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Growing garden chamomile and caring for it in open ground. Giant chamomile (large), cornflower

Garden chamomile belongs to the category of perennial herbaceous plants. It is characterized by ease of care, which allows it to be grown in any area

To successfully grow garden chamomile, you must initially select the correct variety:

  • The most popular variety is the Princess garden chamomile. It has large flowers, the diameter of which can be from 10 to 12 centimeters. This plant stays in one place for up to 4 years. The flowers of this chamomile are very often used to make bouquets.
  • Alaska chamomile belongs to the category of large-flowered plants. Its heads reach 12 centimeters in diameter. This plant reaches a height of up to 90 centimeters. This variety is characterized by unpretentiousness and drought resistance. It begins to bloom in July August. This plant can be planted in the fall, and next summer it will already bloom.
  • The garden chamomile variety Silver Princess is characterized by the presence of snow-white flowers, the diameter of which is 10 centimeters. Plant height is up to 30 centimeters. This variety is very often used in group plantings. Flowering of this plant begins in July and continues until frost.
  • The Winner chamomile variety is quite popular, as it has very beautiful inflorescences. The height of the flowers is from 50 to 90 centimeters, and their diameter is from 8 to 12 centimeters. This variety is characterized by the presence of snow-white petals. This plant grows for 4 years without requiring replanting or dividing the bush. This variety is capable of blooming only in the second year after planting. This garden chamomile blooms from June to August.

Today, there are a huge number of varieties of garden chamomile, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for the design of your plots.

Planting garden chamomile can be done in the following ways:

  • Using seeds
  • From seedlings
  • Dividing the bush

Planting chamomile using any method requires the selection of slightly acidic soils. This plant does not like shade, so it must be planted in sunny places. Before planting, fertilize the soil. If it is acidic, dolomite flour or slaked soda is added. Enough space is allocated for garden chamomile, which makes caring for it much easier. In one place, this plant can grow for up to 5 years.

When planting garden chamomile seeds, you need to choose a sunny place. Seeds should be planted directly into the ground in late May - early June.

Garden chamomile has very small seeds, so in order for them to germinate quickly, they must be sprinkled with a very thin layer of soil. After germination, chamomile needs regular watering. After 4-5 leaves appear on the plant, it needs to be planted with 2-3 flowers. Planting chamomile seeds can also be done in the autumn.

When planting this plant in the spring, you must:

  • So that the air temperature is from 16 to 18 degrees.
  • In order for the seeds to germinate faster, garden chamomile must be sown under a covering material.
  • This plant does not like condensation, so as the chamomile grows, it must be thinned out regularly.
  • Planting chamomile in the ground should be done on neutral soils. This is explained by the fact that this plant does not tolerate wetlands.
  • In order for chamomile to fully grow and develop, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting it.

In order to grow chamomile from seedlings, the seeds are sown in March. For this purpose, you need to take good drainage and pour it into the pots. Seeds are planted in moist soil. You can sprinkle the seeds with a thin layer of soil or not at all. During the dive, you can use ordinary plastic cups. In these containers, it is imperative to make a hole at the bottom.

After picking the plant, it must be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle on top and covered with film. The film should not be opened until the first shoots appear. Cups with seedlings are placed in a warm and dark place.

When the first shoots appear, the film is removed from the cup. The cups must be placed on the window, as the seedlings require light.

Seedlings appear 10-14 days after planting. After the threat of frost in May has passed, you can transplant chamomile seedlings into the ground. Planting seedlings. In this case, the distance between the bushes should be from 30 to 40 centimeters.

Another highly effective way to propagate chamomile is by dividing the bush. To do this, you need to dig up a chamomile bush in the spring and divide it into 2-3 new bushes, depending on its size. Dividing the bush should be done with bare hands so as not to damage the chamomile root system. Next, a hole is dug in the ground, the size of which corresponds to the diameter of the new bush. Mineral fertilizers are applied to the bottom of the hole and covered with a layer of soil. Next, the chamomile is planted in the ground and watered. Absolutely all chamomile propagation methods are highly effective, which allows the gardener to choose the most suitable option for himself.

Garden chamomile is a fairly easy-to-care plant. In order for it to fully grow and develop, it needs:

  1. Ensure timely and abundant watering.
  2. This plant really does not like weeds, so it needs to be weeded regularly. Weeding will not only help get rid of weeds, but will also allow air to pass through the chamomile root system, as well as loosening the soil, since this plant loves fertile soils.
  3. Seedlings of this plant that are planted in poppy need to be watered and fed frequently. For this purpose, mullein infusion or nitrogen fertilizers can be used.
  4. Adult bushes of the plant also need feeding. Urea is used for this purpose. It only needs 20 grams per square meter.
  5. In dry weather, the soil is shed with water after applying fertilizers.
  6. If the leaves of the garden chamomile begin to acquire a light green color, then it is necessary to re-feed it. The need for repeated feeding arises only if agricultural practices were not followed when caring for and planting the plant.
  7. The application of mineral fertilizers should alternate with the application of chicken manure, which will limit the possibility of soil acidification, which negatively affects this plant.

Garden chamomile also requires rejuvenation. To do this, five years after planting this plant, the bush on one side must be cut off. Fertile soil is poured into the resulting hole. After three years, the chamomile is rejuvenated, only the root system of the bush is pruned from the other side.

In the autumn, the aboveground part of this plant is pruned.

Garden chamomile is a plant that cannot tolerate too low temperatures, so it must be covered for the winter. Garden chamomile can be affected by thrips. At the first manifestations of damage, this plant is treated with insecticides.

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is quite simple. That is why any summer resident or gardener can decorate their landscape design without putting in much effort.

More information can be found in the video.

Garden daisies are one of the most versatile plants.

They can be planted on flower lawns in parks, in flower beds in front of the house, on a summer cottage and in a garden among trees.

Everywhere they look very beautiful and gentle.

Growing garden daisies Usually two colors: blue and white.

They grow in a large bush and are constantly interchanged. That is, during the summer and autumn, new buds and inflorescences appear in places that have faded.

The duration of the bush's stay in one place is 3-4 years. Then it is better to plant them and transplant them to another place so that the plants do not degenerate.

Daisies overwinter well under the snow and do not require separate cover. They are very unpretentious to the soil and do not suffer too much from weeds.

Watering should be moderate and not very frequent - 2 times a week in hot weather. If the summer is rainy enough, then they practically do not need additional watering.

Chamomiles can grow well both in the sun and in the shade. This does not in any way affect the quality of flowering.

You can plant cornflowers by seeds, rhizomes or cuttings. Seeds can be planted directly into the ground in the fall or spring. Shoots appear on the 20th day and grow quickly.

But with such sowing, the plants bloom only in the second year. You can plant daisies and seedlings.

Then they need to be sown with seeds in March-April, in good soil and grown until the planting time, which you determine in your region.

In this case, the plant may bloom in the first year of planting. You can plant seedlings immediately after spring April frosts, when their recurrence is reduced to zero.

After planting, the seedlings can be lightly fed. You also need to plant nevus in spring or autumn, before or after the start of flowering.

The rhizomes are divided into small parts, trying to ensure that each section of the main root intended for transplantation has a sufficient number of lobe-shaped small roots.

Such “divisions” should be planted shallowly, but try to cover the rhizome. Such plantings also grow very well.

There is another way to propagate these flowers - cuttings. For planting, a rosette of small shoots is separated, which is planted in mid-summer with a piece rhizomes.

The planted “rosette” is sprinkled with loose soil and left to germinate. Daisies are very beautiful in lawns, flower beds, and gardens.

But there is a special variety of dwarf daisies intended for borders. These flowers are good not only for stationary cultivation, but also for cutting for bouquets.

Personally, I really love daisies both in flower beds and in bouquets and constantly grow them in my summer cottage.

But precisely because they are very unpretentious, I boldly plant them between the trees in the garden. It turns out to be a good design!

An indispensable attribute of a suburban area is a rock garden, in which a wide variety of flowers and herbs grow, as well as the obligatory lawn with shrubs and herbs. And perennial garden chamomile is most often found here. Caring for chamomile is not difficult, because it does not require special attention. And against the background of bright greenery, the yellow or blue heads of daisies will attract attention.

Varieties of daisies

You can enjoy the beauty of daisies for a very long time. But it’s still worth choosing from the whole variety of varieties exactly the one that will look perfect in your garden plot. After all, there are simply many varieties of this amazing flower. The variety of garden chamomile varieties is amazing. You can choose any flower to your liking. They vary in size and shape. You can even choose ones that look like chrysanthemums with their fluffy and luxurious petals, and red terry chamomile also looks very beautiful.

Bushes can have a variety of colors and shades. They can be red, pink, lilac and pale blue. You can also choose daisies with different flowering times. And bouquets of daisies can stand in your home for more than one day and delight you with their beautiful and delicate flowers.

Types of garden perennial chamomile

But it’s still worth understanding the most popular varieties of daisies:

  • Garden chamomile Princess. It has large flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. Its flowers are most often used in creating beautiful and delicate bouquets. And the plant can remain in one place for up to 4 years.
  • Alaska - refers to large-flowered plants. Its head can reach 12 cm in diameter. The plant is quite tall, can reach a height of 90 cm. This variety of daisies is a drought-resistant plant. Peak flowering occurs in July and August. The plant is planted in the fall, and in the summer of next year the plant will delight you with flowers.
  • The Silver Princess is characterized by the special whiteness of the petals on its flowers. This variety is most often used for group plantings, which makes it simply irreplaceable when creating alpine slides and small original flower beds. This plant begins to bloom in July, and finishes blooming its beautiful cups before frost.
  • The Pobeditel variety is considered no less popular. Its snow-white inflorescences delight owners from July to August. They do not require dividing the bush and replanting for 4 years after planting.
  • Fiona Coghill has pompom-type flowers, reaching up to 10 cm in diameter, with small bright yellow flowers inside.

Today there is simply a huge number of varieties of garden daisies, which allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

How to grow daisies and propagate them

You can grow a flower in a variety of ways: by seeds; dividing the bush; seedlings. The flower requires slightly acidic soil. Then, no matter how you grow it, it will take root and begin to delight you with its beautiful and delicate flowers.

The plant does not like shade, so you should choose a sunny place for it. And before landing you should fertilize the soil thoroughly. If the soil in the area is too acidic, its acidity should be reduced by adding soda or dolomite flour. The more space you leave for planting and growing the plant, the easier it will be to care for it.

Planting by seeds

Plants are planted with seeds directly into open ground in early May. It is worth remembering that the seeds of Persian chamomile are very small, and therefore for their speedy germination they should be sprinkled with a small layer of soil. After the first shoots have appeared, they should be carefully cared for.

In particular, you need Water the sprouts regularly and abundantly. After 4–5 leaves appear on each plant, they need to be planted in two or three bushes side by side. You can also plant chamomile seeds in the fall, then with the onset of warm days you will see the first tender shoots.

When planting a plant in the spring, you need to follow these rules:

  1. The air temperature should not fall below 16 degrees.
  2. For better seed germination, they need to be sown under covering material.
  3. Crowding is not good for the plant, and therefore the bushes should be carefully thinned out as they grow.
  4. The soil for planting must be neutral. Chamomile does not tolerate waterlogging.
  5. Be sure to add mineral fertilizers to the soil before planting.

Propagation by seedlings

To grow a plant from seedlings, little preparation is needed; the seeds should be planted as early as March. First, you need to lay out high-quality drainage at the bottom of the container. Seeds should be planted in moist soil, and they should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, or not at all.

Diving should be done in plastic cups or peat pots. You must make a hole in the plastic cup to drain water.

After this, the pots should be covered with film and stored in a dark and dry place. When the first shoots appear, the film should be removed. Seeds needed moisturize thoroughly so that they sprout as soon as possible. And after the seedlings emerge, the cups with seedlings need to be placed on the windowsill, because the plants will need light and warmth.

Seedlings should be planted in open ground after the frosts have passed. It happens at the end of May. Planting in open ground is carried out in bushes of two or three at a time. The distance between them should be at least 40 cm. This is done so that in the future the plants do not intertwine with each other and do not interfere with each other.

Shrub division

An equally popular method of planting Persian chamomile is dividing the bush. This is done like this: in the spring, the bush is completely dug up and divided into two or three parts. In this case, all work must be carried out with bare hands.

This is done so as not to damage the roots of the plant. The plant can reproduce in this way every year. And it will begin to bloom in the same year. Growing chamomile should be done in stages:

  • dig a hole slightly larger than the root system;
  • put mineral fertilizers on the bottom;
  • they need to be covered with soil;
  • plant the plant and sprinkle the roots with soil;
  • water thoroughly.

All methods of growing chamomile are extremely effective. Therefore, every gardener can choose the one that is right for him.

Features of chamomile care

Growing garden chamomile does not cause much trouble for the owner. In order for the plant to fully develop, you just need to follow some rules:

Garden bush daisy can have quite large heads when it begins to bloom. But for this the plant needs to be periodically rejuvenated. This is done by trimming one side of the bush. But every year you need to alternate sides. And in the fall, it is important to trim the plant to the soil in time. This will help it not freeze in winter and there will be no need to cover the chamomile for the winter.

Large chamomile- a perennial plant that winters well in open ground. Scientific name - cornflower. This is an amazing flower in its beauty and size. For all its simplicity, the large (giant) chamomile never ceases to amaze people who admire its beauty. For more than ten years now I have been growing nevberry in my garden plot. However, no one can pass by the giant daisy blooming on my property without stopping for a moment to admire the snow-white cloud of these amazing flowers.

Giant chamomile (nivyanika) is excellent for cutting. Cut at the beginning of flowering (the “age” of a blooming chamomile flower can be easily determined by the mass of open anthers on its yellow patch), it will stand in a vase for up to two weeks. You just need to change the water in the vase and refresh the cut on the flower trunks.

And this chamomile is called giant because, compared to the common garden chamomile, it is truly a giant. The size of a flower in a cornflower can reach 15 centimeters or more in diameter. The height of a large chamomile (Gagantica) depends on the age of planting. In the first year after planting, the height of the plant is on average 70-80 centimeters. At the same time, the flower trunks are very powerful; their thickness at the base can reach 1 centimeter.

In subsequent years of growing chamomile, the height of the flowers is up to one meter, but the trunks are already becoming thinner. This is caused by the thickening of the growing bush. If you grow chamomile in one place, without replanting, for several years, the bushes become very thick, the trunks become very thin (no more than 5 millimeters), the flower itself becomes smaller, although the height of the plants can be more than 1 meter.

In their gardens and personal plots, flower growers grow various varieties of giant chamomile. Varieties of cornflower differ in flowering time, shape and number of rows of petals. Some daisies have egg-shaped petals, while others have straight petals with rounded ends. One variety has only one row of petals, another has three.

The earliest daisies bloom for gardeners in our area at the end of May. The latest varieties of giant chamomile bloom in the second half of July. I note that early varieties of chamomile tend to bloom again in late summer and early autumn. True, this flowering is very poor and the flower itself is not as lush as when it first bloomed. By growing varieties of giant chamomile with different flowering periods in your garden plot, you can enjoy its flowering throughout the summer.

Reproduction, planting and replanting of large chamomile

The easiest and most affordable way propagation of giant chamomile- dividing the bush. In order to grow really large daisies, so that the plants are strong and produce large flowers, you need plant daisies at least once every three years. If this is not done, the bushes thicken, the flowers become smaller, the stems stretch out and become thin. Old dying roots inhibit the growth of young roots, the middle of the bush becomes bare, and the bush grows in a ring. Dividing the bush also allows you to propagate the variety faster.

Preparing the soil for planting large chamomile

It is better to prepare the soil for planting giant chamomile in advance. Since chamomile is grown in one place for at least three years, it is very desirable to add organic matter for digging - at least 1 bucket of humus per 1 square meter. In addition to nutrients, adding organic fertilizer also improves the soil structure and increases its moisture holding capacity. After all, over three years, the soil under the chamomile becomes very compacted, and oxygen access to the roots deteriorates. If there is not enough humus, it must be added to the furrows when planting flowers.

When digging up a site for planting cornflower, you should carefully select the roots of perennial weeds such as wheatgrass. Be sure to select cockchafer larvae from the soil if you come across them, since this pest really loves to feast on the juicy roots of the giant chamomile.

When is the best time to replant giant chamomile?

The best time to plant chamomile roots is after flowering, as soon as young shoots begin to grow. It is advisable that the weather is not too hot during seating. And it is best if the weather is cloudy and rainy for several days after planting. Such conditions make it easy for young sprouts to take root.

From my own experience, I know that it does not always coincide that the weather is favorable and the grower has time to prepare and transplant chamomile in the summer. Personally, I most often used warm September rainy days for this procedure. After all, in September there is already less to do in the garden and you can safely devote time to preparing the soil for growing chamomile and planting nevus bushes. It happened that I replanted chamomile at the beginning of October - it also took root perfectly. You should be guided by the following: the earlier the nivaria is planted, the stronger the plants will go into winter and the easier they will endure the first wintering.

You can do planting giant chamomile and early spring. In this case too - the sooner the better. There was a case when winter ended too early and in the second half of February I had the opportunity to plant daisies. By the time of flowering, these plants had taken root perfectly and formed a full-fledged large flower. Transplantation during March and the first half of April also gives good results. Later planting dates do not allow the plant to form a full-fledged flower. Nevertheless, planting chamomile even in May allows the plants to take root well, but the flower does not have time to gain strength at this time of planting. An interesting fact is that, regardless of the timing of planting and the degree of development of the plant, the giant chamomile blooms strictly at the time prescribed by nature.

How to plant large chamomile (niverberry)

It is convenient to plant cornflowers in furrows made with a glander (a hoe or a hoe, as you like). If humus was not introduced when digging the plantation, then it is introduced into the furrows during planting and mixed with the soil. The furrows are filled with water and chamomile roots are planted in them. Bushes should be divided as much as possible. I try to divide in such a way that each sprout that has at least one, even a very small root of its own, is separated. If it is not possible to separate a single sprout, then a group of sprouts that have a common root(s) should be separated.

When planting, the roots should be covered with earth so that after planting the planted row of sprouts ends up in a shallow groove - very convenient for saving water during the first waterings. Over time, the groove will be sprinkled, since new sprouts tend to rise slightly above the ground and can be covered with a little soil.

Garden perennial chamomile is common among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness and long flowering. There are different varieties of this plant, which differ in color, flower and stem size, planting method, and flowering period.

Choosing the optimal place to plant a flower, properly fertilizing the soil and following the rules of plant care is the key to a healthy crop and a beautiful flower bed.

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    What does a garden chamomile look like?

    Such an unpretentious flower as the perennial garden chamomile is quite simple to describe. The average height of a garden chamomile is 70 cm. Its leaves are green and oblong in shape. The flower has the shape of a basket and reaches an average of 15 cm in diameter; the petals are located around the core, depending on the variety they are painted in different colors.

    The plant is easy to care for and can grow in the sun and shade. Chamomile is characterized by a long flowering period, namely from late May to September. Gardeners really like all these qualities and features, which is why many flower beds contain chamomile of different varieties.


    Different varieties of garden perennial chamomile are characterized by different colors and shapes of petals. Red, yellow, pink, blue - all these shades are present in various types of this plant, you only need to choose based on personal preferences. In addition to flowers with smooth petals, there are also double daisies, which in appearance resemble asters and chrysanthemums.

    Based on the duration of flowering, the height of the stem and the size of the inflorescence, you can choose one type or another. Any chamomile, regardless of the variety, will retain its original appearance in a bouquet for a long time after cutting. The most common varieties of perennial garden chamomile:

    • Nivyanyk. Bush garden chamomile. The most common type, which is usually planted in flower beds. The size of the inflorescence usually reaches 20 cm. The height of the bush is no more than 70 cm. It feels great in a sunny and poorly ventilated place. Propagated by seeds or dividing the bush. The Crazy Daisy variety is a subspecies of cornflower and has the same dimensions. It is distinguished by the presence of a double flower.
    • Princess. Decorative garden chamomile. The height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm. The petals are also not very large in diameter, on average 10–12 cm. It blooms from late June to mid-autumn. It grows faster in loose soil with constant watering.
    • Alaska. Large-flowered chamomile. This variety is characterized by strong, tall stems up to 90 cm high and large flowers. The diameter of the latter can reach 20 cm. This variety blooms from May until the onset of frost, usually planted as seedlings, and sometimes as winter sowing. Blooms a year after planting.
    • Winner. Tall bush garden chamomile. The name of this variety speaks for itself. The height of the bush reaches one meter. The average flower diameter is 12 cm. It begins to bloom the next year after planting.
    • North Star. Decorative garden chamomile. The height of the bush is usually no more than 70 cm. The diameter of the inflorescence is 15 cm, and often even less. This variety tolerates high temperatures well and is tolerant of dry soil. It begins to bloom in the second year after sowing.

    Separately, it is worth highlighting the colored varieties of garden chamomile. The main varieties are presented in the following list:

    • Pyrethrum. Decorative colored chamomile. Petals come in pink, red and crimson shades. The height of the bush usually does not exceed 60–70 cm. The diameter of the inflorescence is 10 cm.
    • Doronicum. Large-flowered colored chamomile. The yellow color of the petals is a distinctive feature of this variety. The flowers have a diameter of 12 cm. The flowering duration of this variety is 1 month, after this time the flower loses its decorative properties, the leaves begin to fade.

    Planting a flower

    Many years of experience in growing this flower implies several basic ways of planting it. Each of them is unique in its own way and implies certain nuances. Not all planting methods are suitable for a particular variety:

    • The seedling method involves planting plants alternately in holes that are located at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other. No more than 3 specimens can be planted in each hole. When choosing this method, gardeners usually understand that the young plant has sensitive roots that can freeze if the weather turns bad.
    • Dividing the bush is the easiest way to grow chamomile. This method implies that the bush will be planted at the end of August or September. This is necessary so that the crop has time to get stronger by winter and can subsequently cope with frosts. The bush is divided after the plant has reached three years of age.
    • Growing a flower from seeds is the most unpopular and difficult way. Breeding your own seeds is a rather difficult task, so not every gardener is ready to do it. Of course, you can buy seeds in a store, but this method does not guarantee that a healthy and beautiful plant will sprout from the purchased material.

    Optimal place

    Choosing a planting site is half the successful growth of a plant. There are several rules that should be applied when choosing a site:

    • Perennial garden chamomile prefers sunny and windless places.
    • Fertilizers should be used before planting to make the soil more fertile.
    • The plant does well in slightly acidic soil. In order to reduce the acidity of the soil, you can use dolomite flour and slaked soda.
    • The distance between the bushes must be calculated in advance. Dense planting will lead to constant plant diseases, too sparse planting will lead to an untidy appearance of the flower bed.

    Planting in open ground

    Typically, chamomile seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 6 weeks. Do not forget about weather conditions; you should wait until the frosts end. The soil is neutral or calcareous soil with deep groundwater. This environment is perfect for growing flowers.

    After the soil has been fertilized, holes should be dug at a distance of 40 cm from each other and a depth of 30 cm. Next, you need to remove the seedlings with an earthen lump from the cells so as not to damage the root system, and place them in these holes. The soil around the plant should be tamped down and watered. The first flowering after planting in open ground will begin only a year after planting.

    Plant care

    Although chamomile is an unpretentious flower, despite this, it requires basic care. The basic rules for caring for this flower are not very different from the rules that are typical for caring for other plants:

    • Regular watering on hot days is required. Without moisture, the bottom layer of soil can dry out, and this will lead to the death of the root system.
    • The flower needs to grow in loose soil, which will facilitate better access of moisture and air to the roots.
    • Regular weeding usually helps keep your flower bed looking neat. In addition, during weeding, weeds that are carriers of diseases and harmful insects are removed.
    • Chamomile is a sun-loving plant; shade that falls from other plants should be avoided.

    Rejuvenating a plant is an important part of caring for it. It is held every 4 years. During this procedure, the bush is cut off on one side. New fertile soil is poured into the vacated space. After 3 years, you should repeat the same with the other side of the bush.



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