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What channels does digital television broadcast? List of digital TV channels: news, educational, entertainment

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Since January 1, 2019, Russia has been undergoing a phased transition to digital television channels with a nationwide cessation of broadcasting in analogue format. This will provide almost all users with access to watching TV programs with high quality image and sound.

In addition, the transition to this broadcast format will free up a significant part of the operating frequencies, which makes it possible to increase the number of TV channels broadcast through the terrestrial network.

What TV do you watch?


Let's immediately talk about which channels will continue to work without digital television. The fact is that television companies are not prohibited from broadcasting in the old analog format, but all costs will fall solely on their shoulders. This approach will not be economically profitable for them, so the share of such channels will be minimal.

Please note that the transition will not entail the introduction of a subscription fee for viewing the most popular channels in Russia. Only additional packages can be paid.

Broadcasting according to the DVBT2 standard at this stage involves the formation of three main packages of channels (multiplexes). The list of companies that will receive or have already received a license to broadcast in this format is compiled on the basis of sociological research and approved by Roskomnadzor. This made it possible to provide free access to all major federal channels and some regional ones.

List of channels of the first and second multiplexes

The following packages are currently available:

First multiplex (RTRS 1) Second multiplex (RTRS 2) Third multiplex (RTRS 3)
Includes informational, educational public television and radio channels of federal significance. The list of broadcasting companies in this package was approved back in 2009; it is considered mandatory and cannot be changed. Charging fees for gaining access to these information resources is also prohibited.Approved much later (only in 2012). It also included federal channels, but mainly for entertainment purposes. After changes were made to the legislation in 2015, the channels of the second multiplex, like the first, were recognized as mandatory public. That is, they are free, and subscription fees for access to them are not allowed.It is still operating in test mode, its nationwide connection will be phased, the launch is planned for 2020. But now in certain regions, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, this package has already been approved. This multiplex includes programs from more than 40 companies, which will be broadcast around the clock on 10 channels. The bulk of the resources are allocated to regional television companies, so there is no common list for the entire country; the list will differ in different areas. There is a possibility that multiplex 3 will have paid channels, but the situation on this issue is still not clear.

The basis for this package of digital channels was the most popular TV channels in the Russian Federation, broadcasting programs of various content. When switching to digital, you will not have to give up the most familiar programs, because more than 80% of the airtime is on these TV channels.

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Here is the complete approved list of channels included in the package of the first multiplex:

  • Match TV
  • First channel
  • Channel 5
  • Russia 1
  • Russia Culture
  • Russia 24
  • Carousel

I would like to note that the first multiplex additionally includes three radio stations broadcasting in digital format - Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Russia. The broadcast network of TV channels includes programs of various directions, from news to entertainment shows. It was with ratings in mind that a general list of television companies was compiled that received a license giving the right to broadcast throughout Russia as part of the first digital terrestrial television multiplex.

If we return to the question of whether all channels will switch to , then regarding the first multiplex we can say that absolutely everything. During the period of the all-Russian transition to digital, television companies are still broadcasting in analogue format, which can be seen by the A icon next to the channel logo. If it is present on the screen, think about purchasing and connecting a DBVT2 set-top box, or simply retune the TV, which is already equipped with such a tuner.

Please note that devices of other standards (DBVT, DBVC, DBVS, DBVS2) are not suitable. They are designed to work with a cable or satellite network, as well as to receive an outdated digital terrestrial signal.

Channels 2 digital television multiplex

This package can be considered the most popular, because it is based on the most beloved entertainment resources offered by federal channels. The general list also cannot be changed; the channel package must include:

  • Ren TV
  • Star
  • Friday!
  • Home
  • Muz TV

Please note that the list has been subject to adjustments, so the list of channels does not coincide with the originally accepted version. Together with the channels from the first multiplex, representatives of the second package are considered mandatory for broadcast throughout Russia. However, there should be no charge for viewing them.

What channels are included in 3 multiplex?

As already mentioned, the programs of more than 40 companies are included. But at the same time, they will form a 24-hour network of only a dozen channels. It’s just that TV programs from several manufacturers who have access to broadcasting on this frequency will coexist on one button.

A significant part is allocated for the needs of regional television companies. Therefore, each region will have the opportunity to compile and approve a list that will be most interesting to local residents. The only region in which this package is already operating in test mode is Moscow and the Moscow region.

The list of proposed channels includes:

  • Sports 1
  • History, Cartoon, Russian detective, Russian bestseller
  • My Planet, Science 2.0, Fight Club
  • Country, Sundress
  • Euronews, Trust
  • Mom, 24_DOC, Amusement Park, IQ HD
  • Music of the First
  • LifeNews
  • A Minor, Kitchen TV, Auto plus, India, TVHD, Life, S TV
  • Our football

It is difficult to say whether this list will remain the same in the future. Everything depends on the results of the work of the television companies represented in it. It is worth noting that the commissioning of the third multiplex is not going as smoothly as the first and second. It has already been postponed several times, frozen, and studies were carried out on the economic feasibility of introducing it. Additional difficulties were created by regional companies operating in an analog format and occupying certain operating frequencies. That is why the implementation period depends on the situation in each specific region. It is believed that adoption activity will increase after the complete shutdown of analogue broadcasting.

It should be noted that the transition to a digital broadcast format will allow the average user to access television content with high quality sound and image transmission. Moreover, most of the channels will be absolutely free.

In addition to waiving the subscription fee that is typical for cable and satellite television broadcasting, there will be no need to lay a large number of wired networks, which is especially important for remote regions and settlements with a large share of private low-rise buildings. And the main expenses, which mainly fall on the purchase of set-top boxes for outdated TV models, will be small.

Interesting video about channels 1 and 2 of the multiplex

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Tariff plans

The new tariff is automatically included in the single payment document (UPD) along with other housing and communal services as soon as the TV network is ready in a certain area on the basis of an agreement between PJSC Rostelecom, State Budgetary Institution MFC of Moscow and VTB Bank (PJSC).

The subscription fee is 245 rubles per month including all taxes.*

The package already includes viewing of more than 50 leading Russian and world TV channels.

Channel name Channel frequency Channel name Channel frequency

First channel


Fifth Channel

Viasat TV1000 Russian cinema

TV channel Doctor



Discovery Channel

Disney Channel



Living Planet

TV company FRIDAY


TV channel 360

Russian Detective


Benefits are provided in the amount of 50% of the monthly subscription fee to the following categories of subscribers:

  • low-income pensioners living alone who receive subsidies for housing and utilities;
  • families consisting of pensioners receiving subsidies for housing and utilities;
  • disabled people living alone;
  • Heroes of the Soviet Union;
  • Heroes of the Russian Federation;
  • Full Knights of the Order of Glory.

Payment for the “Antenna” service via EPD

Payment for the “Antenna” service using a single payment document (UPD).

The tariff for payment for the Antenna service is included in the single payment document (UPD) as soon as the TV network is ready in a certain area, on the basis of a public agreement.

*families consisting of pensioners receiving subsidies for housing and utilities;

Services for laying television cable at the customer’s premises

If you do not have a signal or it is of poor quality, we are ready to help you fix this problem. Our Company’s specialists will provide qualified advice, come to your home, install or update distribution networks, and also, if necessary, set up your TV.

Based on the received application, the operator will agree with you by telephone within 3 calendar days the date, time and approximate cost of services.

*At the time specified in the application, our specialist will come to you and determine the scope of work and the exact cost of the services provided. Payment is made on site according to the price list, after which a copy of the receipt is issued.

*Installation is carried out using materials and equipment from our Company.

*If the Customer’s materials and equipment are used, the Company is not responsible for the improper functioning and quality of services received through this equipment and materials. Equipment and materials are not covered by warranty.

*The customer independently determines the location of drilling holes in walls and ceilings for laying cables, rearranges furniture if necessary, provides a ladder (stepladder) and the ability to connect working tools and equipment to the power supply network.

*After the services are provided and paid for, within 5 calendar days, our Dispatch Service has the right to make a random call to determine the quality of the services provided.

*The warranty period for the services provided and its components is 6 months from the date of signing the work order by the customer and the Company specialist.

*Accepting requests for repairs by phone: 8 800 100 98 34.

*The time for a Company specialist to visit and perform repairs is determined by agreement with the customer.

Types of work Price Laying cable from the subscriber tap to the subscriber device RUB 2,800. Connection of (second or more) additional subscriber device 1600 rub. Installation and configuration of a broadband residential amplifier RUB 6,600. Setting up a subscriber device 900 rub. Laying the antenna cable from the subscriber coupler to the subscriber device in a closed way RUB 5,500. Connecting (a second or more) additional subscriber device using a closed method RUB 2,700. Diagnostics and repair of passive elements of the subscriber distribution network (socket, connector, subscriber tap) RUB 1,600. Setting up a subscriber device/configuring Onlime equipment 1000 rub.

1. The work specified in paragraphs 1, 2 includes laying the cable in an open way, fastening it with brackets to the baseboard or wall.

2. The work specified in paragraph 3 includes the installation of an apartment amplifier in case of signal loss within the subscriber network (on the recommendation of a specialist from Rostelecom PJSC).

3. The work specified in clauses 4, 8 is not covered by guarantees.

4. The work specified in paragraphs 5, 6 includes laying the cable in a box, by attaching the box to the wall or laying it under/inside skirting boards.

5. The work specified in paragraph 7 includes the replacement or repair of all faulty passive elements of the subscriber network.

6. The work specified in clause 8 is provided subject to the subscriber having a correctly installed and working Onlime CAM module / set-top box.


* The subscription fee includes the fee for providing access to the television broadcasting communication network, provision of a subscriber line for permanent use and delivery of the TV program signal package to the user (terminal) equipment. All-Russian compulsory public television channels in accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 2009 N 715 (as amended) “On all-Russian compulsory public television channels and radio channels” are provided to subscribers free of charge.

When developing the tariff, the company's costs for paying for electricity consumed by receiving, amplifying and distribution television equipment were taken into account; payment for rent of premises where this equipment is located; broadcasting television programs of both all-Russian and regional, as well as popular rating satellite channels.

In order to improve the quality and reliability of service provision, a large-scale reconstruction of the Network was carried out.

Until 2010, almost half of Russian residents (44%) could receive no more than four TV channels. At the same time, the possibilities for the development of analogue broadcasting were exhausted. Thanks to the introduction of digital broadcasting technologies, by the end of 2018, 98.4% of the country’s residents will be able to watch 10 TV channels of the first multiplex for free, and more than 98% of TV viewers will be able to watch 20 channels of the first and second multiplexes.

The package of digital channels RTRS-1 (the first multiplex) includes all-Russian mandatory public TV channels and radio channels. The list of these television and radio channels was determined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 24, 2009 No. 715 “On all-Russian compulsory public television channels and radio channels” and its subsequent editions: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 17, 2012 No. 456, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated April 20, 2013 No. 367 , By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 15, 2015 No. 365. Ten TV channels for broadcast as part of the RTRS-2 package (second multiplex) were selected by the Federal Competition Commission for Television and Radio Broadcasting (December 14, 2012, December 18, 2013 and September 30, 2015). Digital TV channels are broadcast in the DVB-T2 standard.

We remind you that in accordance with the Law “On the Mass Media” as amended on July 13, 2015, television and radio channels that have received the right to digital broadcasting using positions in multiplexes throughout the Russian Federation are classified as mandatory public television and radio channels. Mandatory public television and radio channels are subject to distribution in all broadcast media without charging consumers (TV viewers, radio listeners) for the right to view and listen.

What is multiplex in digital television?

Multiplex is a package of digital television channels broadcast by one transmitter. Usually occupies one frequency. In digital terrestrial television, the multiplex includes 10 TV channels.

Digital terrestrial television is the latest technology for encoding and transmitting audio and video signals through digital channels. The signal is transmitted in DVB-T2 format, which allows you to watch a large number of TV channels for free even in the most remote settlements of Russia.

Today, residents of Moscow and the region have access to 30 channels, divided into three multiplexes with 10 programs each.

Frequencies of DVB-T2 digital television channels

Each of the three multiplexes is tuned to a different frequency. The first multiplex is broadcast at a frequency of 546 MHz, the second - 498 MHz, the third - 578 MHz. Therefore, to view all free programs you need an all-wave or decimeter antenna operating in the private range 470-860 MHz. In the Moscow region, you may need to install an antenna with an amplifier, the capabilities of which can improve even the weakest signal coming from Ostankino or a repeater tower.

In the case when the antenna is connected to an obsolete TV, you will additionally need an external tuner operating in the DVB-T2 format.

To set up Moscow network programs on your TV, you need to search on channels 24, 30 and 34, the first, second and third multiplexes, respectively.

List of terrestrial television channels for 2019

The first group of programs, approved by decree of the President of Russia, includes federal channels. The second multiplex includes entertainment and informational-educational programs. The third multiplex is broadcast in test mode only from the Ostankino Tower (coverage radius up to 100 km), and the list of programs available for free viewing may change until they are finally approved.

Logo Number Name Genre Frequency Genre Video format Audio format
First multiplex
30 First Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia 1 Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Match Federal 546 MHz Sport MPEG4 MPEG2
30 NTV Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Petersburg 5 Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia K Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Russia 24 News 546 MHz News MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Carousel Children's 546 MHz Children's MPEG4 MPEG2
30 OTR Public television of Russia 546 MHz Public television MPEG4 MPEG2
30 TV Center Federal 546 MHz Federal MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Vesti FM Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Lighthouse Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
30 Radio Russia Radio 546 MHz Radio MPEG4 MPEG2
Second multiplex
24 REN TV Federal 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 SAVED Religion 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 STS Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Home Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 TV3 Entertaining 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Friday Entertaining 498MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Star Historical 498MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 WORLD CIS channel 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 TNT Movies 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
24 Muz TV Music 498 MHz 3/4 MPEG4 MPEG2
Third multiplex (channels are broadcast according to schedule)
34 Sports 1 Sport 578 MHz Around the clock MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Sports 2 Sport 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Fight club Sport 578 MHz 06:00-12:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 My planet Scientific and educational 578 MHz 12:00-18:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Science 2.0 Scientific and educational 578 MHz 18:00-00:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Russian novel Movies 578 MHz 00:00-05:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Russian bestseller Movies 578 MHz 05:00-10:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Russian detective Movies 578 MHz 10:00-15:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Story Scientific and educational 578 MHz 15:00 - 20:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Cartoon Children's 578 MHz 20:00-00:00 (35 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Sundress Various 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 A country Various 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Living Planet Scientific and educational 578 MHz 00:00-06:00 (42 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 IQ HD Informational 578 MHz 06:00-09:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 24 Doc Scientific and educational 578 MHz 09:00-12:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Techno 24 Scientific and educational 578 MHz 12:00-15:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Mother TV channel for mothers and children 578 MHz 15:00-18:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 NST Movies 578 MHz 18:00-21:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Amusement park Entertaining 578 MHz 21:00-00:00 (21 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Moscow trust Informational 578 MHz 00:00-12:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 euronews News 578 MHz 12:00-00:00 (84 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Music of the first Music 578 MHz 08:30-01:30 (119 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Home Cinema Movies 578 MHz 01:30-02:30 (7 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Time News 578 MHz 02:30-04:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 TV cafe Entertaining 578 MHz 04:30-06:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Beaver Entertaining 578 MHz 06:30-08:30 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 365 Informational 578 MHz 00:00-02:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 TNT Comedy Entertaining 578 MHz 02:00-04:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Lots of TV Movies 578 MHz 04:00-06:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 HD Life (SD quality) Entertaining 578 MHz 06:00-08:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Sports 1 Various 578 MHz 08:00-10:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 India TV Movies 578 MHz 10:00-12:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Fighter Sport 578 MHz 12:00-14:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Comedy Movies 578 MHz 14:00-16:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 La Minor Music 578 MHz 16:00-18:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2

34 Men's cinema Movies 578 MHz 18:00-20:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Kitchen TV Entertaining 578 MHz 20:00-22:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Auto Plus Entertaining 578 MHz 22:00-00:00 (14 hours/week) MPEG4 MPEG2
34 Life News News 578 MHz Around the clock MPEG4 MPEG2

List of on-air analogue channels Moscow and region

Currently, 19 on-air television channels are broadcast from Ostankino in analogue format. In the future, with a complete transition to digital broadcasting, these channels will be disabled.

The time has come for the digital era of television operating according to the DVB-T2 standard. Now any resident of the country from Kaliningrad to the Pacific Ocean can watch free digital television channels in high quality without interference.

Analogue broadcasting will be completely phased out in 2019. What channels are now available to watch? How to connect and configure them?

List of 20 digital television channels

First package
Number Name Logo Genre TVK Frequency
1 First Federal30 546 MHz
2 Russia 1 Federal30 546 MHz
3 Match TV Sports30 546 MHz
4 NTV Informational30 546 MHz
5 Petersburg Informational30 546 MHz
6 Russia - Culture Federal30 546 MHz
7 Russia 24 Informational30 546 MHz
8 Carousel Children's30 546 MHz
9 OTR Federal30 546 MHz
10 TV CenterFederal30 546 MHz
Second package
11 REN TV Federal24 498 MHz
12 SAVED Religious24 498 MHz
13 STS Entertaining24 498 MHz
14 Home Entertaining24 498 MHz
15 TV3Entertaining24 498 MHz
16 Friday Entertaining24 498 MHz
17 Star Military-patriotic24 498 MHz
18 WORLD CIS channel24 498 MHz
19 TNT Entertaining24 498 MHz
20 Muz TV Musical24 498 MHz

How to setup

In short, you can set up 20 free channels like this:

  1. Make sure that your TV supports TV reception using DVB-T2 technology. If the device was released before 2013, this function does not exist.
  2. If the TV model is outdated and does not support the modern format, you need to purchase a special set-top box. How to choose a receiver, .
  3. Connect the cable from the antenna or set-top box to the TV.
  4. Start automatic channel search.

What is multiplex?

Analog TV works on the principle of broadcasting one TV channel on one broadcast frequency. The new technology makes it possible to transmit an entire package of channels using just one frequency, which is called a multiplex.

Currently, two free packages are available throughout Russia. Another one with an additional 20 channels is operating in test mode in some regions.



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