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Roof lining: how to do it? How and with what to sheathe the eaves of the roof. How to hem the wind board of the roof.

Raising the roof is the final stage of building a house. The final stage of finishing is lining the roof eaves with soffit. This is done to protect the walls from the effects of precipitation, and also prevents the penetration of moisture and debris into the under-roof space. In addition, the cornice covers the internal space of the roof and gives it a finished look. Today we will talk about how to properly hem the roof eaves with your own hands in order to save on hiring workers and at the same time do everything neatly.

A well-designed eaves overhang promotes air circulation in the attic space. If the overhang is tightly packed with a board and there is no space left for air to enter, will not be implemented.

If you don’t do the filing, birds and insects will easily fly under the roof, mice will penetrate, and the rafters will constantly be exposed to moisture from precipitation. In addition, the wind, in the absence of roof protection, can tear off the roofing material during strong gusts (with open eaves, the roof will act as a sail).

In addition to functional advantages, hemmed overhangs give the roof a finished appearance, and the correctly selected material and color of the soffits will highlight the beauty of the structure.

Materials for filing roof eaves

The range of materials for finishing eaves overhangs is quite wide, and all of them completely protect against moisture, provide ventilation and insulation of the roof. The most common materials on the market today are:

  • Board. It is an economical option. For the work, edged or planed coniferous wood boards up to 22 mm thick are used, which are treated with an antiseptic before finishing. Ventilation of the under-roof space is ensured by the gap between the boards. The downside is the comparative fragility compared to plastic or metal materials.

  • Profiled sheeting. The galvanized steel from which the sheets are made has high strength and rigidity. The wave-shaped design ensures good ventilation of the roof, the polymer coating guarantees resistance to corrosion, and a wide range of colors allows you to choose the most suitable combination with the roofing material.

  • PVC siding. Lightweight material that provides hemming of overhangs at minimal cost. There are ready-made options on sale, the best of which is vinyl, as it can withstand wind loads well and also provides effective ventilation of the under-roof space. The disadvantage of cheap PVC lining is fading and color change when exposed to sunlight.

  • Lining. The material is the most affordable, but at the same time has disadvantages, which include loss of appearance due to exposure to precipitation and sun, as well as problematic ventilation due to the tight fit of the elements to each other.

  • Soffit. A modern material specially designed for lining roof eaves. Soffits are made of plastic, copper, aluminum and galvanization. At the same time, the cheapest are plastic, and the most durable and strong are copper. Regardless of the material, the soffits are equipped with perforations that provide excellent roof ventilation, are highly durable, have a beautiful appearance and do not require special maintenance. Another advantage of the material is its ease of installation, allowing you to hem the cornice yourself.

Fitting roof eaves with soffit - step-by-step instructions

There is nothing complicated or requiring special knowledge in the process of finishing overhangs. Fastening can be done both along the rafters and at the horizon level. When hemming along the rafters, the main condition is the presence of a common flat plane at the lower ends of the rafters for even mounting of the soffit. This method is perfect for roofs with a low slope and offset of no more than 0.5 m, for example, for . The material is attached to a sheathing of boards attached to the rafters.

The horizontal option is suitable for roofs with a steep slope. Installation is quick and material is saved. This method is the most common, carried out in several stages

To visually demonstrate the filing of roof eaves, we suggest watching a small selection of videos:

Mistakes when hemming roof eaves

How to properly hem a cornice without causing unpleasant consequences? Violations during the work described below can lead to troubles and negate all the efforts and resources spent. Such errors include:

  • Ignoring the additional fastening of the soffit to the sheathing, which can lead to the destruction of the soffit due to gusts of wind.
  • Hemming the roof eaves with soffit before installing gutters and finishing the house with facing material. It will be difficult to do this work after filing.
  • Using fasteners that are not made of stainless steel, the rust from which will subsequently be transferred to the panels and wood. This error is not fatal, but will lead to damage to the appearance.
  • Lack of installation clearance required to compensate for thermal expansion. This can also lead to elements expanding and flying out of their seats.

Knowing such errors will help you avoid possible mistakes during such simple work, and following the rules described in the instructions will save your time and money.

When building houses and repairing roofs, special attention is paid to overhangs. Their task is to protect the facade of the house from weather precipitation. Overhangs represent the lower level of the roof, which overlaps the edge of the wall by several tens of centimeters. To strengthen the foundation of the house and maintain the structure of the walls, it is necessary to pay attention to the roof lining. The strength of the wind and the climatic features of the region should be taken into account to ensure a strong roof structure. By adhering to the established rules, you can increase the service life of the premises by several years.

In this article


Overhangs serve not only a protective function. This element helps improve the appearance and control the indoor environment. The main advantages of building overhangs include:

  • The ability to decorate the facade without reducing its functional properties;
  • Regulation of heat level inside;
  • Preventing precipitation from getting onto the walls of the house or into open windows;
  • Monitoring the indoor climate.

It is customary to distinguish two types of overhangs: cornice and pediment. Each type has its own characteristic features.

Pediment ones are formed due to the side slope of the roof. Due to their location, such elements are exposed to strong winds and precipitation. In unfavorable weather, there is a possibility that the internal components of the roofing “pie” may become wet.

Do-it-yourself roof lining is carried out on roofs of various types and angles of inclination. The durability and reliability of the roofing structure depends on the correct implementation of the hemming technology and the quality of the material chosen for the base.

Materials for production

The development of the technical process contributes to the emergence of new building substances. There is a wide range of products used in the hemming process. The most popular include:

  • Sheets of spotlights - steel, aluminum, copper strips, with rich colors to suit every taste. The material is mounted strictly perpendicular to the surface. The optimal temperature for working with building materials should exceed 15 degrees Celsius. When laying, it is necessary to set the pitch at a distance of about 35-40 cm. During installation, cut sheets of soffit for lining the roof are bent in advance and placed in the profiles.
  • Corrugated sheeting, which is considered the best option for hemming.
  • Wooden lining. In this case, before hemming the untreated roof, you should leave the material in the open air. During installation, the lining is applied tightly, ventilation is maintained due to the presence of special grilles.
  • Plywood: ensures quick and high-quality completion of the necessary work due to ease of processing.
  • PVC siding. The main advantage is the provision of protection against water. It is not very rigid and is capable of bending under heavy loads.
  • Ordinary board. It is advisable to use coniferous species. Standard board parameters: thickness varies from 1.7 cm to 2.2 cm, and width - from 5 cm to 25 cm. Ventilation is ensured by the presence of narrow gaps.

Each building material has individual properties that will protect the internal structure of the roof.

Roof flashing technology

There are various filing methods: you can choose any one to suit your taste. Some involve the application of auxiliary material along the facade of the building. Others are based on the use of various additional means. In general, there are two standard methods for lining a roof.

Option #1

This method involves flashing along the rafters, provided that the angle of the roof does not exceed 30 degrees and the overhang length is less than 40 cm. The method is quite simple: it is enough to build a sheathing lying on the rafters from boards and logs. Planks of building material are superimposed on the elements of this structure along the wall. In some cases, the planks are fixed perpendicular to the building. It all depends on the individual desires and needs of the home owner.

Method No. 2

Suitable for protecting steep slope roofs. The procedure requires compliance with the following actions:

  1. Wooden boards are attached to the wall and rafters, which form a kind of box. They are fixed on the side and bottom of the sheathing beams.
  2. The roof is hemmed with boards, moving from the corners of the roof to the corners of the building.
  3. If there are long overhangs, it is recommended to fix a strong beam in the middle of the structure, which will give additional stability to the entire structure. The remaining material is fixed perpendicular to the building.

The gable overhang is always sheathed along the sheathing. Wooden blocks are attached to the rafters, and the base material is placed on top of them.

Standard option

Roofing consists of two stages of work:

  1. Preparing the surface for installation
  2. Carrying out the installation of the material itself.

At the first stage, rafters and walls are prepared, material and ventilation system are selected. To hem the projections, the beams are cut vertically. The frame box will be formed from rafters with horizontal and vertical cuts.

The length of the overhangs can be adjusted at will using special tools - fillies. At the end, it is advisable to trim the length of the overhangs to one line.

Before filing, it is also important to insulate the walls. Otherwise, it will be difficult to adjust the material used to the space left. The home owner must decide what type of ventilation should be used: limit it to the gaps between the boards or use special grilles. The amount of lining material spent depends on the choice.

After preparation, proceed to the main process. You can treat wooden protrusions with special protective agents, which will increase their overall service life. The rafters are leveled by fixing additional boards. Laying the material starts from the outermost plank along the eaves line. For accurate work, you can pull a rope, which is used to adjust the length of building materials. Often, 0.5-1 cm of free space is left between the panels. This allows the material to expand freely under the influence of warm temperatures.

Sometimes a special wooden box is used for filing. In this case, the work process is formed as follows:

  1. Boards are fitted under the rafters to lengthen the overhangs.
  2. The remaining bars are attached along the wall at the same level.
  3. Using screws, corners, and building plates, the boards are mounted to the resulting sheathing. The ventilation system is supported by a 2 mm gap between the sheets of material.

In general, it is customary to use individual hemming technology for each material. For example, when working with plastic products, it is recommended to fasten the panels together like a puzzle, leaving a ventilation hole or grille every two sheets. If the boards can trim the overhangs parallel to the wall of the house, then the siding, corrugated sheet or soffit must be fixed perpendicular to the surface. This practice will prevent the occurrence of sagging and deformation of the material.

Before you begin lining the roof, you should carefully select the appropriate material. Particular attention is paid to the following criteria:

  1. Quality level. The sheets and panels used must be solid, without damage, deformation, or delamination. Often, a brand is an indicator of reliability, so whenever possible it is recommended to purchase products from trusted manufacturers.
  2. Physical parameters. The standard thickness of the plank should not exceed 1.5-2 cm. Compliance with the established standards will allow you to build a durable hem.
  3. Weight. It is advisable to choose a durable but lightweight material. This will avoid firmware sagging and reduce the level of changes in shape.
  4. The chosen products must be waterproof. The ability to keep water out will increase their service life and protect the internal structure of the sheathing from moisture and steam.

In general, the type of building material depends on the individual preferences of the home owner and the architectural style of the building. Plastic panels will not be appropriate for a wooden roof. Modern building materials stores or specialized centers have a lot of useful information that will be useful during the repair process.


The process of flashing a roof is not considered too complicated. Repair work, depending on the size of the house, can last a maximum of 24 hours. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carefully treat the surface of the overhangs and sheathing with special substances. This practice will protect the structure from the harmful effects of water, the appearance of fungus and mold.

When installing the material, you should monitor the tightness of the fastening. For work, it is better to use treated nails, screws and strips that are resistant to corrosion. Subject to the basic rules of roof flashing and careful installation, the home owner can personally protect the inner surface of the roof from weather precipitation and ensure a functioning ventilation system.


Having completed the construction of the roof structure, it is necessary to file its overhangs. Finishing the roof overhang is the final stage, as a result of which the appearance of the house is completed.

The design of the gable roof lining involves the construction of elements for ventilation of the under-roof space. Don't forget about fixing the drainage system. Various materials are used for hemming overhangs. For example, lining roof overhangs with corrugated sheets.

Hemming of roof overhangs: features

So, the following types of materials can be used to line the roof overhang:

What should be the roof overhang: sheathing and frame

Having completed the installation of the roof structure, you can begin the process of sheathing the overhangs.

In this case, you need to remember two design options:

Fitting the eaves overhang with soffit, details in the video:

Dimensions of corrugated roof overhangs and their installation

The algorithm of actions when working with this material is as follows:

  • Using self-tapping screws, the corrugated sheeting is screwed to the frame along the wall and cornice.
  • The junction of the material and the wall is determined - the front plate and the inner corner are mounted. The latter is screwed to the corrugated sheet, and the front strip is screwed to a similar board.
  • An outer corner is attached to the external joints of the corrugated sheeting.
  • Corrugated sheeting is fastened along the pediment - along the extreme edge of the overhang and next to the wall where it is located

Hemming of roof overhangs is carried out when all roofing work has come to completion.

This is the final touch that gives your roof a finished look and protects all rafters from external influences.

The roof overhang is the lower part of the roof that extends beyond the level of the walls.

They perform not only a decorative function, but also protect the walls and foundation from the destructive power of rain.

Their width can range from 40 cm to 1 m.

It is not at all necessary to hem the roof overhangs, but hemmed overhangs still look more aesthetically pleasing and bring considerable benefits.

This should be done after all roofing work is completed and the walls of the house are insulated and finished.

Before filing the roof overhang with your own hands, all the ends of the rafters are cut along the same line, parallel to the wall of the house to which the overhang adjoins.

The ends of the rafters must be sawn vertically. After sawing off the rafters, they stuff a sheathing board onto them with their own hands, along which the entire sheathing is then oriented.

Types of overhangs

The eaves are located under the pitched roof, and the pediment is located on the side of the slope.

The eave is located under the bottom of the roof slope. It is through this that the attic is ventilated.

If your house has a mansard roof rather than an attic, then ventilation inside occurs through the roofing pie.

If the overhang is completely covered with boards, then the attic will not be ventilated.

But if they are not knocked down, then birds and rodents will crawl under the roof of the house, and the rafters will deteriorate over time due to humid air.

You can do your own attic ventilation in several ways.

The easiest way is to create a gap between the wall of the house and the roof overhang. If you are hemming with corrugated sheeting, then the gap should be from 0.6 to 1.2 cm, and for hemming with siding or clapboard, 1 to 1.5 cm.

For lining, metal sheets and slabs, special ventilation grilles are usually used.

If the overhang is covered with boards, then a gap of 1 - 1.5 cm is made between them.

The pediment is located under the side part of the slope, which is located at an angle.

Ventilation is not needed in the area of ​​gable overhangs, but it is important to take care of protection from moisture, wind and other bad weather.

If the overhang is not closed, gusty winds during rain can wet the boards and edges of the insulation, after which heat will not be retained well in these places.

Edge finishing

Both pediment and cornice versions of overhangs have open cuts at the ends - rafters or sheathings. They need to be carefully arranged so that they are protected from the weather.

A drain should be installed along the eaves. Edge processing is carried out with the same material as for the roof.

Before filing the eaves overhangs with your own hands, all protruding elements should be cut to one line, strictly at the same distance from the wall.

The video below shows how to line overhangs with soffit.

After this, the ends of the rafters are joined together with one strapping board, and the frontal board is already nailed onto it.

The frontal board often comes complete with ceramic, metal or bitumen shingles; it is made of wood or metal, and then coated with a special protective compound.

On the gable sections, the edges of the sheathing boards, which protrude beyond the plane of the wall, are cut off. An end board is nailed to the edges of the boards and to the end of the ridge beam.

The end part of the board is covered with roofing material.

Basic methods of sewing cornice sections

Do-it-yourself filing of cornice sections is usually done in any convenient way. But all possible cladding options can be combined into two techniques.

Hemming the roof overhangs directly along the rafters is the easiest way. The main condition is that the open ends of the rafters lie in the same plane.

This method will be most appropriate for roofs with a slope of no more than 30º and an overhang of no more than 40 - 50 cm.

A sheathing of wooden parts is nailed to the rafters and hemming strips are attached to it along or across the base.

Horizontal roof overhang lining is used if the roof has a steep slope. This installation happens quite quickly, and very little material is required.

You need to knock down a box of beams and attach it to the base of the roof and to the wall. The beam that is nailed to the boards should be approximately 1 cm below the wall beam.

This will allow water to flow freely from the eaves. Boards are nailed at the corners from the roof to the house, and the longitudinal beams are reinforced with transverse beams.

Materials for filing overhangs

Today, a variety of materials are used for filing eaves overhangs.

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to its protective properties - it should insulate, protect from precipitation, and also provide ventilation to the roof.

In addition, it is good if the material pleases you with its appearance for many years.

Before metal and vinyl siding appeared on the building materials market, overhangs were treated mainly with boards and wood paneling.

Unlike the treatment of overhangs with siding, the treatment of wooden building materials has many disadvantages.

Wood quickly loses its beauty, is susceptible to rotting, and therefore requires constant care.

If you decide to treat the overhangs with siding, then you will not have to constantly tint them and generally monitor them.

If you decide to use siding, you should know that vinyl siding on eaves does not look very nice.

In addition, condensation will collect under vinyl siding, since this material does not have ventilation holes.

If you want to treat the overhangs with metal siding, then condensation will eventually corrode the screws, and the entire material will become covered with unsightly red spots.

What materials can be used to hem overhangs with your own hands?

Corrugated sheeting is very often used for such purposes. This is a galvanized steel material covered with a polymer coating on top.

This coating not only additionally protects the galvanization from external influences, but also allows you to make corrugated sheeting of any color.

Galvanized steel, in turn, ensures the strength and rigidity of the material, resistance to mechanical and thermal stress.

To ventilate the roof, corrugated sheeting is laid with a gap. Corrugated panels are often made to the required width, so laying the material is quite economical.

Wooden lining is often used for lining overhangs. You should choose the lining very carefully, buying only the highest quality.

The lining should not be very thin. Make sure the wood is completely dry. It is best to choose material that can be stored in air for at least a month.

The treated board is also suitable for hemming work.

The video below shows how you can hem roof overhangs with your own hands.

A board 1.5 - 2 cm thick should be nailed with a gap of 1 - 1.5 cm. The advantage of such material can be considered uniform ventilation of the attic space.

PVC lining is considered a very cheap material for such purposes. For work, choose a moisture-resistant lining, and also do not forget to purchase plastic corners for ease of installation.

Most often, overhangs are now hemmed with soffit - a plastic panel that is made specifically for these purposes.

This is one of the most common materials for this type of work.

It has a lot in common with siding. However, the soffit, compared to siding, has a denser plastic and special perforation, which provides ventilation.

The material from which the soffit is made is very resistant to sunlight, so it does not fade. The soffit is cut and fixed perpendicular to the wall.

Finishing the roof eaves is the last stage of roof installation. The edges are sewn along the perimeter of the facade, this is necessary to protect the edge from seasonal precipitation and strong winds. How to do it yourself?

Roof with roofing and eaves finishing

Installation of cornices (overhangs)

Overhangs are the lower edge of the roof of a house, which extends beyond the level of the facade. This removal is necessary to protect the pediment and other walls from precipitation. The overhang can be different, narrow or wide, from 40 cm to 1 m. In principle, it is not necessary to hem this part of the roof, but the absence of hemming can lead to some troubles.
For example, too strong a wind can tear the roof off the roof, so you will have to spend money on repairs. And the appearance of the inside of the roof, visible from the side of the house, leaves much to be desired - bare rafters and insulation do not look very nice and are unlikely to harmonize with the overall decoration. This house seems unfinished. Lining the roof with siding, plywood, metal sheets, etc. will help avoid such troubles. According to the rules, finishing of overhangs occurs only after complete installation of the roof and finishing of the facade.

The difference between an overhang from the gable side and an overhang

Overhangs are divided into cornice and pediment. The first option is horizontal, this is the very bottom of the slopes, and the pediment is their side part.

Features of the eaves overhang

This part of the roof prevents cold and damp air from entering the attic if the roof is built according to the attic type. If it is an attic, then the air circulates from the overhang to the ridge of the roof - this is natural ventilation.

Roof finishing scheme

An overhang clogged with boards will interfere with ventilation, but if the roof is not hemmed at all, then mice, birds or insects will live under the roof. Wooden rafters must be covered with a protective layer of paint so that water cannot damage them.

Important: in order not to disturb the ventilation, you need to hem the cornices loosely and make ventilation gaps.

How to do ventilation:

  1. Leave a gap between the walls and the internal sheathing of the eaves. If the cornice is finished with corrugated board, then the gap is no more than 1.2 cm, but if the cornice is made of siding, then up to 1.5 cm.
  2. Ventilation grilles are installed for metal sheets and lining.
  3. In board overhangs, small gaps are left between the boards - 0.5-1 cm.
  4. When finishing the eaves of a house with soffit strips, you can use perforated panels for ventilation.

For good ventilation, it is worth considering the correct size of the gaps; they should be at least 1/500 of the ventilated area. Bituminous and seam roofing requires wider gaps than tile roofing.
To prevent insects, leaves, dirt and small birds from penetrating under the roof, ventilation holes must be covered with gratings or mesh; the choice of material depends on the width and type of holes.

Covered vents keep snow out

Features of gable overhangs

This is the side part of the slope, protruding above the gable wall itself. In this case, ventilation is not required, only protection from water and wind. If this part of the slopes is not sheathed, then the wind can bring water under the roof, causing the insulation to get wet and deteriorate, ceasing to perform its functions.

Important: when finishing the roof from the facade side, first of all you need to take care of the tightness.

Finishing nuances

The overhangs from the façade of the house and the side walls have unprotected elements. For eaves these are the ends of the rafters, and for the pediment this is the end side of the sheathing. They need not only to be given an aesthetic appearance, but also to be protected from the adverse effects of the environment - wind and precipitation. Among other things, a drain is required, which is installed along the side overhangs. In fact, the finishing of the end of the overhang is the covering of the roof edge. The material for lining largely depends on what the roof is made of; this also determines the method of installation. Often, complete with roofing coverings, a ready-made kit for covering overhangs is supplied.

Proper roof finishing

Before stitching the edge of the roof, it is important to evenly trim all rafters protruding from under the roof. To do this evenly, you need to put pencil marks at an equal distance from the wall. After that, the ends of the rafters are combined with each other with a special strapping board, onto which, in turn, the front board is nailed, most often the material for it is metal. Metal board often comes with ceramic or metal roofing.

This part can be made of wood, but then it must be coated with paint or protective varnish. Frontal boards are also intended for installation of gutters.
The body kit on the gable side is processed slightly differently. The first step is to cut off the sheathing boards sticking out from under the roof strictly parallel to the wall. The end board, regardless of the material, is nailed directly to the sheathing or to the ridge. The end side of the board is covered with a roof along its entire length.

Types of cornice filing

Despite the fact that finishing of overhangs can be done using a variety of materials, the finishing technologies themselves are not very diverse - there are only two of them. When choosing a sheathing, take into account the colors and texture of the roof and the design of the façade.

  • Rafter method

Scheme of rafter roof

This type of finishing of overhangs is very simple; the most important condition is that the ends of the rafters are cut flush. This method is suitable for small roofs set at a slope of up to 30 degrees; the offset in such cases does not exceed 0.5 m. The trim strips are nailed strictly along the board sheathing; they can be fixed parallel to the wall along the eaves or perpendicular.

  • Horizontal method

This is the best finishing option if the roof is not flat, but rather very steep. At the same time, the horizontal method is very fast and the most economical - less material is needed. Before work, it is important to construct a box of beams attached to both the walls and the rafters. Sheathing boards are nailed in the direction from the corners of the roof itself to the corners of the walls. If the length of the wooden overhang exceeds 45 cm, the work is carried out perpendicular to the walls. Also, such large overhangs will require additional longitudinal bars for reinforcement.
The overhang from the façade of the house is finished only with sheathing. You can hem the overhang in any way. Before sheathing, boards or beams are nailed onto the sheathing, and planks are attached to them along the pediment, longitudinally or perpendicularly.

How to hem the roof

The choice of material depends on the overall style of the house. The color and material of the cladding should be in harmony with the walls and roof. A wooden facade and plastic roof cladding will look, to put it mildly, very strange.

Roof sheathing materials

Finishing overhangs with wooden boards

It is best to choose pine or other coniferous trees for this purpose; the width of the boards varies from 5 to 25 cm, and the thickness from 1.7 to 2.2 cm. The boards must be coated with a protective layer of varnish or paint before nailing them to the overhang . The boards cannot be used immediately; they must lie for about 30 days, protected from rain, in the open air, so as not to crack from dryness or warp from moisture. The tree must “get used” to environmental conditions.
When covering a wooden overhang, it is necessary to leave 1-1.5 cm gaps between the boards for ventilation. On wide eaves of the house, the boards are nailed in three places; for narrow eaves, it is enough to hammer nails in only on two sides. When installing longitudinally, the boards are fixed every meter.
Natural shades of wood match any roof and façade colors.


These wooden planks have one advantage over boards - they do not need to be further processed, because they are already produced with a protective coating. For this reason, lining is incredibly popular. For the final finishing of roofs, it is better to take material with moisture-resistant impregnation.

Covering cornices with clapboard

As in the case of simple boards, the lining must rest in the air for 30 days before being installed. The panels are attached exactly according to the same principles as the boards, except that there is no need for gaps - they are replaced by ventilation grilles installed every 1.5 meters.

Metal sheets

The most common materials used to sheathe the roof of a house are steel, aluminum and copper. Finished sheets are produced up to 6 m in length and 0.6-0.8 in thickness. Steel sheets require additional anti-corrosion treatment, unlike aluminum or copper. The role of ventilation is performed either by ready-made grilles installed at the required distance, or by perforated metal pieces. The disadvantage of metal sheets is that you will need a special tool to cut them.

Plywood and OSB boards

To finish roofs, only waterproof grades of plywood are needed. The slabs are mounted in large pieces, so the work will take very little time. The plywood is attached to a pre-made wooden box made from blocks. The role of ventilation is played by ready-made grilles embedded in plywood or OSB. Since these materials look rather unsightly without treatment, they must be painted to match the walls of the facade or roof.

Sheathing the roof with sheets of waterproof plywood

Soffit finishing

Soffits are strips that are produced specifically for covering cornices. The material can be different - PVC or metal. Soffit cladding looks quite aesthetically pleasing; the slats are available in different colors and textures, so they will suit the exterior decoration of any home.
What is included:

  • soffits;
  • chamfers;
  • profiles with grooves for installing planks;
  • finishing strips.

Soffits are available for the pediment - double, triple and solid. For cornices, a special perforated version of this finishing material is provided.
Soffits are easy to install, so you can easily finish the overhangs yourself, without the help of professionals. The planks are cut to the width of the overhang and attached to profiles pre-installed on a wooden lattice.

How to cover an overhang with soffits

Methods for installing planks differ depending on the material from which the planks are made, the manufacturer and fasteners. For the reasons listed above, do not ignore the instructions. The above example discusses the principle of roof sheathing with vinyl planks.
Soffits are most often installed horizontally, but sometimes they are attached along the rafters perpendicular to the wall. Before installing the planks, a grille must be made; it is on this that the profiles and the soffits themselves are attached.

Soffit finishing scheme

Work order:

  1. First of all, mark the J-profiles along the length of the overhang.
  2. Cut the profiles according to the marks using a grinder - this will speed up the process, and the cuts themselves will be even.
  3. Secure the profiles to the wooden grid with self-tapping screws.
  4. To correctly cut soffit strips, measure the distance between the two closest profiles and apply markings.
  5. The plank is first inserted into the overhang near the wall and only then into the eaves. The soffits are attached using self-tapping screws directly to the bars of the lattice.
  6. When using a J-chamfer, the frontal part of the cornice is also finished with soffit strips.

Roof sheathing work is quite simple. In order for everything to work out correctly, it is necessary to select a material that is suitable not only for the tone of the gable and roof, but also corresponding to the climatic conditions.



Crafts from shells: step-by-step master class and tips for beginners on using shells (80 photos)

Crafts from shells: step-by-step master class and tips for beginners on using shells (80 photos)

Seashells are a popular way to decorate home interiors. Reminds me of a vacation at sea, azure water, sandy beach and...

Is it possible to pour litter into the toilet?

Is it possible to pour litter into the toilet?

The problem of disposing of cat litter is a real headache for owners of mustachioed and striped pets. Naturally, the most...

What types of aquarium water purification filters are there?

What types of aquarium water purification filters are there?

Every aquarium owner is interested in ensuring that his device works stably and efficiently, and that his fish live a long time. An important role in achieving these...

Secrets of experienced gardeners: how to cover a saw cut on an apple tree

Secrets of experienced gardeners: how to cover a saw cut on an apple tree

With the onset of warmer weather, people begin to go out into the forest and into nature. It beckons with the rustling of leaves, the murmur of rivers, and the intoxicating aroma of herbs. However...

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