hard work and effort from you and you should not expect instant rewards. There will be rewards, but closer to the end of the month.

This month there is a possibility of business trips and travel for work. The most successful direction is north.

If you are an employee, there is a possibility of conflicts with co-workers and management. Therefore, do not interfere in controversial situations. Your job is to focus on your work.

In October, you should rely only on yourself and your abilities. Don't expect someone to come along who will solve all your problems.

Financial horoscope. The influence of Jupiter promises to make Libra's life carefree. There is a possibility of large influxes of money. We can say that this will be one of the most profitable months of the year.

Love horoscope for October 2017 for Libra

In the area of ​​personal relationships there is a possibility of some difficulties. This is a time when you will have to go through some changes in your relationships with your friends.

In love, the horoscope promises respect and romance. This area will bring deep emotions and experiences. But some of you won't need this.

If you already have a loved one, a larger event may occur. For example: pregnancy, marriage or divorce.

In October, couples united by the power of love will continue to enjoy their happiness, and weak unions may fall apart.

If you are single, you can meet your loved one in the professional field or study.

Health horoscope for October 2017

Until the 20th, your health will be fragile and weak, so you need to observe the principle of moderation in everything. Try to save your energy and not live at a dizzying pace.



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