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Spiritual egregors. Religious egregor

Express report: “Practical guide: Orthodox Christian egregor”

This material has no analogues in the world, it is copyrighted!

(c) Mikhail Lushnikov, 2012. All rights reserved.

Human life is multifaceted. Now science has already established that a person has chakras (energy lymphoid connections in the locations of large organs in the human body, for example, 2 chakras - svadhisthana - in the physical body correspond to the genitals, etc.)

Without being clairvoyant and not realizing the Energy with which you deal 24 hours a day, it is difficult to be a 100% effective and successful person for whom everything is always good. Our ancestors before the revolution were very different from us, because they had time to contemplate life, Nature + many lived in small towns and villages.

The knowledge about the correct relationship with the Christian egregor is not new, I am only systematizing it in this express report, and the video course and my manual will become your assistant in the world of energies or will lift the veil of secrecy for you and will greatly increase your efficiency when using any prayers, icons , observing fasts, etc., - that is, the purpose of this book is to give a general description of the egregor of Orthodoxy and help you harmonize your life with its help.

Ready? OK. Go.

To understand what we are dealing with, we need to understand what an egregor is?

Egregor (read: egregor; emphasis on the 2nd letter “e” in pronunciation) is an energy-informational living, thinking substance that is formed by the same thoughts of people and was formed from the power of their messages, because their mental images fed and feed this energy field, then at some stage, this substance acquires its own consciousness-awareness; The goal of any egregor is to increase its habitat, that is, to attract and retain people’s attention.

Examples - types of Egregors:

Egregor of Money; Authorities; Religions; Countries; Continents; Planetary (sometimes called the Genius of Planet Earth), etc.

This work is devoted to the religious egregor.

The Orthodox egregor is part of the once united Christian egregor, for initially there were no churches or other official, including political organizations, protecting and representing the interests of the Religion of Christianity.

Let me remind you that the world in the Middle Ages was conventionally divided according to religious principles in Europe into: the Byzantine (Orthodox) and Western Roman (Catholic) branches of Christianity.

With the establishment of the institution of the church (this includes educational theological institutions, and the recognition of its secular and ideological power - as official power or as the main stronghold of autocracy in the Russian Empire from 988-1917), relics appeared, attributes of this power, its symbols became are generally known and accepted by most of the population. Example: Easter cakes, church prosphora; washing on the day of the baptism of Jesus Christ.

Over time, the emergence of church rituals and THIS IS THE MAIN THING - with their repeated and centuries-long use for hundreds of years, these rituals, church prayers gained strength, because they were carried out, they were believed, money was paid for their performance, and the church and clergy existed on them, and since the egregor, as we remember above, is an energy distributor-transformer-storage of energy, including human and planetary, because all egregors, including religious ones, are included like a nesting doll in the general Egregor of the planet Earth, then he, the egregor, has the ability to manifest miracles through the fulfillment of requests, petitions, miracles that are impossible and inexplicable without knowledge of the laws of esotericism.

I think it is logical to also give the principle of energy exchange between a person and any egregor, in our case with an Orthodox one.


1 person

2) Egregor

3) Belief in egregor

4) Desire + intention to interact with the egregor

5) Ritual, rituals accepted within the framework of religion

9) Service, asceticism in the name of Egregor as the highest form of interaction with egregor

10) Disappearance of egregor

The scheme I gave above is suitable not only for Christian, but also for any religious egregor, because all egregors did not appear out of nowhere, but due to people’s expectations at key milestones in history, for example, Islam was revealed to the world as a unifying force for peoples of Arabia and the Middle East.

Let's look at the diagram, going into detail on each point.


P.1- Man.

Without it, the egregor loses its “regular client” - energy supply and may even disappear if there are no followers. This point is the most important, because you, being savvy in the rules of competent interaction with an Orthodox egregor, can, if you wish, become his favorite, cat. will live literally like in Christ’s bosom. I emphasize and ask you, dear reader, to pay attention specifically to the knowledge of “techniques and instructions for interchange with egregor, so that you do not waste your energy, time and money in the abyss like 90% of believers, that is, I want to teach you so that You not only gave, but also received help from the egregor, which means knowledge of the energy exchange diagram is mandatory, it must be used in practice!!

P.2- Egregor.

Whether I surprise you or not, even a family is a mini egregor, this is the so-called generic egregor, then comes the egregor of the ethnic group, for example, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, etc.; further egregor of the country, cat. may not geographically coincide with the egregor of the ethnic group; further - egregor of the continent - Asia, Africa...; Egregor of the planet Earth (its component is the religious egregor!).

In different eras, the same egregor can experience a decline, a period of rapid rise, for example, during the Christianization of Rus', the Crusades, etc., but a period of decline is also possible, a striking example is the destruction and destruction of the Orthodox religion in the USSR, which greatly reduced the power of this egregor, it seems to have shrunk even now, there is a unique opportunity for everyone who needs it, naturally, to receive better, larger-scale and faster help from the Orthodox egregor, because he is extremely interested in the growth of church parishioners, new churches, and the number he is not indifferent to those suffering, because it is quite logical that the smaller the queue of applicants, the greater the opportunity (benefit) to help - the person receives help and immediately informs his friends, neighbors, co-workers, i.e. the feedback system is turned on: “It’s good there, help is guaranteed, go there!”

Forgive me, dear reader, that I am writing to you in plain text without illusions, telling you the Truth, but Knowledge of the Truth = freedom to choose actions = increased quality of life.

P.3 Faith in egregor.

This point is the connecting link between points 1 and 2. Without faith, there may be no motivation to “be friends,” and, accordingly, the result of the interaction will be neutral or zero.

In the history of religion, there are cases when saints walked on water, lived for years without food, feeding on the so-called Holy Spirit, and, of course, a huge number of healings of the sick through their faith in the saint to whom they prayed or after visiting holy places where there are miraculous, prayed icons.

P.4 Desire + intention to interact with egregor

Why did I combine the 2 concepts “desire” + “intention”?

A person can wish, that is, just dream about health, luck or increasing his well-being, but not have an intention. That is, not taking practical actions to realize your dreams, even knowing special prayers or conspiracies for a certain area of ​​life. The reason is often banal - laziness.

If you have the Desire + intention to interact with an Orthodox egregor, then feel free to read on. Do you agree?

P.5 Ritual, rituals accepted within the framework of religion

What is a ritual?

This is most often a symbolic action aimed at achieving a certain goal, often to satisfy everyday needs: for health, love, increase in salary, etc., sometimes they also want to satisfy spiritual needs with the help of one or another ritual: lighting candles for the repose or for the health of the soul, for the fulfillment of a cherished desire on the full moon, new moon: Enlightenment, spiritual and personal growth, harmony with oneself and the world around us, etc.

So the purpose of the ritual is to influence the surrounding reality, including the subtle plane of existence.

In Orthodoxy, such rituals include: going to church on Sunday; donation to the temple; baptism of a newborn baby; consecration of an apartment, house, car; praying to a specific saint over a long period of time, for example, through reading an akathist or a special prayer in front of his icon, etc.

6) Observance (even formal) of rituals

A very important point, because it is important to always follow the rules of the game, which were established a long time ago, because you have no power to change them.

An example from Orthodoxy according to point 6: a person observes all 4 Lents, the whole family goes to church on Sunday, where he leaves a donation + in the summer he also goes on a pilgrimage on vacation, and prays there on his knees, confessing and cleaning himself.

He lived and lived, but one day, all his friends’ cars were broken in the garage, and it was no longer possible to repair them, and foreign cars cost 500,000, 900,000 rubles, only one car was not damaged - our devout hero of the story. Is this a coincidence? The hooligans didn't notice his car? I don’t believe in miracles, his property was simply protected, the only question is how, but this is a separate topic, explore further yourself, if you wish, we will move on.

7) Donation to the church through the so-called tithe

This requirement to donate exists in many religions, including it is considered simply a rule of good manners; even atheists, all modern success gurus strongly recommend observing this principle of tithing. The point is that the Source of all things will always take its rightful 10% from a person in one form or another, but if you voluntarily and with a feeling of joy follow this rule, then sooner or later your life will change for the better.

The most important point in paragraph 7 is voluntariness, joy and gratitude to God for the opportunity to donate for the benefit of the church, poor people, charitable organizations, etc.

8) Help from egregor: both one-time and permanent

As you understand, dear reader, from the above, in order to get to this point you will have to meet certain conditions: believe in the egregor, desire and have the intention to cooperate with it; observe the rituals established by a given religion - through reading holy books, visiting temples; 10% donation on a regular basis + proper use of Knowledge from this express report and video course: “The Protective Power of Icons” + Your own chips from this area of ​​knowledge through experience and practical activity.

Only if there are grounds (see the previous paragraph) is help from an Orthodox Christian egregor simply guaranteed.

9) Service, asceticism in the name of Egregor, as the highest form of interaction with egregor

This point almost does not concern 90% of believers, but still there is a tradition of asceticism and the feat of asceticism for the good and often in the name of the religious egregor (often angels appeared to saints in prayers or in church during worship, advising, by the will of God, to leave the world in a lonely cell in seclusion, that is, to completely devote one’s life to God and the Egregor of Orthodoxy).

Such an ascetic, with a sincere and heartfelt approach to asceticism, often over time possessed the gift of clairvoyance, healing, and fed only on the Holy Spirit or on what he himself grew in the garden. Such a man of God is completely under the protection of Egregor, who gives him everything he needs, including protecting him or rewarding him with spiritual gifts.

10) Disappearance of egregor

Any egregor can disappear if it does not have supporters who believe in it and observe points from 1 to 9.

That is why ANY EGREGOR can open any abilities to a person: the 3rd eye, reading information from the Akashic Chronicles or endowing with the gift of healing, but this is possible if such a “chosen believer” = is beneficial to the egregor, for example, glorifying him by working miracles, composing a theological work or will be the comforter of human souls.

As soon as the chain p1-9 collapses, the egregor experiences energy compression, and with complete energy depletion (it is trivial that it no longer corresponds to the trends of the 21st century), death.

So I gave you a basis, a basis sufficient for understanding energy exchange with any religious egregor for our case: with the Orthodox (ROC).

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(AUTHOR OF BLOG) As you can see, the Christian faith itself (at least in its modern form) is limited to working with the egregor, and does not imply the presence of a living God.Therefore, all rituals in the Christian “church” are magical rituals, and accordingly, the sacraments are paid

(instead of a price tag, someone came up with something full of cynicism -"suggested donation")
the ministers of the cult are crafty, cleverly handling the letter of the law, using it and justifying their inconsistency with the original teachings of the Savior..

In fact, there is a direct correspondence here with the text on working with the egregor - since you cannot take a fee (the egregor will punish you) but donations are allowed, it would be appropriate to fix the fee for the sacraments with a “recommendation” ..

It would be impossible to deceive the living God in this way, and the conclusions are accordingly...

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In order for you to further strengthen your practical skills in religious studies, receive additional bonus on this topic, I also offer you several conspiracies on different topics:

Conspiracy against any enemies, envious people, witchcraft:
read on the last Friday before Easter (not a single enemy will touch you!) - read 3 rubles. contract:

King Herod fights, fights,

She sheds blood, spares no one,

Doesn't let anyone down.

Against an evil man

There is a Great Sagittarius - God the Father!

Our Lord Jesus Christ has a sun-bow,

The month is an arrow. There is something to shoot.

The Lord will not allow anyone to offend me.

The Lord God is ahead of me, the Mother of God is behind me,

With them I'm not afraid of anyone

With them I am not afraid of anyone.

And you, my villainous enemies,

You have a knitting needle in your tongues,

Knee pincers into fangs,

And in the vile eyes of the sand.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


Secondly, it is disadvantageous for HE to have a strong personality in its composition - this could potentially lead either to the collapse of Egregor, or to the emergence of a situation where this person could intercept part of the territories/resources/power belonging to Egregor, leaving his composition. Therefore, he in every possible way limits the development of his subordinate members, maintaining them at a constant minimum - sufficient level. Moreover, HE cannot allow individuals who practice magic and the occult to appear in its composition, and fights them in every possible way. A specific and illustrative example is that in any church it is prohibited to write notes “for the health” of people who practice magic, psychics and others. The conspiracies that grandmothers read do not relate to this, because... are essentially the same prayer to the Christian God. Also, there is a whole department of the Russian Orthodox Church to combat the occult.

Third, Egregor always has the ability to control its members, giving them the necessary thoughts. In essence, HE programs its participants with dogmas and rules.

And finally fourthly, Egregor always occupies a certain part in the consciousness and subconscious of its participant, taking up your computing power, which you could spend on various spiritual practices not related to Christianity and achieving your goals. To put it simply, Egregor sends information to subordinates for calculations, and as a result, instead of thinking about practices and your development, you have to think about events in Christian society (rearrangements in the hierarchy, holidays, rules/dogmas, etc.).

Thus, the baptized person does not develop, remaining a sheep in the flock, incapable of development, and subject to the will of the shepherd. NAUTIZ is a symbol of Christianity, giving patience and endurance, why? So that the high priests of Christianity, in symphony with the secular authorities, ride on us, resigned and patient. Do you need it? After all, the very idea of ​​“washing the feet of the disciples”, like the copyright holder of the teaching, would not even be dreamed of by any of them in a nightmare... Moreover, “.. not to love the world and what is in the world..” and also to be persecuted “.. as they persecuted me , they will persecute you too..” Especially to the shepherds, the apostolic successors (as they claim), the Savior says to the apostles - “...you have received freely, give freely..” (the grace of God) but the sacraments performed by our “church” have become paid in Rus' already God knows from what bearded age, so..


It’s no secret that people are much more productive and easier to achieve their goals when they act together. But there is one nuance: we act together only with those with whom we pursue similar goals and objectives, with whom we have the same values ​​and views. By uniting with others, a person not only gains confidence in his intentions and strengths, but his very strength increases exponentially. Just as it is easy to tear a book page by page or break a broom by twig, it is just as easy to lead a person deprived of support astray from the intended path.

But at the same time, it is almost impossible to tear an entire book or break an entire broom at once, just as it is difficult to bring down a person who has enormous power behind him. However, it is not always obvious that a person is not alone, even if he considers himself a loner, although in fact he has great resources. This is often due to the fact that he is connected to an egregor, which gives him strength, knowledge, and leads him along a certain path. Today we will try to figure out what an egregor is, how to connect to it, whether it is possible to get out of it, what its types are and how they work.

The meaning of the word "egregor"

The word “egregor” is not found in well-known Russian explanatory dictionaries. Different sources speak differently about its origin. There is an opinion that the word “egregor” comes from the ancient Greek “ἐγρήγορος” - ‘awake’. Others write that it is translated from Greek as ‘guardian angel’. . Still other sources reduce it to the Latin “grex” - ‘herd’, ‘crowd’, in a broad sense - ‘totality’. And also again ancient Greek, only “egeiro” - ‘to guard’, ‘to keep an eye on’. In any case, this concept took root in the Russian language, after which it was endowed with meaning, which we will talk about later.

It is believed that in Russian literature this term was first used by Daniil Andreev in his work “Rose of the World” and gave it the following definition: “Egregor is an intangible formation that arises from some mental secretions of humanity over large groups: tribes, states, some parties and religious societies . They are devoid of monads (i.e., an indivisible original unit, we would call it a soul - note by the author of this article), but they have a temporarily concentrated volitional charge and the equivalent of consciousness.”

What is egregor

An egregor is a single energy-information space that is formed due to the energy of people united by some common idea (interest, passion). Examples include fans of one musical genre, a pop culture star, or an author. These can also be religious egregors, their branches. Even non-believers belong to their egregor. A film, a thing, a clothing brand, a car, vegetarianism, yoga and much more are also egregors. In addition, gender, nationality, and planet form egregors. There is also an egregor of a place: a store, a cafe, a restaurant, a city, a country, etc. For example, when entering a certain store or restaurant, a person may experience a feeling of awkwardness, feel out of place, poorly dressed, and low-income. Despite the fact that, having left such a place, he will not remember about it. Moreover, he may have enough money and be dressed in the latest fashion for certain circles, but not for this egregor.

When a person connects to any egregor, he begins to meet like-minded people in the most unexpected places. I had such an example in my life. I began to be interested in yoga, and often visited Vedic cafes and shops. And then it was time to take the driver's license exams; it was very cold, and it took a long time to wait. And one couple offered to warm up in their car (the wife was taking an exam, and the husband was just present for company). Imagine my surprise when, after talking, it turned out that they had their own Vedic store. Or, having moved to a small town, I met a woman who was taking online Vedic courses at the same school that I also visited more than once, only in person. We might never have crossed paths, since she is the only one in the whole city, but a common interest or energy brought us together. If everyone starts analyzing their life, they will find a lot of similar examples.

How egregors work

An egregor collects the energy of the elements belonging to it and then redistributes it between them. The collection of energy occurs precisely due to concentration on general ideas and objects that underlie the formation of this egregor, especially during moments of mass practices and rituals. Members of society can consciously gather and direct the energy of the egregor in the direction they need. If a person uses the energy allocated to him against the needs of the egregor, then negative consequences may arise for this person. In fact, he will simply begin to fall out of it and not receive additional energy, feel tired, exhausted, and despondent. In this case, a reconnection to another egregor may occur: either a more beneficial one, or vice versa.

In addition, an egregor can impose certain obligations on people in the form of observing rituals, through which a significant part of the energy is directed into it. Often, in moments of non-compliance, a person feels internal pressure and doubt: to perform or not to perform a certain act. Here we are not talking about conscience, since an act may be absolutely harmless from the ethical side of the issue, but for a particular egregor it is not permissible. Let's say, according to the rituals of a certain society, a person cannot use his left hand when preparing food, and if he suddenly does this, then, from the point of view of a person who does not belong to this society, nothing bad will happen, but from the point of view of someone who belongs, this a terrible sin for which punishment will undoubtedly follow. It must be said that there is an opinion that conscience is the measure of the compliance of an action with one or another egregor, however, in my opinion, it is better to consider conscience in the context of universal moral norms.

Some places have such a strong egregor that people, entering their field, involuntarily observe the necessary rituals. For example, a person may drop something from his hands and he bows while picking it up, or something catches his eye and he involuntarily walks around the circle from right to left, as prescribed according to the custom of the place, etc.

In addition to energy, information comes from the egregor, which is expressed in the emergence of similar ideas and thoughts among its members. You can often find cases where people belonging to the same movement, without talking, begin to perform the same rituals or practices, or become interested in something. That is, the egregor synchronizes the activities of its elements.

People who belong to the constructive egregor can consciously transfer themselves to its will, while feeling the state of flow. While those who are connected to a destructive egregor do not understand at all that they are mostly under its influence. This is expressed in reflexive behavior, loss of control over actions. Such people can find themselves in places they never intended to.

There is an opinion that belonging to an egregor can be determined by a person’s mission, and after its completion, the connection with this egregor is curtailed, and the person disconnects from it: school, university, camp. There are also egregors from which it is necessary to disconnect at a certain point in life or weaken the connection, otherwise there will be no development. For example, maternal or family egregor. That is, the connection must weaken significantly for independent living and accumulation of one’s own experience.

Each egregor has goals and objectives, upon achieving which it can either cease to exist or merge with another egregor. Also, an egregor can collapse if its goals and objectives are not fulfilled, i.e. it ceases to be viable. For example, there is an egregor of the Earth - this is an egregor of a planetary order, it has its own tasks in the Universe. Everyone who lives here feeds it with their energy. Accordingly, if the energy is creative, then the Earth will continue to exist, and we along with it. If its inhabitants only take from the Earth and give nothing, depleting the egregor itself, then it will collapse, destroying those who are connected to it. This is to say in very simple words. Of course, everything is somewhat more complicated. Or the egregor of humanity, to which you and I belong. If we continue to destroy ourselves, then, as a result, we will destroy the human race - the egregor will exhaust itself. But there is a suspicion that the decay does not occur instantly, but gradually, taking away the energy of its elements, i.e. dying can be long and painful. At the same time, those who strive to preserve the egregor still necessary for a good life will be forced to make incredible efforts. Here it is appropriate to quote Martin Buber: “Creation rules over me, and if I do not serve it as I should, it is destroyed or destroys me.” The same can be attributed to egregor.

It may also be that, by entering any egregor, a person (or a creature with a very large supply of energy) is able to change its vector of development. Moreover, the change can occur both in a positive and negative direction. Here, in the understanding of this issue, contradictions may arise: on the one hand, a certain idea is associated with the egregor, on the other hand, this idea can be changed or replaced. It really is possible. Moreover, now this is happening due to a person’s loss of awareness and attention, i.e. a person thinks one thing, says another, and does a third. Such a person will not even notice how the substitution occurred, since it may not be at odds with his actions. This can be compared to the merger of one company into another. For example, a private company has become a state-owned company, and the people working and being served by this company simply take it for granted. The strategy, goals, and means of the company will change, and, as a result, people may remain, while more conscious ones may leave or change. Highly spiritual people, who understand themselves not as a separate being, but as a single whole with all that exists, are able to change the course of events in a more beneficial direction, eradicate or significantly reduce negative influences in the egregor.

It must be taken into account that each of us is connected not to one, but to many egregors, and each of them influences our behavior, worldview, and life. And with whom we maintain the strongest and most stable connection, he will have the greatest influence. The following situation can serve as an example of everyday order. A woman works in an office where all women have the same problem - no family. And until she quits, this problem will not go away, because it is in the interests of the working egregor that a woman invest as much strength and energy as possible into the company, and not into her family. It often happens that as soon as one woman in a group becomes pregnant, many others begin to become pregnant. Or someone in the family begins to lead a healthy lifestyle, and gradually other family members also change for the better. This means that the person managed to change the vector of development of the family egregor.

Types of egregors

An egregor can be both destructive and creative, or, as we said above, destructive or constructive. A destructive egregor is characterized by the fact that, in addition to the surrounding space, it also destroys those who feed it. Creative - improves the lives of people connected to it, helps in difficult times. Any egregor has power and holds the person associated with it. The difference is that if this is a destructive egregor, then retention occurs due to fear, poor health, and exhaustion of the member itself; if the egregor is creative, then retention is achieved through help and constant support.

Egregors differ in vibration frequency: there are high-frequency ones, and there are low-frequency ones. Accordingly, connecting to low-frequency ones is not difficult, but to reach more worthy ones, you need to have a high level of vibrations. That is why primitive egregors are often much stronger and have greater coverage than their opposites. Look on video portals how many views and admiration a cat or a simple clip gets and how many an educational lecture gets, and everything will become clear. And this is a vivid example of collecting energy into an egregor, and where do you think one egregor will direct this energy and where the second, respectively, what quality of energy will be returned to those who watched this video. It's like giving money to an alcoholic and expecting him to spend it not on drinking, but on something good. So in the above example, it is quite obvious how and who will use the received resources.

There are egregors with such different vibrations that crossing them is almost impossible, to the point that people can be nearby, but not see or notice each other due to different vibrational fields. Those who are quite conscious about their lives closely monitor who and what appears in their field of vision, and consider this as a bell and a guide: whether they are moving in the right direction or whether something has gone wrong.

Egregor structure

How are egregors arranged? To answer this question, you need to take into account that a person needs control, and if he does not take responsibility for himself, then someone else will take it. In other words, if a person does not realize and does not control where his energy is spent, it means that some other entity is taking control of this energy and using it in its own interests.

The structure of an egregor primarily depends on how conscious or unconscious a person is attached to it. In the first case, we can talk about the direct connection of a person’s consciousness to the egregor; in the second, the connection is carried out through an intermediary, that is, through the entity that controls the person.

Let's take a closer look at the unconscious connection. A person who has any negative habit feeds it, and gradually it turns into an independent entity - a larva, which itself controls the person. Remember a smoker or an alcoholic: he doesn’t even notice how he lights up or drinks - this is a clear sign of the presence of larva. And a person is connected to the egregor, as a rule, through it. That is, a person’s consciousness is turned off. Surely you have come across a situation when a person tells you something, but he seems to be in a fog, as if someone is speaking for him, as if he is hypnotized. And as soon as you do something out of place, the person “wakes up”, or falls into a stupor, or gets angry, because the program has gone wrong and the person is lost. That is, he has to turn on his consciousness in order to continue the conversation, and in this case he is left without recharge and control through the larva.

If initially the egregor was headed by a person on whom everyone concentrated, then over time she may lose her influence due to the excess of the energy of the fans over the energy of the leader. In this case, it is more likely that the leader is subordinate to them, and not vice versa. Moreover, such an object of veneration may experience severe exhaustion, and a self-destruction program may be activated. A striking example is music and film stars who, unable to cope with the energy they receive, begin to drink too much, or even worse. The reason is a large amount of energy of low quality, i.e. the leader was unable to raise the level of incoming energy. The most interesting thing is that an egregor can continue to exist even after the death of the object of veneration. Therefore, people who thirst for fame must understand: how they want to get it, what level of consciousness people will concentrate on them, what quality of energy they will exchange, etc.

How to get out of egregor

It is not possible to completely get out of all egregors. However, this question is relevant when we talk about those egregors that deplete and destroy us. Sometimes, to get out of them, you just need to start dressing differently or eating different food, stop listening to a particular artist or visiting a certain establishment. Since an egregor is created to implement certain tasks and goals, one of the ways to disconnect from it is to change your life guidelines, rethink your tasks and goals, realize where your actions lead, and stop performing alien rituals. In other words, the best way to get out of the influence of one or another egregor is to increase awareness and, as a result, change the algorithm of actions.

I wish you that your level of consciousness and positive energy will be so high that you could redirect any egregor into a creative direction!

Christianity, like any other religion, has its own energy-informational structure in the subtle world. It is fueled by people who support the biblical concept of the world order.

The advantages of living under the egregor of Christianity and how to connect

The Christian egregor is currently still one of the most massive energy structures and has millions of followers around the world, although the peak of its power has passed and is fading.

Just imagine how much energy Christian rituals can accumulate! Even healing is subject to the egregor of Christianity.

Inclusion in Christianity provides good protection. A sincere believer who wears a cross is protected from the evil eye and damage. According to Orthodox beliefs, every baptized person has his own personal guardian angel, who protects him from many dangers and helps him in worldly affairs.

In the Christian tradition, it is customary to connect to the egregor in infancy - performing the rite of baptism. If you want to enlist the powerful support of a Christian egregor, but were not baptized in childhood, you need to go through this sacrament. At the same time, sometimes a strong faith in God (that is, attunement on the mental and emotional level) is enough for the channel to open on its own.

How to work with a Christian egregor

Prayers work only for those who sincerely believe in their action. Correct subtle work with egregors often consists of simple observation, rather than active intervention in external events. The essences of the subtle world see more and better understand what changes are appropriate in each specific life situation. For example, if someone behaves incorrectly towards you, it is enough to mark the event and delegate the rest of the work to the egregor. If you are under the control of an egregor, you are only required to do your egregorial work well, without being distracted by trifles. The Bible says about this: if you hit one cheek, turn the other. The egregor himself will take care of your needs in order to give you the opportunity to continue to fulfill your egregorial mission without hindrance.

It is obvious that the requested assistance is not always provided. This is a sign that the harmonious energy exchange with the egregor is disrupted. Most likely, a person does not realize that he has been taking the wrong position in his work with the system for a long time. For example, he inaccurately fulfills his duties to the egregor or mistakenly believes that he serves the Christian energy structure, although in fact his energy flows to feed other energy entities. As a result, the Christian egregor weakens its support and protection. A person becomes vulnerable to attacks from other energy structures.

To become the favorite of a Christian egregor, you need to regularly feed it with your energy. As a rule, religious egregors charge in time. Reading prayers to a certain saint for many hours over a long period of time, attending church services, asceticism in the name of egregor and observing other rituals (even formal ones) are designed precisely to pump energy from a person to the energy system.

An important part of cooperation is donations to the temple and alms.
Money is the equivalent of energy, since earning it also costs a person’s time - the only resource that belongs to him by birthright.

Disadvantages of staying within the egregor of Christianity

With all the advantages of inclusion in the church egregor, this is one of the most dangerous energy systems in terms of the degree of influence on consciousness. The more a person is included in the structure of Christianity, the more power the system has over him. Moreover, this is power that he recognizes for her voluntarily.

The Christian egregor itself is quite tough and aggressive. The mechanism for pumping up energy that he uses is to build a dualistic picture of the world: division into spiritual, higher and material, lower, opposition of light and darkness. Such a worldview inevitably leads to a split in consciousness and the creation of an internal and external enemy.

An egregor programs its follower for a certain behavior, manner of communication, area of ​​interest, space of goals, rules for selecting tools. One of the methods used by the Christian egregor to control its adherents is to impose feelings of fear and guilt, the concept of sin. If this succeeds, a person truly becomes a “slave of God,” almost completely deprived of freedom of thought and choice of his own life path.

The Christian egregor does not see the benefit of having a strong free-thinking personality in his composition. Potentially, such a person can leave the structure and move resources to another egregor, including taking other followers with him. Therefore, he tries in every possible way to limit the possibility of comprehending concepts alien to his information structure. Adherents of Christianity must have strictly canonical information and nothing more. A Christian’s time and resources are often spent not on developing his personality, but on pumping energy into the egregor through the performance of numerous time-consuming rituals.

If you want to work with other channels, conflicts with the Christian egregor cannot be avoided. If working with the egregor of the Tarot within the framework of Christianity is still permissible, since the system of the Egyptian pantheon smoothly and consistently entered the system of Judaism, and that subsequently into the egregor of Christianity, then, for example, the use of Runes related to paganism is seriously punishable for a Christian. The experience of magical practitioners shows that it is impossible to work in two channels at the same time. If you want to receive full support from the Slavic gods, then you need to remove the Christian seal received at baptism.

Shutdown and precautions

Leaving a religious egregor, in particular a Christian one, is called debaptism. Using the same method, you can get out of the egregor of Judaism and Islam. The exit ritual is called triple crossing and consists of rituals performed at the crossroads, in the bathhouse and on the bridge. These are classic rituals that always give results. But usually they are used when a transition to the warlock is made. That is, on the other side of Christianity - to evil spirits.

Naturally, any egregor will try to prevent it from leaving its influence. Christians are no exception in this matter, and, as a rule, they choose harsh methods for returning a person. The “fugitive” gets into trouble, has disturbing thoughts, and regularly begins to have nightmares about the terrible consequences of logging out of the system. Such warnings are sent to intimidate. The main thing at this moment is not to panic and not give up on your intention.

If you personally or people in your family have been deeply included in the Christian energy structure, a payoff will be required. Follow the following instructions.

  1. Come to a small non-profit church (the channel with the egregorm is cleaner there) and turn to the icon of the Mother of God. Express your firm intention to come out of Christianity. Ask them to take from you what you owe and never remind them of the debt again. The cult of the Mother of God is the most honest and fair in calculations.

  1. Leave in the temple all the objects of Christian worship that you have (crosses, church candles, icons, the Bible, etc.). Leave without looking back.
  2. In the near future you will be provoked and frightened in every possible way. Don't give in. If beggars ask for alms, be sure to give as much as you think is necessary, but no more than three times.

Pagan gods can also redeem a person from a Christian egregor, and their ransom will be considered a point in his agreement with Christianity. But the gods need to be convinced that this makes sense to them. There are not many working pagan cults now; there is very little energy coming in. That is, you need to take such vows that the pagan egregor wants to spend his resources on you. For example, set up an altar to one of the gods and pray for a channel for several years.

It’s worth thinking about how it happened that people of the Vedic worldview in Slavic lands allowed an alien Christian religion, written specifically for Jews? And why do Jews themselves go to the synagogue and not to temples?

The main thing to remember is that it is impossible to go nowhere. The only place you can rightfully go is to the consciousness of God, which once gave birth to your own “I am”, your personal structure.

You can establish a connection with your own deity through the power of your own intention. To tune the channel, at least 20 days of daily meditation practice are required. Sit alone, sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and try to stop the internal dialogue, concentrating on your breathing. Meditation should last at least 15-20 minutes. By being able to stop the flow of thoughts, you will clear your field, and your Higher Self will be able to adjust the energy channels. By connecting with your deity, you can easily get out of the influence of any egregor. Since no one else can lay claim to you.

Total from Semargl

A clear sign of a destructive and blocking egregor is a ban on leaving it, a lack of free will and freedom of thought.

For those who have hit the ceiling of their growth within the framework of Christianity and intend to further increase their internal frequency, let us remind you that when working with egregors, awareness of actions should be given first place. For some of the rituals indicated by the author have a rather mystical basis, and we should clearly understand the situation.

Good shutdown options:

  1. an agreement with a Christian egregor on exit and payment for it;
  2. transition to a higher frequency egregor, for example, to the egregor of the Vedic worldview;
  3. raising your internal frequency.

It’s easy to connect to any religious egregor, just once or twice, but sometimes you won’t be able to disconnect for the rest of your life. Whether to deal with the gradually fading but still powerful Christian egregor is up to you to decide.

You know, what are egregors? These are some energy structures, which are in the information space above you and are capable of influence your thoughts and perception of the world.

It is because of them that we sometimes cannot get out of the squirrel wheel of problems and attitudes, we feel powerless “against the system,” and we cannot jump over the bar to a new level of income or health.

More recently, knowledge about egregors was considered occult and secret, and was discussed by particularly advanced esotericists. Now information about egregors has become publicly available and is widely found in psychological and spiritual literature.

Read in the article: what is an egregor, what types of egregors are there, how can we live with them and is it possible to disconnect from an egregor.

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An egregor is an energy and information field that consists of the thoughts and emotions of large groups of people united by a common idea. To put it simply, an egregor is made up of beliefs.

It is believed that religious and political movements, social movements, national and geographical communities (“Christians”, “communists”, “greens”, “Germans”, “villagers”, “Muscovites”) have their own egregors.

If you want to get out of all the energy structures that no longer support you, but only pull energy out of you and put you in a place that you don’t like, you need...

There are also very small egregors, for example, families (clan) or collectives (one enterprise). There are egregors for specific books, films, and hobbies.

In fact, the more people live and think according to similar rules, the stronger the egregor becomes, more and more easily attracting new “adherents”. He is able to interact with and influence human consciousness.

For example, there is an egregor of “cynics who do not believe in energy and other nonsense.” In general, they don’t believe in egregors either. At the same time, they think ridiculously alike, and their “commonality” perfectly fits the list of all egregorial qualities.

For example, I prefer the egregor “spiritual practices and meditations and their positive impact on life.”

Essentially, what is an egregor? This is simply a kind of collective consciousness with one bias or another. Egregor by itself neither good nor bad. It is even useful to some extent to the people involved.

It can protect a person’s consciousness from chaos, as it offers simple and understandable rules of life. For example, the egregor of the “Soviet mentality” was very strong, and many people, having lost its support, lost their orientation in life. And someone continues to believe in him even now...

Signs of being inside an egregor

1. A special system of rules and beliefs

An egregor is formed when people concentrate on one idea, and then it is fueled by the same idea. This structure strives for stability within itself.

The more people accept the original idea, the stronger the egregor becomes. Special terminology, especially different from the usual language, only aggravates the “draw-in”. Characteristic external signs are also possible, for example, clothing, special rituals, and so on.

You can easily recognize a deep follower of egregor if he broadcasts “rules of life”, “inflexible commandments”, “the experience of ancestors” to the right and left.

For many people, the connection is so strong that they simply do not hear any opinion other than the egregorial one. In fact, at this time the egregor speaks through his mouth.

If you manage to bring adequate and scientifically based arguments that violate the “adept’s” worldview, he seems to “switch off” and it is almost impossible to communicate further.

2. There are “insiders”, there are “strangers”

Any egregor creates boundaries. There is always a division into ours and not-ours.

Ours are always “good”. For neutral eregors, others are “not bad”, “different”; usually their existence is simply ignored. There are also friendly egregors. As a rule, they consist of a positive idea and involve people with a high level of consciousness.

For aggressive egregors, strangers are “enemies.” An information war is being waged against them (which, unfortunately, sometimes even becomes physical). The state of conflict pumps up both egregors with energy and new adherents.

I will not give examples, they are too topical now and are actively pouring out on us through the media.

Check if you have spinal disorders or increased nervousness. This may be caused by living in a state of struggle or mistrust

3. The feeling of being part of something big and strong

For this reason, in fact, people are drawn into egregor. It’s good there, there is a community there, “we”. The person feels needed.

Egregor has idea, sometimes he even explains the meaning of life. There are comrades there, leaders - in general, there is someone to go with and where to go. And this, you see, is nice.

In some cases, deep immersion in the egregor allows you to relieve yourself of some responsibility for your life. A person stops speaking for himself and begins to speak on behalf of “us”. Usually these are banal, chewed-up attitudes.

For example: “It’s difficult for us, single mothers, to find work,” “You, the city people, don’t like us, the villagers, you offend us,” “Muscovites are arrogant, and we, the provincials, are honest and hard-working.”

Constructive and destructive egregors

In fact, egregors are not good or bad, they are just energy. We will divide them into constructive (creative) and destructive (destructive) conditionally, according to their influence on the lives of its adherents.

  • Neutral or friendly towards other egregors and non-systemic people.
  • Free and voluntary. A person can easily join or leave them; be a member of several egregors without condemnation or any other sanctions of other members of the egregor.
  • They give a person protection, information, and a community of like-minded people. But they do not deprive him of his independence, personal opinion and choice.
  • They broadcast positive beliefs that improve the lives of the people involved (for example, the egregor of “The Secret” gives the following instructions: “The Universe is abundant, wishes come true, can give us everything we want”).

Examples of creative egregors are the New Age movement, many spiritual practices and some religions, sports, healthy eating, charitable societies, etc. In general, “Keys of Mastery” can also be included in the list.

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    • Little tolerant or aggressive towards other egregors and non-systemic people (“Whoever is not with us is against us”).
    • Involuntary (“Input is a ruble, exit is two”) or pseudo-voluntary (“You, of course, can choose whether or not to join the party, but you understand…”).
    • In exchange for a feeling of involvement in a common cause, a person’s freedom of choice and action is completely or partially paralyzed.

Usually, violation of the rules of such egregors is punishable by “public” condemnation and rejection. In extreme cases, speaking out against the system can cost lives or freedom.

  • They broadcast beliefs that worsen the lives of “adherents”, belittling their creative abilities, ambitions, and needs. Such egregors do not destroy people (still, they need to be filled with someone). But they are provided with a life at the subsistence level, with a meager level of income, everyday boredom and, occasionally, permitted egregorial holidays.

For example, the “egregor of a provincial town” often conveys beliefs like: “We must live modestly, earn money through hard work and keep a low profile; relax with TV and beer..."

I will not give examples of destructive egregors, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. I think you can handle this just fine on your own, since there are plenty of examples from the past or modern life.

Freedom from destructive egregors. How to disconnect from egregor

Of course, it is almost impossible to achieve complete freedom from egregors. Even if you remove almost all egregors, you will still remain, for example, a citizen of your country or a member of your family.

But, I believe that to calculate and remove destructive egregors from your life still necessary.

This is not necessarily a totalitarian sect - this is an extreme example. But there are hidden destructive egregors that can influence your life right now.

For example, the egregor “powerless, unfortunate patients of a district hospital.” I remember how I myself, with sufficient leveling and spiritual experience, once ended up in the hospital, and after 2-3 days I almost joined the general background of whining and suffering.

If in your family, your surroundings, everyone believes that only thieves have big money, that we haven’t lived richly, and won’t – you have fallen into the “poor but proud” egregor.

Many women can fall into the egregor of “divorced women” - “I’m unhappy, men are assholes, there are no prospects, because everyone lives like this.”

And, alas, many in our country are connected to the egregor of alcoholism, or “living with an alcoholic.”

And, probably, now many of you are interested in the question - is it possible disconnect from negative ones, and just any other egregors you don’t need?

Yes, you can - which is good news! For this purpose, Alena Starovoitova developed open. It will involve disconnecting participants from ineffective egregors and connecting to their inner strength, their Higher Self.

This is an amazing chance to find your own strength, free yourself from other people’s imposed attitudes, and get off the boring well-trodden rut. Moreover, participation in the master class is free (the recording will not be made publicly available).

Now is a truly wonderful time! I wish you not to miss it.

All the best.

4 910

Many egregors control the lives of their followers. Often people deliberately put their lives at the disposal of an egregor. For example, a soldier, taking an oath, swearing allegiance to the state, some person, party, idea, entrusts his life into the hands of a specific egregor or exponents of his idea.

The state egregor uses various methods to maximize human potential. For example, identifying itself with the homeland, the state relies on very deep feelings in a person and also collects them in its bins.

Patriotism, especially nationalism, binds a person to the state egregor. Traditions, rituals, literature and art are also ways to attract people to you. In the recent past of our country there were especially many such examples. The corresponding worldview was reflected in the song: “...Think about the Motherland first, and then about yourself!”

That is, the state, called upon to serve man, placed itself above man. But at first the egregor of the state had limited functions - protective. Then it began to take on more and more tasks: to provide, feed, treat, teach... And now the egregor of the state penetrates into all spheres of people’s lives and shapes society itself. The roles of master and servant were reversed.

Quite often, when an egregor comes under the power, a program of self-destruction is laid in the event of leaving the latter’s influence. This is clearly seen in the example of church egregors and some other spiritual teachings and secret societies.

The stricter the organizational structure of an egregor, the more difficult it is for a person to get out of it. Various obstacles are put in place, the person leaving is anathematized, corresponding programs are laid down: “you won’t be able to live without us,” “you will feel bad”... And often, the person leaving actually has problems, even death.

And in the church they note with satisfaction: “we told you so!” But people don’t realize that by doing so they significantly complicate their fate and make their egregor heavier and tougher. Many egregors simply physically eliminate those who decide to leave them. A striking example of this is the egregor of the criminal world.

Alexander Sviyash gave a good sketch of egregors: “Having reached a certain power, egregors begin to engage in “self-promotion”, that is, they try to attract the attention and thoughts of more and more people. They endow people devoted to them with enormous power and organize mass and individual “miracles.”

For example, egregors of science from time to time “throw out” solutions to complex problems to scientists devoted to science. In psychology, such moments of receiving a long-awaited solution are called “insight”.

In fact, at this very moment, the egregor patronizing this scientist organizes a “connection” of a person to the corresponding field of knowledge and allows him to read a small piece of information from there. You cannot give it away right away - otherwise the person will become not a puppet, but a partner or even the owner of the egregor.

Religious egregors are very fond of organizing all sorts of “phenomena.” Moreover, since egregors feed on the mental energy of people thinking about something in common, then, in the case of organizing various miracles, the “phenomena” they create usually correspond to the ideas that exist in a given area. A striking example of such a miracle is the appearance of fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

Being in close contact with a powerful egregor seems to be a good thing - you can get protection, greater opportunities compared to others, but this will require complete devotion to the idea he preaches, dedication, and renunciation of all worldly joys and needs. This is exactly the life of the saints - they are almost all great martyrs.”

Let’s say you were to be used to participate in a conflict in some group - as you know, it is in conflicts and clashes that the energy-informational monster finds the most “delicious” “food” for itself in the form of negative human energy.

Either you took someone's place, or they see you as a competitor - one way or another, but the storm broke out, and everyone quarreled with each other. The monster feels good and tasty, and you receive a modest salary for your “labor” (or rather, for allowing yourself to be used).

Yes, there are egregors that feed on a person’s negative energy and strive to create situations through which they will receive maximum energy. They are always ready to push him onto the wrong path and even to death. An example on the physical plane would be a criminal environment.

This is especially clearly visible in the drug business: the more people “get on the needle”, that is, they collapse morally and physically, the more energy-money the drug-dealing egregors and the other egregors behind them will have. Some state egregors also live off drugs.

On the other hand, you cannot see only negative aspects in every egregor. As I already said, this is a one-sided idea of ​​egregors. Despite the fact that most egregors are a product of disharmony, the power of reason, at the present time, when there are countless egregors, it is necessary to find grains of goodness in them and grow useful plants from them.

That is, interact with egregors in such a way that from this interaction they become ever purer, ever brighter, ever kinder, ever more useful for a person. And always remember that the person himself determines what egregors to be on earth, what they should be, and how to interact with them.

How to understand the huge world of egregors? How to determine who is who? After all, it is also necessary to take into account that in our “relative” world many assessments are relative. For some, an egregor can be a helper, but for others it can be a hindrance to development.

Therefore, each person himself must consider this issue in each specific case, when interacting with a specific egregor. A negative egregor arises where it is created to solve the problems of one person or a separate group, at the expense of others.

The negative side of an egregor can be determined by the presence of violence, exploitation, fear, sacrifice, by the difficulty of entry and exit, by the presence of dogmas that interfere with the creative development of a person, by a selective attitude towards people and other egregors, by dividing them into “ours” and “not ours” ", true and not true.

The truth of an egregor is determined by the attitude towards a person. If an egregor reduces a person’s self-worth, then its truth is debatable. The more harmonious a person becomes in interaction with an egregor, the more truth there is in the latter.

A lot of negative things arise in the egregor who has built a vertical of power. The higher the pyramid of power, the larger its base (that is, the more people are attracted to this egregor), the less significant the life of an individual person is for the egregor. And, in this case, the egregor, for the sake of higher ideas and goals, for the sake of a happy future, leads people to revolution, to war, through hardship and suffering.

Egregors often deceive people. For example, many of the goals and objectives of the state are fundamentally at odds with the needs of the people, and the state egregor covers them in secrecy. And where there is a secret, there is deception. The presence of secrets is also a criterion for the truth of an egregor.

It is very important to understand that there are no completely negative egregors. Even in the most “evil” egregor there is always good. Even a drop, but it’s there! And relying on this drop of goodness, you can transform the most negative egregor! I am sure about that. Daniil Andreev said: “When a person can love the Devil, he will not be on Earth”!

Egregors can be created with the help of mental energy, as well as with the help of emotions. There are probably no purely mental egregors, as well as purely emotional ones. As a rule, both thoughts and feelings participate in the creation of egregors in varying proportions. Although one of the egregors claims that in the beginning there was a word, in my opinion, in the beginning there were emotions and feelings.

Emotions operate on a much larger scale. The strongest feeling is love. The feeling of hatred is very strong. Therefore, for example, external aggression, a sense of danger, causes hatred of the enemy: on this wave, the people unite, and the state becomes many times stronger.

Another example. A feeling of compassion for the poor and disadvantaged, together with hatred of the exploiters, allowed communist ideas to unite many peoples, manifest enormous energies of people, and create powerful egregors.

The third example concerns love. This feeling, knowing its enormous power, is used by many egregors. Their most prominent representatives are religious egregors. The latter divided love into human and divine, gave the second the greatest value and appropriated it for themselves.

And now hundreds of millions of people constantly and consciously send a significant part of their feelings directly to religious egregors. And this enormous energy of love of a significant part of the planet’s population does not go towards creating happiness for people here and now, but towards building and strengthening the corresponding egregors.

The division of love into two components: human and divine is an important method in the distribution of enormous human energies, and it is widely used by egregors. Love is one, as the whole Universe is one, as man is one with it. This unity is the basis of a happy life for the whole World. And any division is detrimental to her.

It seems that all egregors come from the same source, “graduates of the same school”: similar ideas, the same forms and methods of influencing people for thousands of years. Only, depending on time, the external surroundings change.

For example, one of these typical methodological developments of the egregor is preparing the consciousness of people for the coming of the “divine leader.” This or that person, according to the best laws of “PR” promotion, prepares for this role. In this way, local Fuhrers and “saviors of humanity” are being prepared.

The consciousness of people has long been preparing for the new coming of Christ the Savior. Religions talk about this, many books have been published, and various societies have been created. Everything is aimed at ensuring that a person waits for the arrival of a divine personality, maintains a slavish feeling of readiness to accept a leader and develops himself in this direction, and does not follow the path of revealing his own “I”.

An interesting example is related to the attempt to educate the leader of humanity, undertaken by the Theosophical Society under the leadership of Annie Besant. This society, led by Shambhala, based on a number of criteria similar to the selection of a person for the role of a lama, found an Indian boy and began to educate him accordingly - to prepare him for the role of a great spiritual teacher who would implement their plans.

Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in 1895, and in 1909 the President of the Theosophical Society, Annie Besant, took charge of his upbringing. But in 1929, he found strength in himself and left the organization created specifically for him, explaining his action as follows: “I realized that Truth is a land to which no road leads, it cannot be reached by following any paths following the teachings of a religion or sect."

This is an example of the great spiritual feat of a person who did not want to be subordinate to the egregor and went his own way. Unfortunately, many more examples of a different plan are known.

Most people unquestioningly obey egregors, and many do this consciously, trying to achieve their specific goals with their help. But this is an illusion. In fact, these people fulfill the roles written for them by egregors.

In parallel with the appropriate preparation of consciousness, negative egregors create appropriate conditions based on the principle: “the worse, the better.” The worse the living conditions of people, the more they expect the arrival of the next savior. Healthy, joyful, happy people do not need saviors!

Therefore, politicians, religions and many teachings use suffering as one of the methods of influencing people. Through suffering, one can “awaken” a person to accept one or another leader, god, and bring him under the protection of the Egregor the Savior. But through suffering you will not come to harmony! This path is a dead end!



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