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How to end an office romance with your boss at work correctly and without negative consequences

It just so happens that a woman spends quite a large part of her life at work. For some, work is not just an empty word and activity for which we receive money, but for some women, work is the business and meaning of life, and career growth is the main goal and cherished dream. But a woman is still not a soulless robot, and under a strong-willed and strict personality there is always a subtle and fragile nature that needs warmth, love and care. Sometimes it happens that because of the small amount of free time, women dedicated to their work find a partner at work. Girls don't know what an office romance with a boss is. This could be a regular clerk, your colleague, or even your boss. Such relationships, as a rule, are several times more serious and dangerous than relationships outside of work, because your personal life is exposed to everyone. But what to do if your feelings have faded and you feel like it’s time to leave, but you’re scared? You are afraid that gossip will spread, followed by sidelong glances and condemnation from employees. There are many development scenarios and stories of office romances at work. In this article, we will discuss what to do and how to behave during breakups with your colleague.

Office romance at work: dotting the i's

The first thing you need to do is clearly resolve this issue with the subject of your faded sympathies. Talk honestly and frankly, do not try to create scandals, because at work this can turn against you. You should not involve anyone in your personal relationships; employees do not need to know all the details.

Of course, colleagues in the office are a second family, but you must agree that gossip and sidelong glances are not a very pleasant thing. You should agree that you both will behave as if nothing had happened. If you break up by mutual consent, there should be no problem with this, but if your partner still has romantic feelings for you, talk honestly and openly about why and why you should break up. Ask for understanding and try not to be seen for a while. If they abandoned you, have patience and real courage. Keep your feelings under tight lock and key, no one at work will care how much you are hurt, gossip and rumors will immediately spread, so keep your mouth shut and don’t let on that anything has changed. A wild hurricane of emotions will provide excellent food for discussing your personal life over lunch.

Keep everything secret

We have already briefly mentioned how important it is to keep all the details of your personal life secret. You should not discuss your feelings with anyone at work. Firstly, it will affect the productivity and quality of work of you and your colleagues. Secondly, gossip is transmitted at lightning speed with the effect of a broken phone. You will simply be surprised how much new you will learn about yourself in a couple of days. If you value your reputation and that of your ex-boyfriend, keep your mouth shut and continue working with a straight face as if nothing happened. This will help you avoid ridiculous and untrue stories of an office romance at work that happened to you.

Often, bosses don’t like the fact that colleagues are having affairs, because this affects the quality of work. To avoid stressful situations and unnecessary problems with your boss, try not to say anything unnecessary.

Office romance with the boss

If you have an affair with your boss, then the situation is a little more complicated, especially if you are the initiator of the breakup. If your boss is a very emotional person, don't be afraid of losing your job. After you explain the reason and prerequisites for your action, make sure that they are not going to fire you out of the blue. If there is even a small chance of such an incident, enlist the support of your colleagues. It's time to remember the collective mind and its support. No one will fire you if you have a couple of employees behind you who will be on your side. You will be the victim and your boss will be the evil wolf.

If you are the boss and your subordinate is your lover, again, discuss this sensitive issue. An offended ex-boyfriend may tell other colleagues a lot of unnecessary details, and you will lose authority and reputation among your subordinates. Don't be fooled by tricks and possible blackmail. Threaten with dismissal in the event of a riot on the ship, which may be initiated by your ex-partner.

Corporate events

Try to avoid corporate events and all kinds of parties with your colleagues for a while. Alcohol and a broken heart are just a nuclear mixture, the combination of which can result in irrevocable loss of reputation. Behave decently, even if you decide to go to a corporate party, do not overdo it with alcohol, so as not to tear your hair out the next morning for the consequences of the previous evening. You will simply be surprised at the lightning speed at which gossip spreads; you will hear quiet whispers of gossip about you around every corner from the corridor to the toilet. Therefore, never lose your composure and head, keep a tight rein on yourself and your feelings and don’t get involved in ridiculous situations and stories. Office romance at work is a delicate matter that requires special care.


Never do anything out of spite or rashly. if you are abandoned, do not give up and do nasty things to your offender. This will cause unnecessary attention and discussion of your person. You should not take revenge and start gossip. Always maintain your pride and remain human. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.

If you have been abandoned and it is unbearably painful for you to see the object of your adoration next to you every day, you should not even think about quitting. Remember that everything passes and everything is forgotten. In a couple of months, you will laugh at the thought of how stupid you were to worry so much about a failed romance. Remember that such a negative feeling as a broken heart is an excellent generator both in creativity and in work. Work helps you to distract yourself, direct your energy in the right direction, and you will immediately find yourself at the forefront of candidates for promotion.


If you're depressed, heartbroken, and teary-eyed, remember that no one at work cares about your feelings. No one cares how you feel or how much pain you feel. Nobody likes to see a tearful, sad person next to them, so at home you can cry and cry, eat tons of chocolates, but at work always remain a beautiful, stylish and strong woman. Strong people always inspire and command respect. And you respect yourself and those around you, don’t show your inner feelings to anyone, share your feelings with your friends over a glass of red wine or on Twitter, but at work be strong and proud, always full of energy and strength.

It is worth understanding the seriousness of office romances; in most cases, sadly, they end very badly, but sometimes there are good happy endings in which people get married and create a full-fledged family. In any case, before you start this mess and start any relationship, not necessarily even at work, you should get to know the person and be 100% sure of his honesty. It’s better not to have fleeting affairs, because people are vindictive creatures and if they are used and thrown away, the imprint on the mind will remain colossal. It is worth defining for yourself a clear line between work and personal life and never mixing them into one whole in order to avoid headaches and broken hearts. But the final choice is always yours.

Take the test

Your lover came home from work in a gloomy mood and answers your questions in monosyllables. What's your first thought?

Psychologists consider the emergence of romantic relationships between colleagues to be quite normal. A person spends about 50% of the day at work. Here he not only fulfills his job duties - he has to interact with others. Friendships and affection are formed at work, and flirting is not excluded. Colleagues sometimes become spouses.

Possible consequences of an office romance

The British even have such a concept as a work spouse, which means “working spouse”. This is a work colleague (usually of the opposite sex) with whom a good relationship develops. But such unions are not always successful. Connections between colleagues can end quite badly. Let's look at the most common scenarios and let the Hotwork team help us with this.

Gossip and rumors

Even if you carefully hide your relationship, information leakage will still happen sooner or later. After other employees find out about the relationship between colleagues, they begin to spread rumors (this is especially true in women's teams). Against this background, jealousy, envy is possible, you will be discussed. Be prepared for ridicule and teasing. This is the most unpleasant period. You just need to wait it out. Then the passions will subside and a new topic for discussion will appear.

Conflicts after a breakup

Office romances often occur during or after stressful situations. An increased emotional background is an ideal condition for the emergence of sexual attraction between colleagues. When everything returns to normal and falls into place, the feelings previously mistaken for love will subside. It’s good if this happens to two partners at once. What if there is only one? The following unpleasant consequences are possible:
  • colleagues ignoring each other;
  • open conflicts and showdowns;
  • more rumors;
  • outright insults;
  • jealousy, etc.
This, of course, cannot but affect the productivity of both. It is unlikely that any boss would want employee relationships to interfere with the work process. Dismissal may follow. It’s better to differentiate between work and personal relationships, leaving conflicts and scandals outside the office. And under no circumstances should you expose or insult your ex-partner. This is simply low.

Damage to career and dismissal

Only at first glance does the relationship between a boss and a subordinate seem promising. In most cases, the one who is “higher” views the one who is “lower” solely as an object to satisfy sexual needs. There are, of course, exceptions when a secretary becomes a wife or an ordinary manager becomes a husband. But this is rare. In order not to suffer severe disappointment, you should analyze your partner’s behavior. If he is looking for a moment's entertainment, ask yourself whether you are ready for the disappointment that is sure to follow at the end of an office romance.

Does it happen otherwise?

In some cases, colleagues create quite strong families and unions. They are busy with the same thing, spend a lot of time together, and a trusting relationship develops between them. As a result, some kind of feeling arises, which later has a chance to develop into love. Psychologists call this phenomenon “functional marriages.”

In order for colleagues to become happy spouses, one condition must be met - low emotionality of both. They hide their relationships and do not show feelings in public. The name “cold” is applied to them. It is precisely from such novels that marriages are obtained in which both partners are successful and happy. They can do one thing, develop a common business, raise children at the same time and build their own life.
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Sergey, 28 years old, top manager

“I liked Rita for a long time and, thanks to the corporate event, I managed to get close to her. We started a relationship. But then something went wrong. She started avoiding me. At work, in front of the team, she asked me to communicate with her as before. In general, don’t allow yourself too much. She didn’t answer my frequent calls, and one day she sent a text message: “Leave me alone. We will not be together". I could no longer work normally. I began to have a mania, it seemed that Rita was flirting with all the men around me to spite me. In general, I quit, or rather, I simply stopped going to work.”

2. You may have problems with your boss.

Alexander, 33 years old, bartender

“I got to know Vika closely two weeks after she joined our company. I was young and carefree. We started dating. Our meetings in bars and restaurants demanded continuation. Vicky had the keys to the director's office. In it. But one day the director came to work early. Entering the office, the first thing he saw was my back and Vika’s face... Burning with shame, we left the crime scene. He fired us both without hesitation. After my dismissal, I stopped dating Vika. The work was good and close to home, but because of Vicky I was fired.”

3. Nothing will probably come of this relationship.

Kirill, 25 years old, sales representative

“In the company I worked for at that time, in principle, there were a lot of young and pretty girls. There was no desire to enter into a love relationship with any of them. There was one girl... Due to work, we often had to leave the office together. And so, step by step, the relationship began. At first everything was easy. But then I started to get tired of this relationship. We were together almost 24 hours a day, she knew everything about me. I was constantly under fire. The same face both at work and after. I was not in the mood for a serious relationship... We broke up when enough quarrels and resentments had accumulated. It was not easy to continue working together. There was some kind of tension all the time. I will never repeat this again.”

4. You may lose your job.

Georgiy, 30 years old, entrepreneur

“At that time I had big problems with my wife. I worked at a hotel, where I met Nastya. Spun. My feelings quickly cooled down. I wanted to return to my family. My wife didn’t mind, she also missed me, calmed down, and forgave. When I said that I was leaving, Nastya began to have hysterics, blackmail and scandals. It became impossible to work. She turned the entire team against me. My wife set the condition that she would take me back if I no longer saw Nastya. In general, I quit..."

5. Real romance is hard to survive.

Mikhail, 31 years old, supervisor

“We worked together for a long time. Some years. The relationship began to be strong. It seemed to me like true love. We started living together. We have learned to separate work and family life very well. In general, it wasn’t that we were tired of seeing each other all the time. Maybe because I was able to take breaks, thanks to business trips. Everything was great with my career in this company. I was waiting for a promotion. But she started sleeping with our boss. Colleagues told me about this. She didn't really deny it. I was simply in shock. What to do? Punch your boss in the face? Should I quit or continue working? She was quickly promoted. And I, having suffered for a year, found myself under general layoffs, as the company went bankrupt.”

6. You will be beaten, humiliated and persecuted

Evgeniy, 30 years old, teacher

“Once I decided to have an affair with my boss after finding out that she liked me. Then I had no idea that a passing hobby could turn into real hell for me. I ended this story unilaterally without announcing any reasons. But she continued to behave as if nothing had happened. She behaved in such a way that I was burning with shame. Then the persecution began: calls, SMS, etc. Problems began at work. Instead of a bonus, I began to receive fines, insults, hysterics, and even slight bruises from objects flying at me. Six months later it became a little easier, her passion was replaced by coldness. "

7. Maybe it’s worth a try?

Vyacheslav, 28 years old, sales manager

“At the beginning, Sasha was just my girlfriend. Four years ago I got a job. and boss, the salary is more than decent. Alexandra wasn't having a good time at work. I talked to the director. The director was in favor, provided that Sasha and I were colleagues at work and nothing more. That's how it all turned out. During the working day, I am Vyacheslav Alekseevich for her, and she is Alexandra Artemovna for me. A year after she came to our office, we got married. Both our colleagues and the director attended the wedding. However, our work together will soon come to an end. Sasha is expecting a child, which means maternity leave.”

And a few more opinions

8. Sergey, 27 years old, journalist

“Office romances, like all good things, come to an end. And it’s not always smooth. And you actually like this job. To avoid inconvenience later, it’s better not to start.”

9. Vladimir, 27 years old, photographer

“I work with models. Most of the time they are practically naked. This is a very intimate moment: the work of a model and a photographer. If I had gotten involved with a producer, an assistant, or the same model, some magic would have been lost. Or it wouldn't be a job anymore. But attacks of jealousy, hysterics, all this is definitely not for me.”

10. Mikhail, 32 years, designer

“To be together at work, at home, and on vacation. It too. A man needs something of his own, he needs a feeling of freedom. Otherwise you might go crazy.”

11. Rais, 35 years old, artist

“You can’t interfere, there must be a clear hierarchy. If you give in, then it starts: I want this, I don’t want that... Where’s the bonus? I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles! If suddenly a person becomes close to you, it will be difficult to achieve your goal.”

12. Sergey, 31 years old, showman

“I work as a host of various events; I often host wedding celebrations, at which there are a lot of beautiful girls. As a presenter, I get a lot of attention. How do I use it? I help single guys shine in front of these girls, because if they succeed, guess who will officiate their wedding?”

13. Evgeniy, 31 years old, entrepreneur

“Personally, I met my wife at work in a nightclub. This place was dotted with scantily clad girls and guys with whom all of us came into contact for work and other matters. There was no jealousy or other problems. After some time, we said goodbye to this place of work, got married, had children, and everything is fine with us, thank God.”

What do you think about office romances? Write your opinion in the comments.

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Comments: 10


    I do not agree! I met my husband at work, worked as a financier, he is in the commercial department) and he came to our company from competitors, where I had previously come for reconciliations🤔😉🤔saw, fell in love and came to us) six months later we got married💝And now it’s been 17 years we work and live together 😘 So I’m willing to bet) apparently the boys got the wrong girls 🙃

    18.01.2016 / 20:48


    I agree with Marina! A good, adequate, normal person can be recognized precisely in his work. For further relationships, IMHO! Here you can see how a person fulfills his duties. His present, his future. And his past is well known. You will see a person in action and on vacation. (With)

    19.01.2016 / 08:30


    I also liked the man at work. We only started our relationship on the day I quit. Apparently, he did not dare to start them while we were employees. True, after 9 months of communication, it ended in nothing. And I thank God that we are not working in the same office now. Sometimes you have to go there on business, and seeing this person is very painful ((

    19.01.2016 / 13:17


    And I like my position, there are about 100 people working in our department, and the M/F ratio is approximately equal. I had intimate relationships with 7 employees, all of them are already quite adults and we are aware of the unpleasant consequences. Not a single example from the ones written above fell on our heads. Either from general adequacy, or perhaps it has passed for now) I meet with 2 out of 7 regularly, exclusively for one purpose, but since this is mutual attraction, I don’t consider myself guilty. Girls are lonely, but everyone wants passion. At work we behave quite naturally, “hello, hello”, “how are you? - and I’m fine”, no flirting, and no hints that we had anything, ever. Colleagues don’t seem to know, although I’m sure they have their own skeletons in their closet. I consider the topic of office romances to be quite normal if one of the parties is not in a relationship or marriage on the other side of work. Cheating is not a worthy act

    23.01.2016 / 13:21


    I once had an affair with a popular colleague at work. It seems they didn’t advertise the relationship, but apparently they got married somewhere. There were many people who wanted to do it, but in the end it didn’t end well. The fact that they broke up with him is, naturally, experienced, but the memories of how the ladies fought for him, how much s... came out, how they competed for him, how many setups there were.... He clearly wasn’t worth it been through.

    08.02.2016 / 11:14


    Hello! 10 months ago I started having an affair at work. Everything happened spontaneously; I had been alone for a long time. But I can’t continue it further, because I haven’t developed feelings for the person, but he doesn’t let go and doesn’t hold on. He doesn’t think about the future, for now he would just like to be with me. And time passes. I'm soon 27 years old. Many people are whispering behind my back and have stopped trusting me. I can no longer behave adequately. I’m constantly nervous, everything hurts, I often catch colds or don’t feel well. Tell me what I could do to make people treat me more respectfully, because this is work, not a place for entertainment.

    23.07.2016 / 11:24


    Six months ago I wanted to bewitch a guy I really liked. But, unfortunately, he was married. But I did not despair: I was looking for an opportunity to see him, to chat, but all my attempts were unsuccessful. Then I turned to a woman on WhatsApp 89031708267 for help. A very good specialist in love spells. It helped me and I recommend it to you. After several days, my beloved invited me to the cinema, and after a couple of months of secret meetings, he proposed to me. I am loved))

    15.05.2019 / 14:08


    I met a young man at work, we dated for a month, but then we separated, but we had to continue working with him, we sat at neighboring computers, we saw each other every day. It was terrible, if you are not going to leave your job for some reason, do not start a relationship, it may turn out to be very short-term, but after that you will have to work with your ex.

Informal relationships can develop between people who spend a third of their time at work. It's natural for employees to flirt, fall in love, and have affairs. Unfortunately, not all romances with co-workers end happily.

You can start an affair anywhere, even, according to one of the heroines of the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” in a cemetery, with a widower or widower. Well, in enterprises, offices and other work groups, where people spend 8-9 hours a day, 5 times a week, office romances are a common occurrence. Corporate parties, which have become so popular recently, are also conducive to the establishment of office romances. And it is quite natural that young (and not only) people working in mixed teams flirt, fall in love, and have affairs.

How the office romance ended happily is described in the film “Office Romance” starring Alisa Freindlich and Andrei Myagkov. True, before this happened, the heroes of the film several times found themselves in situations that could make them enemies and separate them forever.

In real life, office romances do not always end as in the fairy tale: “they lived happily ever after and died on the same day.” And yet, everyone who finds love or sympathy in the workplace expects reciprocity. Or maybe someone is just flirting, paying more attention to one of the employees of the opposite sex than to the others. In any case, non-official relationships between a man and a woman in a work team will not go unnoticed by other employees. Sooner or later management will become aware of them.

Of course, people who are uncontrollably attracted to each other are unlikely to be stopped by obstacles in the form of gossip and discussions of the nuances of their relationship - after all, it is clear that in every team there will be ill-wishers.

And yet, for those who have started a so-called office romance, it is useful to find out in advance from which side danger may lie in wait for them. Perhaps this knowledge will protect them from rash actions in the future, will help them survive and maintain relationships with the object of their sympathy or love.

1. Office romances are not approved by the management of the company or firm.

According to numerous surveys, managers of firms and companies prefer that their employees not have affairs in the workplace. Moreover, they treat them very disapprovingly. And in some large companies, rules of official conduct are being developed, which state that there are no women and men at work, everyone is an employee, between whom there can only be status differences. Those who violate these rules will face serious punishment, including dismissal.

There are companies where not only are romantic relationships between employees unacceptable, but it is also prohibited to hire spouses, even if they intend to work in different departments.

Management “cares” for several reasons.

Firstly, it is possible that one of the participants in the affair may pursue mercantile goals and, through flirting with a colleague or boss, try to get a promotion or some valuable information.

Secondly, lovers’ productivity decreases because they devote too much working time to communicating with each other. Often they are late together, sort things out in front of their colleagues, involving them in a showdown. The emotional waves that lovers raise prevent others from working effectively - figuratively speaking, they rock the boat of the work process.

And thirdly, quite often the result of an office romance is the voluntary dismissal of one, or even both lovers, who want to quickly erase the relationship from memory if for some reason it does not work out. Management will then have to look for replacements and train new employees.

So, most managers of firms and companies have a negative attitude towards flirting and office romances, because they prevent employees from performing their work duties efficiently.

2. All employees are witnesses to an office romance.

In any work team there is always someone who knows and notices more than others and who willingly shares his observations with others. Gradually, people who like each other, flirt, and have affairs become the object of almost everyone's attention. All employees are watching the development of the novel - some with hostility, some with envy, and some simply out of curiosity.

Perhaps the lovers themselves have not yet really figured out their feelings - whether it is a short-term affair or a serious relationship, as they are already beginning to be given advice “with the best intentions” and even weave intrigues around them. The consequence of such foreign interference is often misunderstandings between young people, as a result of which they diverge. This happens especially often in teams where there are many women and few men, or vice versa.

3. If one of the heroes of an office romance is a boss, the second hero will probably be accused of commercialism

No one will believe in the sincerity of the relationship between lovers if one of them is the boss. If a woman occupies a leadership position, the man who is the object of her love will be said to be pursuing selfish goals, thus hoping to climb the career ladder. Women who themselves sympathized with him or whom he may have once rejected will be especially indignant.

If the boss is a man, then the woman who has become his favorite will not be treated well. Everyone will wash her bones, including those who themselves would not mind being in her place. Even if before starting a relationship with her boss, she was considered a good specialist, now she will be looked at as a person of easy virtue, allowing herself to flirt and flirt at work, and the subject of discussion will be not her professional, but her sexual qualities.

Those whom she previously considered her friends may also turn against her. For example, a former classmate said that her relationship with her fellow friends deteriorated after they found out about her affair with the head of the department. Previously, they were inseparable, they went to lunch together, shared secrets, including discussing the bosses, but now her friends only coldly greet her and try to avoid her if possible. Although she and her boss observe business etiquette, they maintain an official relationship at work and meet outside of work hours.

She believes that the reason for such unfriendly behavior of her friends is either envy or suspicions of her friends that the boss is aware of their private conversations and personal lives. Perhaps, wittingly or unwittingly, she herself gave a reason for this. She doesn’t dare ask her former friends directly. And now, unable to withstand the boycott, he is thinking about looking for another job.

Thus, an office romance with a boss is not a test for the impressionable and faint of heart.

It is also worth remembering that relationships with your boss can end on his initiative. And it will be especially offensive if he chooses another from the same team. Ill-wishers will gloat, others will sympathize, which will make the break in relations even more painful. In addition, the reputation will, as they say, be tarnished.

4. Office romances often end in breakup

“People meet, people fall in love, get married,” the “Merry Fellows” sang in the 80s. “I’m so unlucky in this that it’s just a disaster,” they continued. So love affairs, including work ones, often end in separation.

And it’s good if former lovers break up by mutual consent, without hysterics, without staging daily performances for the entire work team. But this rarely happens. Usually the initiator of a breakup is one person, while the other one is tormented, suffering, his world has collapsed and he has no idea how to live on. And here at work you need to meet and communicate every day as if nothing had happened with the object of your unhappy love, pretending to be indifferent so that no one would guess about the pain you are experiencing. And if a friend or girlfriend finds a new passion, then few people can withstand the daily torture. And the only right decision will be to look for another job.

Another possible negative option for the end of an office romance: the one who was abandoned begins to pursue his former love, make trouble, take revenge, and dedicate his colleagues to the intimate details of their personal life together. And in the end the person can’t stand it and quits.

Although, of course, those who are just starting their office love affair are full of bright hopes and will not darken their lives with thoughts about the sad end.

5. Office romance can ruin your career dreams.

Where else, if not at work, especially in a large team, are there such ample opportunities for new acquaintances with people of the opposite sex. Moreover, it is at work that you can best get to know a person by observing how he communicates with others: how respectful he is towards them, how he resolves conflicts, how responsible he is about his promises, etc. However, do not forget about statistics : Less than half of office romances end in marriage.

Therefore, love is love, but for those who rely on their career, it is better not to take risks and avoid office romances for the above-mentioned reasons. In addition, management is interested in employees working effectively and not in the clouds, so that their brains are busy searching for optimal solutions that will allow the company to surpass its competitors, and not fantasizing about the subject of their passion. Renee Cowan, a doctor of psychological sciences at one of the American universities, says that having an affair at work, a person risks his professional future.

This happened with the head of the company, Darren Hutson, who, being married, started an affair with one of the employees, who was not even directly subordinate to him. When their relationship became known, he was asked to resign, despite the fact that during his tenure the company's profits more than doubled. An office romance put an end to his career.

The article describes tips that will help you understand all the features and subtleties of an affair at work. Rules of behavior are also provided to help maintain your position on the career ladder.

Features and conditions of an affair at work

In the modern world, work takes up a huge amount of time. Many simply have no other place to build relationships. People start romances at work in hopes of finding true feelings. But this format of relationship has its own characteristics.

Firstly, love feelings should not interfere with work. When coming there, you need to clearly separate personal relationships and professional activities. Relationships should enhance performance and development, not hinder it.

Secondly, you should not start an affair out of boredom, because this can lead to negative consequences. There is no need to play with people’s feelings, especially with those with whom you will still have to be close in the future.

Let's find out how to behave when having an affair at work. There are a few simple recommendations that will help you avoid getting into an awkward situation and attract each other even more:

  • . To begin with, it is important to understand that such relationships are significantly different from all others. The thing is that people will spend almost the whole day together. As a result, the likelihood of a situation arising when a couple simply gets tired of each other increases. Therefore, in your free time you should diversify your days as much as possible. It is necessary to find common interests and try to pay attention to them regularly. However, they must not be from the sphere of business interests of the partners.
  • Appearance. In order not to bore your partner, you need to look good even during working hours. As for girls, don’t forget to wear makeup to work, wear beautiful dresses and heels. Remember that men always love with their eyes, and this applies to all representatives of the stronger half of humanity, without exception.
  • Only work at work! You should not flirt or show feelings in front of colleagues during work hours. This can be annoying and is also likely to anger your boss. Work is not the place where you need to show your emotions and spiritual impulses.

Advantages and disadvantages of office romance

Office romance has a special specificity with its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of such a relationship:
  1. Regular intimacy. One of the main advantages is that people are constantly close to each other. You can be constantly visible, but disappear when necessary. The partner will not be jealous of his loved one, since he will see everything with his own eyes, he will not have the thought of “thinking out” the development of a relationship with another person at work. Agree that this is how you can avoid a huge number of disagreements and jealousy.
  2. Taking care of your appearance. If the person you adore is always nearby, then you can no longer afford to come disheveled, wrinkled, dirty, unkempt, without hair, etc. An office romance will be a good incentive to take care of yourself and maintain your figure in perfect condition.
  3. Incentive to rush to work. If your loved one is waiting there, then the alarm clock ringing in the morning will not be so terrible and disgusting. High spirits, joy from spending time together, a smile on your face have a great effect not only on relationships with people, but also on professional performance.
  4. Love. This is an incentive that pushes for growth, including professional growth. A loved one nearby pushes you to improve; problems are solved easier with him, because the couple are not competitors to each other.
Another very important advantage is that you can see your chosen one from completely different sides: evaluate the personality in more detail and closely, understand the characteristics of the character and its negative aspects. Even during the candy-bouquet period, you already understand the essence of the person himself.

Office romance has a huge number of positive aspects, but also its disadvantages that you need to be aware of:

  1. Everyone will know about him. No matter how much a couple wants to hide their relationship, sooner or later their colleagues will find out about them, and this will become everyone's advantage. During this period, it is very important to take the right position and not accept provocations. The development of relationships will occur in front of your superiors and colleagues. It is important that they know as little as possible, because the relationship must be between two people, that is, personal. Otherwise, the life of lovers can become a topic for discussion and even ridicule.
  2. Aggression, envy from colleagues. Looking shiny and happy can irritate less successful and happy people. Many have not yet managed to find their soulmate, while others are simply unhappy in their marriage, their candy-bouquet period is far behind them. The constantly burning eyes of lovers can drive them crazy. Therefore, try to show minimal loving gestures at your workplace.
  3. Head in the clouds, absent-mindedness and decreased productivity. The presence of a loved one at work can not only encourage progress, but also rapidly slow down activity. This is due to the fact that in a fit of feelings, some people can only think about them. It is for this reason that it is very important to distinguish between work and personal relationships, otherwise the wrath of your superiors cannot be avoided.
  4. Ugly breakup. Ending an office romance is much more difficult than any other. This is due to the fact that the ex-lover will always be nearby. In this case, you need to either separate yourself from everything and forget the past, or change your place of work. In addition, the breakup may become the first topic of discussion among colleagues and superiors.
  5. Problems with management. In many companies and firms, bosses do not approve of office romances, which can also negatively affect one’s career. Therefore, it is better to hide the relationship at all costs. This will help avoid dismissal and other troubles.

The main types of romance in the workplace

There are several types of office romance. Each of them has its own characteristics. But in any case, there are important nuances, without which it is impossible to build normal relationships.

An affair with a married man

An affair at work with a married man can easily be called the most difficult and unpredictable. Firstly, such relationships are initially dishonest and negative. Secondly, you must always keep everything secret, and hiding feelings from colleagues can be extremely difficult.

Such an affair has only two possible outcomes: the married man will file for divorce or remain with his legal wife. As practice shows, most often preference is given to the second option. Ladies who are bored with a monotonous life can choose this model of relationship without expecting anything more. But in this case, it is very difficult to maintain a good relationship after the end of the affair.

As for work colleagues, they are usually divided into two “camps”: some will watch what is happening with interest, others will condemn, make intrigues, and try to convey to their superiors and even their loved one’s spouse the real state of affairs.

Important! Of course, you can’t command your heart, but you should understand that an affair with a married man will not bring anything good, since the percentage of happy and in the end is negligible. But the reputation will be seriously damaged.

Romance with a colleague

According to statistics, about forty percent of people admit that they had a similar format of relationship. As a rule, they work on the same thing, have common interests, and constantly spending time in a close circle can become a reason for the emergence of sympathy.

When an affair with a work colleague begins, you should not rush things, everything has its time. Try to get to know the person better, his preferences, hobbies, what he does after work and how he lives. This makes it much easier to avoid unwanted disagreements in the future.

When working in the same room, it is extremely important to restrain your love impulse. Save it for home decor. The option of relating with a colleague is the most convenient, because in this case the conditions are equal.

If the relationship is already quite serious, and the couple decides to tell the team about it, then this must be done with as much restraint as possible. There is no need to go into details, it’s enough to just talk about the fact itself. Many may ask why do this. It's very simple: if you inform about the relationship in time, you can avoid many rumors and discussions behind your back.

An affair with a work colleague happens most often. If this is not a relationship yet, but a casual intimate relationship, it is better to never tell anyone about it. After all, it is unlikely to contribute to the transition from a light hobby to a serious format of communication.

With the boss

Get ready for such relationships to be discussed. When starting an affair with your boss, remember that if it ends, you will most likely have to quit. Plus, any promotion or bonus will not be perceived as a well-deserved reward.

All achievements will be perceived as merit in bed, and not personal. Having an affair with your boss at work attracts the most attention from colleagues and employees. Many people believe that people do this solely for selfish purposes in order to climb the career ladder.

The main disadvantage of a relationship with your boss is the almost complete lack of future prospects. Of course, everyone wants to marry their boss, but not all representatives of the fair sex reach this line. Much more often, the girl becomes just another mistress for a while. For many men, this type of relationship is very convenient for sex. It’s good if a lady can interest a man and take the relationship beyond the office. In this case, there is a chance to really win his heart.

If the affair happened with a female boss, then it will be extremely difficult for the man to maintain his image. After all, a priori the boss is right, he can command and order. But not everyone likes this. And if a compromise is quickly found in everyday life, then at work the status will oblige the lady of her heart to behave in such a way as not to distinguish her partner from other colleagues.

Rules of conduct for office romance

If an affair occurs at work, it is important to remember the basic rules of behavior for employees in love. Not only the future of the relationship, but also career advancement depends on this.

So, let's look at them in more detail:

  • Do not forget about work duty and professionalism. Learn to correctly prioritize and put a line between your feelings. Remember, personal problems should never affect your working relationship. Personal disputes should remain at home and only between two people; other issues should be resolved within the office space. Also, you should never sort things out in front of your colleagues.
  • Consider the feelings of other employees. Very often, colleagues work on a particular project in small groups. Thus, some participants will feel awkward around the couple. Take into account the opinions of other people, because this will affect the overall result.
  • Don't single out your loved one. This is especially true if one of the couple occupies a more leadership position. It is very difficult not to single out your chosen one from other employees, because feelings take over, but this must be done so as not to disturb the harmony in the team. Try to maintain a common sense and distance, which will help you avoid many troubles.
  • Keep personal experiences, memories and intimate details to yourself. You should not discuss any problems in your relationships with colleagues. Most likely, after this there will be reconciliation and improvement of relationships between the partners, and stories about intimate moments and experiences will remain for general discussion.

Options for romance in the workplace

Like any other romance, work relationships have several options for development:
  1. Marriage. An ideal option for the development of relationships, in which long-term and harmonious love develops into a family. But it doesn’t happen often, because the disadvantages of an office romance can interfere with a happy relationship. If your heart tells you that this person is your soul mate, then it is better to change jobs for one of the couple. In this case, the likelihood of developing a happy relationship is much greater.
  2. intimate connection. There are people who do not strive for long-term communication; they just need an additional incentive to go to work. As a rule, such an office romance initially has no continuation, but carries exclusively sexual overtones. It is often resorted to by partners who are married but tired of the routine of family relationships.
  3. Breakup with serious consequences. Since personal life is exposed to everyone, and the former, once loved one is constantly nearby, when breaking up, one of the partners may need to change jobs. Few people manage to get along calmly with each other after a breakup, and questions from colleagues, sidelong glances and whispers will only add fuel to the fire.

Important! Remember that parting with a person who works in the same room with you has a number of difficulties. Firstly, you need to learn to find a common language even after a quarrel. Secondly, the ex-lover will be in sight all the time, and in some cases this interferes with the development of new relationships.

Watch a video about romance in the workplace:

Office romance has both its positive and negative sides. Each person chooses for himself personally whether to follow this path or not. You shouldn’t be initially skeptical about office romance, because many happy families are formed this way. In addition, feelings inspire a person to take wonderful actions, fill him with happiness and allow him to look positively at everything around him. These components have a good effect on career advancement. Therefore, starting an office romance is useful and simple in some cases, but we must not forget about the consequences.



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