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Catherine de Medici. Black Queen of France

Name: Catherine Maria Romola di Lorenzo de' Medici

State: Italy, France

Field of activity: Queen of France

Greatest Achievement: The wife of Henry II, after his death and during the reign of her sons, had enormous influence on the politics of France.

Among the queens of France there are many beautiful women worthy of their title, who decided the destinies of people and helped their husbands in royal affairs. The names of some have not been preserved in the annals of French history (or there is only a mention). Others, on the contrary, are constantly on the lips - books are written about them, films are made.

And some are so “lucky” that their name is firmly associated with some event (and not always a good one). The Queen of France, Catherine de' Medici, ranks first among disreputable rulers. And if you remember the details of her reign, it becomes clear why. Although we won’t judge strictly - there were reasons for everything. So, who is she - an unhappy woman or a calculating queen trying to go over her head to achieve her goal?

early years

The future ruler of France was born in Italy, in the beautiful city of Florence, on April 13, 1519. Unfortunately, a few days after giving birth, her mother, the French Countess Madeleine de la Tour, died. And the father, Lorenzo Medici, soon followed his wife. He had been ill for a long time, so his death was only a matter of time. The baby was immediately given the nickname “child of death” (at that time society was full of prejudices). Left an orphan, the girl was raised by her aunt, Clarice Medici. She tried to give her niece a good education and instill good manners. After all, this was the only way to count on a profitable match. But Catherine could not boast of an ideal pedigree - her father’s family came from the “people”, only to become rich and own half of Florence. Only his mother, the Countess, had blue blood (and even then a rather modest one).

Her childhood was during the rebellious and turbulent years in Florence - the Medici were constantly fighting for power and influence in the city. The people were ready to destroy representatives of the hated family. Members of her family even became Popes. Therefore, it is not surprising that representatives of the Medici family tried to woo many rulers of Europe. And Catherine did not escape this fate. In 1533, Pope Clement VII began searching for a suitable groom for a young, 14-year-old relative. The choice fell on the equally young Duke of Orleans, Henry, the second son of the King of France, Francis I. The future spouses were the same age. For France, this marriage was both politically and financially beneficial - the bride was given a good dowry - 103 thousand ducats (a large sum at that time), as well as the Italian cities of Parma, Pisa and Livorno.

The wedding celebrations took place in Marseille on October 28 of the same year and lasted almost a month. Catherine, who did not have a beautiful appearance, captivated the French women with her unique style. She was one of the first to introduce the fashion for high-heeled shoes in the kingdom, appearing in them at her own wedding. Italian dresses became the main clothing of French aristocrats for many years. However, despite the fact that Catherine was able to win the trust of her subjects, she did not receive the most important thing - the heart of her husband. From the age of 11, the young Duke was in love with Countess Diana De Poitiers (the age difference between the lovers was twenty years). Catherine fought her rival as best she could, but ended up losing.

Queen of France

A year later, Pope Clement VII dies. The new ruler of the Vatican terminates the treaty with France and refuses to pay Catherine's dowry. The courtiers' trust in the young princess is completely undermined - now they begin to shun her and ridicule her Italian accent. The husband couldn’t do anything (and didn’t really want to). The beautiful Diana had all his attention. Catherine decided to wait - after all, the famous Italian philosopher Nicolo Machiavelli’s phrase correctly says that friends must be kept close, and enemies even closer. Medici did everything to remain on good terms with her rival. However, in 1536, thunder struck - the heir to the throne, Henry’s older brother, Francis, died. Now Henry is next in line to the throne.

For Catherine, this event meant another headache - the birth of heirs. In the first years of marriage, the couple did not have any children, which gave rise to all sorts of rumors about the princess’s infertility (Henry soon had a baby on his side). Long and persistent years of treatment began with the magicians and alchemists of that time, taking all sorts of potions that would make a modern person feel sick at the mere mention of them. Finally, in 1544, the long-awaited heir was born - the son Francis, named after his grandfather. It’s a strange thing - after the birth of her first child, Catherine quickly provided the royal family with other children - she and Henry had 10 children.

In 1547 the old king died, and Henry ascended the throne under the name of Henry II. Catherine becomes the Queen of France, but only nominally - Henry, as soon as he could, removed her from the conduct of state affairs. It would seem that life has become simpler - there are children, no worries. But, unfortunately, family happiness (in the royal chambers) did not last long - in 1559, during a knightly tournament, the king was seriously wounded - the spear of his rival, Earl of Montgomery, split, and the shaft passed through the helmet into Henry’s eye, hitting the brain. Catherine was warned about this by her personal astrologer, Michel Nostradamus. And she is the wife. But he didn't listen to her. Doctors fought for the king's life for several days, but to no avail - on July 10, 1559, the monarch died. Catherine was crushed by grief - despite all the differences, she loved her husband in her own way. Until her death, she wore only a black mourning outfit - in memory of her late husband. For this she was given the nickname "Black Queen".

Queen Mother

The father was succeeded by his eldest son, Francis. He was only 15 years old. Despite the fact that he was already married to the young Queen of Scotland, Mary Stuart, his mother completely took power into her own hands, although she understood little about state affairs. Shortly before his 17th birthday, Francis died in Orleans.

Charles became the next king. He was only 10 years old, but he was declared an adult. Again, history repeated itself - he had no desire to engage in the affairs of the kingdom, so his mother actually ruled the country. Catherine also sought to strengthen the position of her daughters - she found profitable parties. The most famous of which was the wedding of Margaret and Prince Henry of Navarre, which took place on August 18, 1572.

Such a joyful event was overshadowed by a terrible massacre, which went down in history as St. Bartholomew's Night. Henry was a Protestant, and France at that time was a predominantly Catholic country. And Gentiles (or Huguenots) were not welcomed there. In honor of the wedding of the Prince of Navarre, thousands of Huguenots gathered in Paris, which terribly irritated the Parisians and the royal family - after all, Protestants were richer and more educated. It was Catherine (judging by some historical chronicles) who gave the order for the murder. This event forever left its mark on the reputation of the Queen Mother.

Until the end of her days, Catherine remained an active politician, promoting her favorites to suitable positions. To be fair, we note that she patronized art at the French court - talented poets, artists, and actors gathered around her. The Queen collected valuable art objects and also introduced a lot of new things into French cuisine - thanks to her Motherland.

Her once large family began to melt before our eyes - her children died one after another. At the age of 24, King Charles IX died (according to legend, Catherine prepared a poisoned book for her enemy Henry of Navarre, but her son accidentally leafed through the book first). The third son, his mother's favorite, Henry III, becomes the new king. Not receiving the Polish throne, he returned to France and accepted the French one. There were rumors at court about his unconventional orientation - he dressed effeminately, surrounded himself with minions - that’s what they called him the favorite. Catherine had already given up hope of seeing grandchildren from her sons. Only the daughters did not disappoint - Princess Elizabeth became the wife of the Spanish King Philip II, from whom she gave birth to two daughters and died during subsequent births, as well as Princess Claude, who became the wife of the Duke of Lorraine. This marriage produced 9 children.

last years of life

Gradually the Queen Mother's health began to weaken. While attending her granddaughter's wedding, she fell ill. After lying in bed for some time, Catherine died at the Château de Blois on January 5, 1589. Without knowing that her beloved son Henry would be killed in a few months by the Dominican monk Jacques Clément. It will end the Valois dynasty (which was numerous just a few years ago). A new one will reign on the throne of France -. Queen Margot's ex-husband, Huguenot Henry of Navarre, will once again change his faith in order to save his life. And he will say the legendary phrase - “Paris is worth a mass.”

Catherine de Medici can be called the most “hated” woman in history. “The Black Queen”, poisoner, child killer, instigator of St. Bartholomew's Night - contemporaries did not spare epithets for her, although some of them were unfair.

Child of death

The sinister image of Catherine de Medici was not the invention of Dumas. She was born under a terrible star. It’s no joke, immediately after birth in 1519 the child was dubbed “the child of death.” This nickname, like a trail, will accompany her throughout her future life. Her mother, 19-year-old Duchess Madeleine de la Tour, died six days after giving birth, and her father, Lorenzo de' Medici II, died two weeks later.

Catherine de' Medici is credited with poisoning her husband's elder brother, Francis, the Queen of Navarre, Jeanne Dalbret, and even her son, Charles IX. Her most terrible prank was St. Bartholomew's Night.

However, she did not become the “Black Queen” because of her reputation. Catherine wore black mourning for the first time. Before this, in France, white was considered a symbol of grief. In some ways, and in fashion, she was the first at court. Catherine mourned for her deceased husband Henry II for 30 years, she made broken spears as her emblem, and her motto was “This is the reason for my tears and my pain,” but more on that a little later.

According to the marriage lottery, Catherine was chosen as the wife of the second son of the French king, Henry of Valois. But the marriage became virtually fictitious. The king already had the love of his life - his children's teacher Diane de Poitiers. He had been in love with her since he was 11 years old. She already had an illegitimate son from the king, and Catherine, on the contrary, could not get pregnant. The situation was complicated by the fact that the Medici loved her husband. Subsequently, in one of her letters to her daughter, she wrote: “I loved him and will be faithful to him all my life.”

The French court rejected her, as did Henry. They kept saying behind my back: “Merchant’s wife! Where does she care about the noble Valois! Poorly educated, ugly, barren. When, after the death of the first contender for the throne, Francis, she became the wife of the Dauphin, the situation did not improve.

There were rumors that Francis I, Henry's father, had practically agreed to annul his son's marriage to Catherine.

Meanwhile, the cult of Diana flourished at court. Henry II adored his favorite until his death, when she was already 60. He even performed at tournaments under her flowers. The queen next to her is just a shadow. In order to somehow gain her husband’s favor after the birth of such long-awaited children, she gave them to Diana to raise. At court, Catherine completely dissolved in the politics that the king and his Diana were engaged in. Perhaps, if this had happened in Russia, she would have ended her days in a monastery.


But during the life of Henry II, Catherine remained with her own path, in which she had no equal: she was the main trendsetter in all of Europe. The entire aristocracy of France listened to her taste.

It was to her that the fair sex of Europe owed subsequent fainting spells - she set a limit for the waist - 33 cm, which was achieved with the help of a corset.

She also brought with her from Italy heels that concealed the shortcomings of her short stature.

Ice cream came with it to France. It first appeared at her wedding, which lasted 34 days. Italian chefs served a new dish every day, a new variety of these “ice pieces.” And after that, their French colleagues mastered this dish. Thus, the first thing that Catherine de Medici brought to France became the only thing that took hold there. The dowry was quickly squandered, all her political contributions led only to the fall of Valois, but the ice cream remained.

Nostradamus is a favorite

The position of shadow with the king's favorite did not suit Catherine. She did not give free rein to her emotions and patiently endured all the insults of the court, but universal contempt only fueled her vanity. She wanted her husband's love and power. To do this, Catherine needed to solve the most important problem - to give birth to an heir for the king. And she resorted to an unconventional path.

Even as a child, when she studied at a monastery in Siena, Catherine became interested in astrology and magic.

One of the main confidants of the French queen was the predictor Nostradamus.

Contemporaries said that it was he who cured her of infertility. It must be said that the traditional folk methods that she used were very extravagant - she had to drink a tincture of mule urine, wear cow pus and fragments of deer antlers on her stomach. Some of it worked.

From 1544 to 1556 she continuously gave birth to children. In 12 years she gave birth to ten children. Just a fantastic result.

Francis, Elizabeth, Claude, Louis, Charles Maximilian, Edward Alexander, who would later be Henry III, Margaret, Hercule, the last adored son, and in 1556 the twins Victoria and Jeanne, but the latter died right in the womb.

The name of Nostradamus is also associated with the most important prediction in Catherine’s life. Historian Natalya Basovskaya says that once the queen came to him with the question “How long will her sons rule?” He sat her down by the mirror and began to spin a wheel. According to Francis the Young, the wheel turned once, he really ruled for less than a year; according to Charles the Ninth, the wheel turned 14 times, he ruled for 14 years; according to Henry the Third, 15, and he ruled for 15.

In the family

On July 10, 1559, Henry II died due to wounds received at the tournament. The enemy's spear slid across his helmet and pierced his eye, leaving a splinter in his brain. Catherine de Medici put on her famous black mourning, made herself a symbolic emblem of a broken spear and prepared to fight her way through her children to power. She succeeded - she achieved the status of “governess of France” under her sons. Her second heir, Charles IX, solemnly declared right at the coronation that he would rule together with his mother. By the way, his last words were also: “Oh, mom.”

The courtiers were not mistaken when they called Catherine “uneducated.” Her contemporary Jean Bodin subtly noted: “the most terrible danger is the intellectual unsuitability of the sovereign.”

Catherine de Medici could be anyone - a cunning intriguer, an insidious poisoner, but she was far from understanding all the intricacies of domestic and international relations.

For example, her famous confederation in Poissy, when she organized a meeting of Catholics and Calvinists in order to reconcile the two faiths. She sincerely believed that all the problems of the world could be resolved through emotional negotiations, so to speak, “within the family circle.” According to historians, she could not even understand the true meaning of the speech of Calvin’s close associate, who stated that eating bread and wine during communion is only a remembrance of the sacrifice of Christ. A terrible blow to Catholic worship. And Catherine, who had never been particularly fanatical, only watched in amazement as the conflict flared up. All that was clear to her was that for some reason her plan was not working out.

Her entire policy, despite Catherine’s terrible reputation, was painfully naive. As historians say, she was not a ruler, but a woman on the throne. Its main weapon was dynastic marriages, none of which were successful. She married Charles IX to the daughter of Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg, and sent her daughter Elizabeth to Philip II, a Catholic fanatic who ruined the latter’s life, but did not bring any benefit to France and Valois. She wooed her youngest son to Elizabeth I of England, the main enemy of the same Philip. Catherine de Medici believed that dynastic marriages were the solution to all problems. She wrote to Philip: “Start arranging marriages for children, and this will make it easier to resolve the religious issue.” Catherine intended to reconcile the two conflicting faiths with one wedding of her Catholic daughter Margaret with the Huguenot Henry of Navarre. And then, immediately after the wedding, she carried out a massacre of the Huguenots invited to the celebration, declaring them in a conspiracy against the king. It is not surprising that after such steps the Valois dynasty sank into oblivion along with its only surviving son, Henry III, and France fell into the nightmare of the Civil War.

Crown of thorns?

So, how should you treat Catherine de Medici? Was she unhappy? Undoubtedly. An orphan, an abandoned wife, a humiliated “merchant’s wife” at court, a mother who outlived almost all her children. An energetic, always-busy queen mother whose political activities were, for the most part, meaningless. At her combat post, she traveled and traveled around France until ill health overtook her in Blois, where she died during her next visit.

Her “loyal subjects” did not leave her alone even after her death. When her remains were taken to Paris to be buried in Saint-Denis, the city's citizens promised to throw her body into the Seine if the coffin appeared at the city gates.

After a long time, the urn with the ashes was moved to Saint-Denis, but there was no place next to the husband, just as during his lifetime. The urn was buried aside.

Recently, historian Gulchuk Nelya published a book called “The Crown of Thorns of Catherine de Medici.” She, of course, had a crown, but can it be compared to a crown of thorns? An unhappy life does not justify her methods - “everything for the sake of power.” It was not fate, but her terrible but naive policy that destroyed in one generation the prosperous Valois dynasty, as it was under her father-in-law Francis I.


(b. 1518 – d. 1589)

The great French ruler, wife of Henry II, who played one of the leading roles on the “European stage” for 28 years.

A selfish power-lover, a cruel murderer, an ambitious hypocrite, a cunning intriguer... History has bestowed such epithets on Catherine de Medici. But no one can deny her the right to be one of the most famous rulers of Europe and one of the most famous women. Fate from childhood determined her character and behavior. The desire to survive at any cost and reign became the meaning of her life.

Catherine, the grandniece of Pope Leo X, Giulio de' Medici, was left an orphan 15 days after her birth on April 13, 1518. Her mother, Madeleine de La Tour d'Auvergne, Countess of Boulogne, died in childbirth fever, and after her father, Lorenzo II de' Medici, Duke of Urbino. Her noble origin made the “pretty, plump” baby a hostage of dynastic and state games. The famous poet Ariosto compared it to the last twig with a few leaves left from a powerful family in the midst of unrest in Florence. Surrounded by luxury and care first from her grandmother, Alfonsina Orsini, and then from her uncle, the Duke of Albany, the wealthy heiress in 1525 became a hostage of political intrigues against the Medici family. Clement VII freed the girl and, in order to protect her life, actually imprisoned the Murate (or Walled Ones) in the monastery of the Benedictines. The nuns were sympathetic to the soft and friendly girl, but she lacked the love of her loved ones.

During the siege of Florence, the nine-year-old duchess was threatened either to be placed in a brothel, or to be exposed naked on the fortress wall to face bullets. Under the guise of a nun, Catherine was secretly taken to Rome. For two years she lived in the magnificent Ladies' Palace. The splendor created by the genius of more than one generation of artists and architects shaped her refined artistic taste, and the rich Vatican library nurtured her intellect. The Medici realized early on that her feelings and desires would never mean anything: her mutual love for her cousin Hippolytus violated the “harmonious system” of Clement VII’s plans. The Dukes of Mantua, Urbino, and Milan claimed her hand and heart. The French king Francis I won, nominating his youngest son Henry. The bride and groom were only 13 years old, and the wedding was postponed until adulthood. But the contract was carefully drawn up and signed.

Catherine did not resist. Throughout the year, she learned the importance of official ceremonies and did not miss a single celebration. The wedding celebrations took place in Marseille on October 23, 1533 and lasted more than a month. The Vatican and the royal court of France competed in luxury and wealth. A gloomy boy, Henry of Orleans did not share his wife’s love. He gave preference to the brilliant 30-year-old beauty Diane de Poitiers, who raised him, and then to Anne d’Estampes. Catherine did not make a scene for her husband, although her pride suffered. And after four years of marriage, she had to experience the shame of adopting the illegitimate daughter of the Dauphin, while she could not get pregnant. For ten years she had to live in fear of getting a divorce, although the king, conquered by the grace and intelligence of his daughter-in-law, took her side.

Cheerfulness, flexibility and humility became the best defense for Catherine. She remained faithful to her flighty husband, although she attracted the gaze of men with her chiseled figure, lively eyes, and grace. In 1536, Henry of Orleans unexpectedly became heir as a result of the sudden death of his brother. There were rumors in the Louvre that the crime was planned by Catherine and carried out by Florentines loyal to her, but no evidence was found. The future queen continued to have fun, not forgetting to pray to God to grant her an heir. On January 19, 1544, she gave birth to her first son Francis, and then nine more children: Elizabeth, Claude, Charles Maximilian (the future Charles IX), Edward Alexander (Henry III), Margaret (the famous Queen Margot), Francois-Hercule, who took name of Francis (Duke of Alençon and Anjou). Three more died in infancy.

The appearance of an heir did not change anything in her position as Cinderella at court, who was “allowed to accept the caresses of her master and give birth to his children.” Even after the death of Francis I (1547), Diane de Poitiers ruled the country together with the king-lover. The queen's personal chambermaid was more powerful than herself. Sometimes both women united to repel the third, as in the case of Lady Fleming, who gave birth to a son with Henry. While the king was having fun or fighting, Catherine delved into state affairs and court intrigues and acquired supporters. She pursued one goal: without renouncing her rights in any way, to preserve the inheritance for her children, located on the territory of two countries. This developed responsibility and authority in her. She understood better than her husband how difficult it would be to do this in a state divided by hostility into two camps - Protestants and Catholics.

Superstitious Catherine always believed in predictions and omens and never did anything without consulting astrologers. In 1559, the prophecy of Nostradamus came true. On the eve of the wedding of Elizabeth's eldest daughter with the Spanish King Philip II, a knight's tournament took place, in which the king took part. Captain Montgomery's spear broke on Henry's helmet and pierced his eye. The doctors were unable to save the king’s life. Catherine did not take off her mourning clothes until the end of her life as a sign of deep sorrow for her husband. No one knew how great her grief was. But now that power was actually in her hands, she was going to take full advantage of it. And although her 16-year-old son Francis II took the throne, the Dowager Queen Mother actually led the state.

The main thing for Catherine was to preserve the Valois dynasty. “Come what may, I want to reign!” - this was more likely her motto than the words embossed on the coat of arms: “Light and peace.” The Medici inherited all the virtues and vices from their ancestors and pursued their goal by all legal and illegal means. Her life was filled with fear for her fate and her children. The “Magic Mirror” repeated Nostradamus’ prediction to Catherine that she would see all her sons on the throne. Francis II made only one circle around the hall in it (he died in 1560), Charles IX made 14 circles, Henry III - 15, the Duke of Guise “flashed like lightning and disappeared” and Henry of Navarre took his place. The queen tried, with the help of intrigue, appeasement, pitting opponents against each other, all sorts of intrigues, including poisons, bribery and murder of undesirables, to preserve the power of her sons, and therefore her own. All attempts were in vain.

The 28-year reign is best reflected in the epitaph given by the historian L'Etoile:

Here lies the queen - both devil and angel,

Worthy of blame and praise:

She supported the state - and it fell;

She made many agreements and created many disputes;

She gave the world three kings and five civil wars,

Built castles and destroyed cities,

She passed many good laws and bad edicts.

Wish her, Passerby, Hell and Heaven.

Her sons, and therefore her, had a “stormy” reign for France. Silent hostility between Catholics and Huguenots threatened to completely destroy the country. Catherine considered herself the savior of the throne, but her maneuvering between two parties and temporary concessions only caused discontent and ended in massacres and religious wars. The state treasury was completely depleted, the people were starving, and Catherine, leading the country out of one dead end, immediately found herself in another. Raised at the papal court, she, of course, was on the side of the Catholics, but, fearing the influence of the powerful de Guise family, she often took the side of the Protestants. Her “peacekeeping” policy did not suit either side. Maneuvering and pitting religious enemies against each other, the queen tried to strengthen her power. She partially succeeded: both Catholics and Huguenots respected her authority. Acting as regent under the young king Charles IX (1550–1574) and remaining simply the queen mother under Henry III (1551–1589), Catherine actually independently built the state policy of France.

Unlike her sons, the kings, she was active, energetic, and knew how to have fun and work. She loved children, but her love was also domineering. She could have been beaten for disobedience. And she always put the interests of the dynasty above their interests. The dynastic marriages that Catherine arranged did not bring happiness to any of the Valois clan. And Margarita’s wedding with King Henry of Navarre, whom she hated, ended with the terrible Night of St. Bartholomew. There were a lot of unpleasant rumors about the love affairs of the royal daughter. This did not particularly worry the queen (while leading a respectable lifestyle, she encouraged debauchery), until Margaret drew attention to Henry of Guise. For the Medici, letting the Guises into their family was tantamount to losing the throne. In order not to end his life from poison or a dagger, the young man quickly announced his marriage to Catherine of Kyiv and left Paris.

Of course, marriage with a Catholic would have been preferable, but Charles X, who temporarily fell under the influence of the Huguenot Coligny, sided with the Protestants. One scale tipped the scales, and Catherine decided, immediately after Margarita’s wedding to the Catholic Navarre, to kill all the Huguenot nobles who arrived for the celebration and were “compactly” located in and around the Louvre. The massacre began at 3 am on August 24, 1572, on the eve of the feast of St. Bartholomew. By 5 o’clock in the morning, the planned action was successfully completed, but received an unexpected continuation for the queen: the Parisian poor “cut the throat” of everyone for three more days, without asking their religion, robbing and committing outrages. An “epidemic” of cruelty spread throughout the kingdom: between 20 and 30 thousand people were killed.

Before Catherine had time to “restore” the world and send her son Henry to rule Poland, the time allotted by the “mirror” to Francis II expired. The Queen Mother did not want to give the throne to the ambitious and always dissatisfied Duke of Alençon and Anjou. She saved it for her beloved son Henry, who, having decided to rule on his own, made one mistake after another. It came to war between siblings, not to mention the King of Navarre. Henry III tried to show his power, Catherine hurried to correct his mistakes, using her authority and the state treasury. For a year and a half, the 60-year-old queen traveled around the country trying to resolve problems and save the Valois family. She was wasting her strength. By 1585, only Margaret of Navarre and Henry III, who hated each other, remained alive.

The power of the Valois was undermined by the Gizas, they formed the fanatical Holy League. Aged and suffering from numerous illnesses, the queen could not save the authority of her son, who either indulged in excessive pleasures or fell into depression and extreme religiosity. During the fifth civil war, which occurred during her reign, Catherine took on the duties of a military quartermaster; during the siege of Paris, she monitored the construction of fortifications and organized reconnaissance. In May 1588, the royal government was overthrown, Henry III fled in fear, leaving his mother and his wife hostage at the Guises. The Queen managed to maintain her dignity during the negotiations. She painfully experienced the resignation of the government that she herself created, the shame of her son, who, although he remained on the throne, was not a king in the full sense of the word.

On December 15, 1588, Catherine fell ill with severe pneumonia. Finally, the son “pleased” his mother with the insidious and brutal murder of the Duke of Guise. She realized that the Valois dynasty had lost its kingdom. On January 5, 1589, the queen, who for 28 years, saving her family, managed to preserve the unity of the nation, died. The poor whispered: “We no longer have a Queen Mother to give us peace.”

Years passed. “Good” kings replaced themselves on the throne, and the personality of Catherine de Medici became overgrown with ominous details: poisoning, witchcraft, murders of undesirables. Many have forgotten that, according to contemporaries, under her black clothes was hidden an attractive, life-loving woman, with an extraordinary character and cheerful temperament, with graceful manners and a strict mind. She enjoyed organizing festivals and building palaces (Tuileries, Soissons Hotel), laid out beautiful parks and read a lot, easily understanding drawings and estimates. Her personal library consisted of 4,500 volumes, and the queen’s court had “full-time” poets and artists. Catherine patronized the arts, instilled grace of manners in her courtiers, and the royal court under her became famous throughout Europe. The history of her reign is part of the history of France.

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From the book Book 1. Western myth [“Ancient” Rome and the “German” Habsburgs are reflections of the Russian-Horde history of the 14th–17th centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in cult author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

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2. Catherine de Medici and the policy of moderation. The personality of Catherine de Medici leaves an imprint on an entire historical period. Mother of nine children, three of whom became kings, wife rejected by her husband infatuated with Diana de Poitiers, deprived of the influence of the Guises, widow of Henry II

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Catherine de Medici The most ruthless ruler of her century, the great poisoner, the Black Queen... Epithets like these are often awarded to Catherine de Medici. The real Catherine is not like this portrait, painted with large strokes and extremely dark

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Catherine de Medici (b. 1518 - d. 1589) The great French ruler, Henry’s wife, who played one of the leading roles on the “European stage” for 28 years. A selfish power-lover, a cruel killer, an ambitious hypocrite, a cunning intriguer... Such

Another Catherine of the Medici family...

The idea for such a post matured a long time ago - when I saw in one LiveJournal message a fairly well-known costume historian in his circles, among others, this portrait:

Under the portrait with the attribution “Catherine de Medici and her brother Francesco,” a rather lively discussion broke out about how much the features of the future ruler of France were already visible in this girl, how similar she was to herself in adulthood, etc. Moreover, what struck me most was that the author of the post himself also participated in these discussions. While I was thinking about whether I wanted to intervene, someone came and said that, guys, wake up and open your eyes - this is not the same Catherine de Medici, and she didn’t and couldn’t have had any brothers. All this together, once again, brought me to a sad thought about the intuitive distrust of specialists who study anything “from antiquity to the present day.” For, even if you close your eyes to the brother who came from nowhere, then the level of painting of this portrait, and the costume on the girl, everything simply screams that this is the beginning of the 17th century, and not the beginning of the 16th, especially for a specialist in the history of costume. Everyone is human, and everyone can make mistakes, but this is one of those gross mistakes that a specialist, who also gives public lectures in Moscow, cannot afford.

Of course, this is not the first and not the last mistake of this kind, even if we take only this costume historian, so I would like to repeat for the umpteenth time - there is no need to study anything “from antiquity to the present day,” and most importantly, in isolation from “big history” and numerous auxiliary disciplines - the approach must still be comprehensive, interdisciplinary, and genealogy, my dears, is our everything. It is not for nothing that in all countries, in all schools, at the beginning of the 20th century, it was a compulsory discipline, even in a very truncated form, like the history of the ruling dynasty.

But let's return to our Catherine de Medici. So who is depicted in this wonderful portrait?

Catherine Romola de' Medici, Queen of France

I think that I will not reveal a great secret if I say that Queen Mother Catherine of the Medici family was not happy with her children. The eldest son, Francis II, named after his famous grandfather, King Francis I, was entirely under the influence of the Guise brothers, whom Catherine did not like, considered upstarts, but with whom she was forced to reckon. Due to the fact that Francis was married to the Guises' niece, Queen Mary Stuart of Scotland, whom he adored since childhood, their power was stronger than that of their mother, despite the fact that Catherine was formally the regent. But, I repeat several times, all of Catherine’s children both loved and, at the same time, feared her, and always expressed deep respect and reverence for her. Francis, as is known, died shortly before his 17th birthday, leaving no heirs.

Francis II, King of France, eldest son of Catherine de' Medici
Mary Stuart, Queen of France and Scotland, wife of Francis II

Catherine's second child was a girl who was named Elizabeth. In my purely subjective opinion, it was Elizabeth, and not Margot, who was the most beautiful princess of the house of Valois. Just like Margarita, Elizabeth inherited black hair and brown eyes from her mother, and was distinguished by tact, sophistication, grace and impeccable artistic taste.

Isabella de Valois, Queen of Spain

At the age of 14 she was married to King Philip II of Spain and remained in history under the Spanish name Isabella de Valois. Catherine sincerely admired her daughter, and due to the fact that their relationship was close and warm, Catherine had very high political hopes for Isabella, believing that she, with her beauty, gentleness and high intelligence, would be able to influence the tough policies that Spain led towards the French Huguenots, forcing Catherine to act rashly and belligerently. But Isabella, having seen enough in her childhood of, to put it mildly, an extremely peculiar marriage of her parents - the power of the favorite and the tears of her mother, was immensely grateful to Philip for the respect and understanding that he showed her from the very first days of her marriage. An absolutely political union turned into a union of love, and, to Catherine’s great chagrin, Isabella gently but unconditionally made it clear to her that she would always and in everything share her husband’s views. The meeting of Isabella and Catherine 8 years later was a shock for the Queen Mother, and she bitterly complained to those close to her that “her daughter had become completely Spanish.” Six months after this meeting, Isabella died while trying to give Philip an heir to the throne.

Philip II, King of Spain, husband of Isabella de Valois, eldest daughter of Catherine de' Medici

After the death of Francis II, his younger brother Charles IX, who was 10 years old at that time, ascended the throne of France. Catherine, who was already anticipating unlimited power, as far as was possible under those conditions, was disappointed both in her hopes and in her second son. Of course, the weak, and in many matters weak-willed king, despite all the respect, did not trust his mother, did not dare to openly resist her decisions, but loved to do everything his own way behind her back. Despite the real power in her hands, Catherine's political position was very difficult. France was torn apart from within by religious wars; in its foreign policy, Philip II of Spain reproached it for being too lenient towards heretics (Huguenots), of whom there were almost more Catholics in France at that time, and this, on the other hand, threatened the throne.

Charles IX, King of France, third son of Catherine de Medici.

The behavior of the suspicious Charles, who either brought Catholics or Huguenots led by Coligny closer to him, did not make Catherine’s task of stabilizing the situation in the country easier. In an effort to gain outside support, Catherine, as a true monarch of the Renaissance, preferred the policy of dynastic marriages. Having married her eldest daughter, Elizabeth of Valois, to the King of Spain, she chose the daughter of Emperor Maximilian II, Elizabeth of Austria, for Charles. The choice was successful - one of the most beautiful princesses of the time, soft and gentle Elizabeth adored her husband, but Charles almost openly preferred the company of Marie Touchet, with whom he had a son. Thus, this marriage union did not live up to the Queen Mother’s hopes. Karl died of lung disease a week before his 24th birthday.

Elizabeth of Austria, wife of Charles IX.

Marie Touchet, favorite of Charles IX.

The next king to ascend the throne of France was Catherine's favorite son. It is very difficult to write about Henry III - he was such a controversial personality - not a single historian can give him at least an unambiguous portrait, and the task of this post does not include assessing his personality. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to the emotions of Queen Mother Catherine.

Henry III, the last king of the Valois family.

She was always admired by Henry's mind, comparable to hers, which was a good century ahead of his time, she highly appreciated his elegant manners, although some then believed that such manners were excusable only for sophisticated ladies, but there was a flip side to all this: managing Henry , how she managed his older brothers, Catherine could not. And she voluntarily submitted to this. She set herself a goal: to serve the interests of her son and, in particular, to achieve peace in the south of the country. She travels a lot, negotiates, trying to do everything so that nothing threatens her Henry’s throne. And her biggest disappointment was the discovery of the fact that Henry, despite all his outward respect, took all of Catherine’s efforts for granted, practically did not take her opinion and experience into account, and most often acted as it was convenient for him, and not as was necessary which will ultimately lead to his death. The first in a series of similar actions was his marriage, by his own choice, to the Guizov’s niece, Louise de Vaudemont. He took revenge on his mother for not allowing him to marry his greatest love, Maria of Cleves. And the last was the order to kill the Duke of Guise, which turned into the murder of the king. Fortunately, Catherine did not live to see this moment.

Louise (Luis) de Vaudemont of Lorraine, wife of Henry III. Mary of Cleves, passionate love of Henry III.

The behavior of the younger children never brought anything but irritation and grief to Catherine. François, Duke of Alençon, spent his entire life scheming against his brothers. In an effort to channel his energy and cunning in the right direction, Catherine, following her logic of dynastic marriages, wooed him to England as a consort for Queen Elizabeth. Nothing came of this venture, despite the fact that, to the great surprise of modern historians, Elizabeth highly appreciated the sophisticated Prince Valois, even despite the nickname “little frog” that she gave him. In any case, when Francois died, mourning was declared at the English court, and the ambassadors noted with surprise the tears in Elizabeth's eyes.

Francois, Duke of Alençon

Catherine’s attitude towards Margot, the youngest of her daughters, is generally well known to everyone from the unforgettable series “Queen Margot”, however, the reality was much worse - Catherine and Henry had to lock Margot in isolation in the castle, “until she somehow “I didn’t disgrace you,” said the Queen Mother, and ultimately, Catherine stopped calling her daughter by name and crossed her out of her will.

Magarita (Margot) de Valois

Looking at this whole, to put it mildly, bleak picture, some of the Queen Mother’s actions become much clearer. And yet, in this dark kingdom there was a ray of living light - Catherine had an outlet among her children in the form of her middle daughter - Clotilde or Claude, as she was commonly called.

Claude (Clotilde) de Valois - beloved daughter of Catherine de Medici

Claude de Valois was not a beauty - she had a hump and she limped, but in her softness and tact she resembled her older sister Elizabeth, and, out of political necessity, Catherine sacrificed her - at the age of 11, Claude of France was married to Duke Charles of Lorraine III. To the great surprise of the French court, the marriage turned out to be successful and based on mutual respect and trust. Claude gave birth to 9 children and died of complications at age 27. Catherine's grief was simply enormous. And she focused all her unspent feelings of love on her eldest granddaughter - daughter Claude Christina of Lorraine.

Christina of Lorraine, eldest granddaughter of Catherine de' Medici.

Christina was quite beautiful and had a purely French charm. A girl lived and was raised at her grandmother’s court in Paris. The last thing Catherine managed to do in her life was to find a good match for her beloved granddaughter. Just at this time in Florence, under very mysterious and dramatic circumstances, the Grand Duke of Tuscany and a very distant relative of Catherine, Francesco de' Medici and his second wife Bianca Capello, died of poison. Francesco's younger brother Ferdinand de' Medici ascends to the throne of Florence. The marriage was beneficial to both parties, and in April 1589 Christina de Lorraine arrived in Florence. Ferdinand was one of the best Grand Dukes of the Medici family. He was loved, the duchy prospered, Christina was happily married, and she named her second girl, born in 1593, in honor of her beloved grandmother, to whom she was very grateful - Catherine de Medici. It is this girl - another Catherine from the Medici family - who is depicted in the famous portrait with which we began our story.)

Portrait of Catherine de' Medici and her father Fancesco, Cristofano Alloi, 1598 Catherine de Medici the Younger in a wedding dress.)) 25 September 2011, 15:49

Catherine's parents - Lorenzo II, di Piero, de' Medici, Duke of Urbino (September 12, 1492 - May 4, 1519) and Madeleine de la Tour, Countess of Auvergne (c. 1500 - April 28, 1519) were married as a sign of the alliance between King Francis I of France and by Pope Leo X, Lorenzo's uncle, against Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg. The young couple was very happy about the birth of their daughter; according to the chronicler, they “were as pleased as if it were a son.” But, unfortunately, their joy was not destined to last long: Catherine’s parents died in the first month of her life - her mother on the 15th day after giving birth (at the age of nineteen), and her father survived his wife by only six days, leaving the newborn as an inheritance Duchy of Urbino and County of Auvergne. After this, the newborn was cared for by her grandmother Alfonsina Orsini until her death in 1520. Catherine was raised by her aunt, Clarissa Strozzi, along with her children, whom Catherine loved as siblings all her life. One of them, Pietro Strozzi, rose to the rank of marshal's baton in the French service. The death of Pope Leo X in 1521 led to a break in Medici power on the Holy See until Cardinal Giulio de' Medici became Clement VII in 1523. In 1527, the Medici in Florence were overthrown, and Catherine became a hostage - she was imprisoned in a monastery. Clement was forced to recognize and crown Charles of Habsburg as Holy Roman Emperor in exchange for his help in recapturing Florence and freeing the young duchess. Pope Clement VII In October 1529, the troops of Charles V besieged Florence. During the siege, there were calls and threats to kill Catherine. There were other ideas regarding the fate of Catherine: they proposed placing the girl on the wall between two battlements under artillery fire, or giving her to the soldiers to be mocked. Although the city resisted the siege, on August 12, 1530, famine and plague forced Florence to surrender. Clement met Catherine in Rome with tears in his eyes. It was then that he began to search for a groom for her, considering many options, but when in 1531 the French king Francis I proposed the candidacy of his second son Henry, Clement immediately jumped at the chance: the young Duke of Orleans was the most profitable match for his niece Catherine . Fourteen-year-old Catherine, leaving Florence on September 1, 1533, said goodbye to Italy forever. Catherine could not be called beautiful. At the time of her arrival in Rome, one Venetian ambassador described her as "red-haired, short and thin, but with expressive eyes" - a typical appearance of the Medici family. But Catherine was able to impress the sophisticated French court, spoiled by luxury, by turning to the help of one of the most famous Florentine craftsmen, who made high-heeled shoes for the young bride. Her appearance at the French court caused a sensation. The wedding, which took place in Marseilles on October 28, 1533, was a major event marked by extravagance and the distribution of gifts. Europe has not seen such a gathering of the highest clergy for a long time. Pope Clement VII himself attended the ceremony, accompanied by many cardinals. “The wedding of Henry Valois and Catherine lasted thirty-four days,” Honore de Balzac said about the events of distant times. “...The Pope demanded that both of these teenagers become actually husband and wife on the very day of the celebration - he was so afraid of the various tricks and tricks that were in use at that time.” He wanted to make sure that the union was now indissoluble and Francis I could not refer to “non-consummation of marriage” in order to return Catherine to him. However, the king himself announced his decision to be present at the wedding night of the young newlyweds - this fact is confirmed by several testimonies. After the wedding, 34 days of continuous feasts and balls followed. At the wedding feast, Italian chefs first introduced the French court to a new dessert made from fruit and ice - this was the first ice cream.
On September 25, 1534, Clement VII died unexpectedly. Paul III, who replaced him, dissolved the alliance with France and refused to pay Catherine's dowry. Catherine's political value suddenly disappeared, thereby worsening her position in an unfamiliar country. King Francis complained that “the girl came to me completely naked.” Catherine, born in merchant Florence, where her parents were not concerned with giving their offspring a comprehensive education, had a very difficult time at the sophisticated French court. She felt like an ignorant person who did not know how to elegantly construct phrases and made many mistakes in her letters. We must not forget that French was not her native language, she spoke with an accent, and although she spoke quite clearly, the ladies of the court contemptuously pretended that they did not understand her well. Catherine was isolated from society and suffered from loneliness and hostility from the French, who arrogantly called her “Italian” and “merchant’s wife.” In 1536, the eighteen-year-old Dauphin Francis unexpectedly died and Catherine's husband became heir to the French throne. Now Catherine had to worry about the future of the throne. The death of his brother-in-law marked the beginning of speculation about the involvement of the Florentine woman in his poisoning for the quick accession of “Catherine the Poisoner” to the French throne: the heir, who drank a glass of ice water in Lyon after a game of ball, suddenly died. According to the official version, the Dauphin died of a cold; nevertheless, the courtier, the Italian Count of Montecuccoli, who gave him a cup of cold water, inflamed by gambling, was executed. The birth of an illegitimate child to her husband in 1537 confirmed rumors about Catherine’s infertility. Many advised the king to annul the marriage. Under pressure from her husband, who wanted to consolidate her position with the birth of an heir, Catherine was treated for a long time and in vain by various magicians and healers with one single goal - to get pregnant. Every possible means was used to ensure successful conception, including drinking mule urine and wearing cow dung and deer antlers on the lower abdomen. Finally, on January 20, 1544, Catherine gave birth to a son. The boy was named Francis in honor of his grandfather, the reigning king (he even shed tears of happiness when he learned about this). After her first pregnancy, Catherine seemed to no longer have problems conceiving. With the birth of several more heirs, Catherine strengthened her position at the French court. The long-term future of the Valois dynasty seemed assured. The sudden miraculous cure for infertility is associated with the famous doctor, alchemist, astrologer and fortuneteller Michel Nostradamus, one of the few members of Catherine’s close circle of confidants. Heinrich often played with children and was even present at their births. In 1556, during her next birth, surgeons saved Catherine from death by breaking off the legs of one of the twins, Jeanne, who lay dead in her mother’s womb for six hours. However, the second girl, Victoria, was destined to live only six weeks. In connection with this birth, which was very difficult and almost caused the death of Catherine, doctors advised the royal couple not to think about having new children anymore; after this advice, Henry stopped visiting his wife's bedroom, spending all his free time with his favorite Diane de Poitiers Diane de Poitiers Back in 1538, the thirty-nine-year-old beautiful widow Diana captivated the nineteen-year-old heir to the throne, Henry of Orleans, which over time allowed her to become an extremely influential person, as well as (in the opinion of many) the true ruler of the state. In 1547, Henry spent a third of every day with Diana. Having become king, he gave his beloved the castle of Chenonceau. When King Francis I died and Henry II ascended the throne, it was not Catherine de Medici, his wife, who became the real queen, but Diana. Even at the coronation, she took an honorable public place, while Catherine was on a distant podium. This showed everyone that Diana had completely taken the place of Catherine, who, in turn, was forced to endure her husband’s beloved. She, like a real Medici, even managed to overcome herself, humble her pride, and win over her husband’s influential favorite. Diana was very pleased that Henry was married to a woman who preferred not to interfere and turned a blind eye to everything. Having become a faithful knight of Diana, Henry wore the colors of the mistress of his heart: white and black, until his very last breath and decorated his rings and clothes with the double monogram “DH” (Diana - Henry). On March 31, 1547, Francis I died and Henry II ascended the throne. Catherine became Queen of France. The coronation took place in the Basilica of Saint-Denis in June 1549. During the reign of her husband, Catherine had only minimal influence on the administration of the kingdom. Even in Henry's absence, her power was very limited. In early April 1559, Henry II signed the peace treaty of Cateau-Cambresis, ending the long wars between France, Italy and England. The agreement was strengthened by the engagement of Catherine and Henry's fourteen-year-old daughter, Princess Elizabeth, to thirty-two-year-old Philip II of Spain. Defying the predictions of the astrologer Luca Gorico and Nostradamus, who advised him to abstain from tournaments, Henry decided to participate in the competition. On June 30 or July 1, 1559, he fought in a duel with the lieutenant of his Scots guard, Earl Gabriel de Montgomery. Montgomery's split spear passed through the slot of the king's helmet. Through Henry's eye, the tree entered the brain, mortally wounding the monarch. The king was taken to the castle de Tournel, where the remaining fragments of the ill-fated spear were removed from his face. The best doctors in the kingdom fought for Henry's life. Catherine was at her husband's bedside all the time, and Diana did not appear, probably for fear of being sent away by the queen. From time to time, Henry even felt well enough to dictate letters and listen to music, but soon he became blind and lost his speech. Diana was removed during the agony of Henry II. She was forced to return the Crown Jewels in accordance with the inventory. The Duchess was frightened: she asked Catherine's forgiveness and handed her her property and her life. The Queen Mother was generous. She limited herself to forbidding Diana and one of her daughters, the Duchess de Bouillon, from coming to court; but not the other - to the Duchess d'Aumale - the daughter-in-law of the Duke of Guise. Perhaps, in order to preserve the inheritance of the Duke d'Aumale, the Guises did not confiscate her fortune from Diana, as she herself once did in relation to the Duchess d'Etampes. Catherine was content with which forced the former favorite to sell Chenonceau to her, giving her her possession of Chaumont in return. Everyone was surprised by the queen’s generosity: her jealousy and contempt for Diana during her husband’s lifetime were well known. Catherine waited, she feared the influence of Diana’s powerful family alliances. Therefore, she limited herself to the resignation of the duchess and her supporters: thus, the keeper of the seals, Cardinal Jean Bertrand, was forced to give up his place to Chancellor Olivier. Later, the queen would be able to express her contempt: going to the siege of Rouen in September 1562, she would pass by Anet and “not see Madame de Valentinois and not will enter her house." Henry II died on July 10, 1559. From that day on, Catherine chose as her emblem a broken spear with the inscription “Lacrymae hinc, hinc dolor” (“from this all my tears and my pain”) and until the end of her days she wore black clothes as a sign of mourning. She was the first to wear black mourning. Before this, in medieval France, mourning was white. Despite everything, Catherine adored her husband. “I loved him so much...” she wrote to her daughter Elizabeth after Henry’s death. Catherine de Medici mourned for her husband for thirty years and went down in French history under the name “The Black Queen.” Her eldest son, fifteen-year-old Francis II, became the King of France. Catherine took up state affairs, made political decisions, and exercised control over the Royal Council. However, Catherine never ruled the entire country, which was in chaos and on the brink of civil war. Many parts of France were virtually dominated by local nobles. The complex tasks that Catherine faced were confusing and to some extent difficult for her to understand. She called on religious leaders on both sides to engage in dialogue to resolve their doctrinal differences. Despite her optimism, the "Conference of Poissy" ended in failure on October 13, 1561, dissolving itself without the queen's permission. Catherine's point of view on religious issues was naive because she saw the religious schism from a political perspective. “She underestimated the power of religious conviction, imagining that all would be well if only she could persuade both parties to agree.” “The king’s health is very uncertain,” the Tuscan ambassador reported to his court, “and Nostradamus, in his predictions for this month, says that the king’s death will occur before the new year.” And so it happened: on December 5, 1560, Francis II died. The death was blamed on the cupbearer, who allegedly mixed poison into the intoxicating drink. However, historians are still arguing about the reliability of this fact. But it is definitely established that even when Francis was the Dauphin (in 1555), an attempt was made to poison him. The scenario is traditional: a luxurious feast, a cupbearer... And if not for the healing talent of Nostradamus, Francis would have died as the Dauphin. Francis II died in Orleans shortly before his 17th birthday from a brain abscess caused by an ear infection. He had no children, and his 10-year-old brother Charles IX ascended the throne. Catherine declared herself regent: the new king, Charles IX, was only ten years old. This sullen and cruel teenager had a morbid addiction to blood - he killed animals for his own pleasure, cut the throats of his dogs, and strangled birds. He was never able to govern the state on his own and showed minimal interest in state affairs. Karl was also prone to hysterics, which over time turned into outbursts of rage. He suffered from shortness of breath - a sign of tuberculosis, which ultimately brought him to the grave. Arrogant, contemptuous and sickly, Karl grew into an intolerable tyrant. His relationship with his mother left much to be desired, although he could not yet do without her advice. Repeated attempts to poison this monarch, some authors note, ended in nothing. Charles reigned for fourteen years (all this time Nostradamus was listed as the court physician) and died in 1574. Through dynastic marriages, Catherine sought to expand and strengthen the interests of the House of Valois. In 1570, Charles was married to the daughter of Emperor Maximilian II, Elizabeth. Catherine tried to marry one of her younger sons to Elizabeth of England. She did not forget about her youngest daughter Margarita, whom she saw as the bride of the again widowed Philip II of Spain. However, soon Catherine had plans to unite the Bourbons and Valois through the marriage of Margaret and Henry of Navarre. Margaret, however, encouraged the attention of Henry of Guise, son of the late Duke François of Guise. When Catherine and Karl found out about this, Margarita received a good thrashing. The escaped Henry of Guise hastily married Catherine of Cleves, which restored the favor of the French court towards him. Perhaps it was this incident that caused the split between Catherine and Giza. Between 1571 and 1573, Catherine persistently tried to win over the mother of Henry of Navarre, Queen Jeanne. When, in another letter, Catherine expressed a desire to see her children, while promising not to harm them, Jeanne d'Albret replied: “Forgive me if, reading this, I want to laugh, because you want to free me from a fear that I never had. I never thought that, as they say, you eat small children.” Ultimately, Joan agreed to a marriage between her son Henry and Margaret, with the condition that Henry would continue to adhere to the Huguenot faith. Shortly after arriving in Paris to prepare for the wedding, forty-four-year-old Jeanne fell ill and died. The Huguenots were quick to accuse Catherine of killing Jeanne with poisoned gloves. The wedding of Henry of Navarre and Margaret of Valois took place on August 18, 1572 at Notre Dame Cathedral.
Three days later, one of the Huguenot leaders, Admiral Gaspard Coligny, on his way from the Louvre, was wounded in the arm by a shot from the window of a nearby building. The smoking arch was left in the window, but the shooter managed to escape. Coligny was carried to his apartment, where surgeon Ambroise Paré removed the bullet from his elbow and amputated one of his fingers. Catherine was said to have reacted to this incident without emotion. She visited Coligny and tearfully promised to find and punish her attacker. Many historians blamed Catherine for the attack on Coligny. Others point to the de Guise family or to a Spanish-papal conspiracy that tried to end Coligny's influence over the king. The name of Catherine de Medici is associated with one of the bloodiest events in the history of France - St. Bartholomew's Night. The massacre, which began two days later, tarnished Catherine's reputation indelibly. There is no doubt that she was behind the decision on August 23, when Charles IX ordered: “Then kill them all, kill them all!” The train of thought was clear, Catherine and her Italian advisers (Albert de Gondi, Lodovico Gonzaga, Marquis de Villars) expected a Huguenot uprising after the assassination attempt on Coligny, so they decided to strike first and destroy the Huguenot leaders who came to Paris for the wedding of Margaret of Valois and Henry of Navarre . The St. Bartholomew massacre began in the first hours of August 24, 1572. The king's guards burst into Coligny's bedroom, killed him and threw his body out of the window. At the same time, the sound of the church bell was a conventional sign for the beginning of the murders of the Huguenot leaders, most of whom died in their own beds. The king's newly minted son-in-law, Henry of Navarre, was faced with a choice between death, life imprisonment and conversion to Catholicism. He decided to become a Catholic, after which he was asked to stay in the room for his own safety. All the Huguenots inside and outside the Louvre were killed, and those who managed to escape into the street were shot by the royal riflemen who were waiting for them. The Parisian massacre continued for almost a week, spreading across many provinces of France, where indiscriminate killings continued. According to historian Jules Michelet, "Bartholomew's Night was not a night, but a whole season." This massacre delighted Catholic Europe, and Catherine enjoyed the praise. On September 29, when Henry of Bourbon knelt before the altar like a good Catholic, she turned to the ambassadors and laughed. From this time on, the “black legend” of Catherine, the evil Italian queen, began. An interesting point: Karl once publicly accused his mother of being to blame for organizing St. Bartholomew’s Night, and, moreover, declared that he would now rule himself without her help. The scandal ended with a dinner with reconciliation, but it was after this dinner that Karl finally fell ill and fell ill. With the death of twenty-three-year-old Charles IX, Catherine faced a new crisis. The dying words of Catherine's dying son were: “Oh, my mother...” The day before his death, he appointed his mother as regent, since his brother, the heir to the French throne, the Duke of Anjou, was in Poland, becoming its king. In her letter to Henry, Catherine wrote: “I am heartbroken... My only consolation is to see you here soon, as your kingdom requires and in good health, because if I lose you too, I will bury myself alive with you.” Henry was Catherine's beloved son. Unlike his brothers, he took the throne at an adult age. He was also the healthiest of all, although he also had weak lungs and suffered from constant fatigue. Catherine could not control Henry the way she did with Francis and Charles. Her role during Henry's reign was that of a state executive and traveling diplomat. In addition, there were persistent rumors that Heinrich did not let a single handsome young man through, and this plunged his mother into despair. During the reign of Henry III, civil wars in France often descended into anarchy, maintained by the struggle for power between the high nobility of France on the one hand and the clergy on the other. A new destabilizing component in the kingdom was the youngest son of Catherine de Medici - Francois, Duke of Alençon. He plotted to seize the throne while Henry was in Poland and later continued to disturb the peace in the kingdom, using every opportunity. The brothers hated each other. Since Henry had no children, Francois was the legal heir to the throne. One day, Catherine had to lecture him for six hours about his, Francois, behavior. But the ambitions of the Duke of Alençon (later of Anjou) brought him closer to misfortune. His ill-equipped campaign in the Netherlands in January 1583 ended with the destruction of his army in Antwerp. Antwerp marked the end of François's military career. Catherine de Medici wrote in a letter to him: “... it would have been better for you to die in your youth. Then you would not have caused the death of so many brave noble people.” Another blow befell him when Elizabeth I officially broke off her engagement to him after the Antwerp massacre. On June 10, 1584, François died of exhaustion after failures in the Netherlands. The day after her son’s death, Catherine wrote: “I am so unhappy, living long enough, seeing so many people die before me, although I understand that God’s desire must be obeyed, that He owns everything and what He lends us only so far.” as long as He loves the children He gives us.” The death of Catherine's youngest son was a real disaster for her dynastic plans. Henry III had no children, and it seemed unlikely that he would ever have any. According to the Salic Law, the former Huguenot Henry of Bourbon, King of Navarre, became the heir to the French crown. The behavior of Catherine's youngest daughter, Marguerite de Valois, annoyed her mother just as much as Francois's behavior. One day in 1575, Catherine yelled at Margarita because of rumors that she had a lover. Another time, the king even sent people to kill Marguerite de Bussy’s lover (a friend of François Alençon), but he managed to escape. In 1576, Henry accused Margaret of having an inappropriate relationship with a lady of the court. Later, in her memoirs, Margarita claimed that if it were not for Catherine’s help, Henry would have killed her. In 1582, Margarita returned to the French court without her husband and soon she began to behave very scandalously, changing lovers, Catherine had to resort to the help of the ambassador to appease Henry of Bourbon and return Margarita to Navarre. She reminded her daughter that her own behavior as a wife was impeccable, despite all the provocations. But Margarita was unable to follow her mother's advice. In 1585, after Margaret was rumored to have tried to poison and shoot her husband, she fled Navarre again. This time she headed to her own Agen, from where she soon asked her mother for money, which she received in an amount sufficient for food. However, soon she and her next lover, persecuted by the inhabitants of Agen, had to move to the Karlat fortress. Catherine asked Henry to take immediate action before Margaret disgraced them again. In October 1586, Margarita was locked in the castle d'Usson. Margarita's lover was executed before her eyes. Catherine excluded her daughter from her will and never saw her again. In 1588 the culmination of the religious wars began. There was a whiff of rebellion in Paris. Leaflets about “His Majesty the Hermaphrodite” appeared, and an image of the Queen Mother, that “old witch” who gave birth to a perverted son, was burned. The day came when cries were heard in front of the Louvre: “Down with Valois! Death to Valois! Thus, for the first time in a thousand years, the throne of France began to shake. With the knowledge of Henry III, Cardinal de Guise was killed, he was brutally stabbed to death, his body was thrown next to the body of his brother, both corpses were cut into pieces and burned in the fireplace of the castle, so that later they would not be worshiped as martyrs. As soon as Guise was sent to the next world, the king went down to his mother, who occupied the apartment under his own and who, most likely, should have heard the noise at the time of the murder. At the patient's bedside sat the doctor Filipe Cavriana, a spy for the Grand Duke of Tuscany, to whom he told about this scene. Henry asked him how the queen was feeling. The doctor told him that she was resting after taking medication. Then the king approached the old woman and greeted her very confidently: “Good afternoon, Madam, excuse me. Monsieur de Guise is dead; There's no point in talking about him anymore. I ordered him to be killed, ahead of his intentions towards me.” He recalled what insults he had to endure, and all that he knew about the incessant intrigues of his enemy. To save his power, his life and his state, he had to take these extreme measures. God himself helped him in this; With that, he took his leave, telling his mother that he was going to mass to thank heaven for the happy outcome of this punishment. “I want to be a king, and not a prisoner and a slave, as I was, from May 13 until this hour, when I again become a king and master.” With these words he left. The queen was too weak to answer him. “She almost died,” said the doctor, “from terrible grief,” and adds: “I am afraid that the departure of Madame Princess of Lorraine [to Tuscany] and this funeral of the Duke of Guise may worsen her condition.” On the morning of January 5, on the eve of Epiphany, she wanted to write a will and confess. She was living out her last minutes. Her loved ones were worried. Let us give the floor to the eyewitness of this event, Etienne Pasquier: “There is something remarkable in her death. She always had great faith in fortune tellers, and since she had once been told that in order to live long she had to beware of some Saint Germain, she especially did not want to go to Saint Germain-en-Laye, for fear of meeting her death, and even, in order not to live in the Louvre, which belongs to the parish of Saint-Germain de l'Auxerrois, she ordered the construction of her palace in the parish of Saint-Eustache, where she lived. Finally, God wished that, when she died, she would not live in Saint-Germain, but the king’s first confessor, de Saint-Germain, became her comforter.” An autopsy revealed a terrible general condition of the lungs with a purulent abscess on the left side. According to modern researchers, the possible cause of death of Catherine de Medici was pleurisy. “Those who were close to her believed that her life was shortened by annoyance due to the actions of her son,” believed one of the chroniclers. Since Paris was held by enemies of the crown at that time, they decided to bury Catherine in Blois. She was later reburied in the Parisian Abbey of Saint-Denis. In 1793, during the French Revolution, a revolutionary crowd threw her remains, as well as the remains of all French kings and queens, into a common grave. Eight months after Catherine's death, everything she had strived for and dreamed of during her life was reduced to zero when the religious fanatic monk Jacques Clement stabbed to death her beloved son and last Valois, Henry III. The servant reported that Catherine, just before her death, quietly said: “I was crushed by the rubble of the house.” Sources.



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