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How to properly plant lilies in the garden. How to plant lilies and care for them

It is difficult to find a garden plot without delicate lilies. Flower growers love an unpretentious perennial that personifies purity and chastity. According to experienced gardeners, even a beginner can cope with planting and caring for lilies if he adheres to certain nuances of growing amazing flowers.

When to buy bulbs

The bulb (an important part of the plant) is not only a source of food, but also a way to reproduce lilies.

To grow beautiful flowers, you need to purchase large, healthy bulbs. They are prepared throughout the year.

  • Autumn is the best time to purchase harvested crops for spring sowing, so a wide selection of varieties is offered. In addition, many stores offer big discounts for pre-orders. The only drawback is saving the flower bulbs until planting.
  • You can buy planting material in the spring, but the choice is already poorer, since interesting varieties have already been sorted out by lily lovers.
  • It is convenient to buy bulbs immediately before planting. They are purchased at the store and immediately planted in the country. But you have to take only the leftovers.
  • When planning planting in autumn, bulbs are purchased at the end of August, but the assortment is also small. But it will save you from winter storage.

Lilies in the garden

How to choose healthy bulbs

Bulbs are planted in early autumn and late summer.

Planting material is sold in specialized stores in the spring. When choosing, pay attention to the appearance:

  • no mechanical damage;
  • no traces of rotting are visible;
  • the presence of at least four roots 4–5 cm long;
  • the scales are uniformly colored.

Only large and healthy bulbs produce beautiful lilies.

Processing of planting material

Before planting, the bulbs are disinfected by keeping them in a bright pink solution of potassium manganese for at least half an hour.

Gardeners praise products that accelerate plant growth and disinfect: Epin, Maxim. The soaking time for planting material is indicated on the packaging.

If there are not enough healthy bulbs for planting, gardeners try to treat the diseased seed by first cleaning the damaged areas and soaking them in foundationol and karbafos.

Note! After treatment, planting material is planted separately from healthy bulbs.

Growing lily seedlings

Many gardeners believe that it is more convenient to plant flowers in early spring using seedlings. This makes it possible to observe how plants adapt, what problems arise, and it is easier to plan a flower bed.

Seedlings are grown at home in a container or pot.

  1. Disinfected (calcined in the oven) soil from the garden plot is poured into it. You can save yourself from these procedures and purchase ready-made soil in the store.
  2. The prepared bulbs are buried. It is acceptable to plant a lot of planting material in one pot, since the plants will be planted in a flower bed.
  3. During this period, the seedlings are watered once a week. They don't feed. The main thing is that it is light.

After 10 days, the bulbs germinate.

Important! Lily is an outdoor plant; experienced gardeners do not recommend growing it at home, as the flower will die.

Lily from seeds: cultivation and features

Planting by seeds is one of the safest options for propagating flowers, but it takes more time. It will take at least four years to grow flowering lilies.

Seed material can be bought in a store or collected independently from healthy flowers. It is important to know how quickly seeds germinate, since seedlings of those that germinate quickly appear in the first year, while those that germinate slowly form a small bulb in the fall.

How and when to plant lilies with seeds

Seeds are sown immediately in open ground or in a pot at home. Pre-sowing increases germination.

Seeds that take a long time to germinate are planted in late autumn so they can survive the winter. The planting site is fertilized with humus, and before frost sets in, the soil is mulched with a thick layer of foliage or hay. Mulch will keep the seeds from freezing.

At the end of February or at the beginning of March, flower seeds are sown for seedlings. A drainage layer (expanded clay) is poured into the container, peat or humus is added, then fertile soil is added.

Shoots appear after three weeks at temperatures from 19 °C to 25 °C. When two leaves appear, a pick is made. By September, the crops are harvested a second time and taken to a dark room where the temperature does not exceed 8 °C.

In spring, the formed small bulbs are planted in the garden bed.

Transplanting and dividing bulbs

In August (at the end) or the first ten days of September, bulbous perennials are replanted: tulips, lilies, daffodils so that they take root before winter.

  1. The procedure is carried out every four years.
  2. The separated bulbs are placed in soil prepared in advance: fertilized with organic matter and minerals.
  3. Then the planting material is buried 6 cm (this will protect against frost).

There are known types of lilies that need to be divided annually (Asian hybrids). Carefully dig up the plants without damaging the roots. Brown scales with rusty spots are carefully cleaned. Use a knife to separate small onions. Then they are disinfected in potassium permanganate and planted wet in the ground.

Note! Division not only propagates flowers, rejuvenates and heals the plant, the procedure is necessary for normal growth and development.

Preparing the site before planting lilies

The choice of planting site depends on the variety of lilies. Asian varieties require sunny areas, although they also grow in beds with light partial shade. Japanese, calloused, reddish, magnificent lilies are planted in semi-shaded areas. The upper part of the plant stem should be illuminated by the sun's rays, and the lower part needs shade. For this purpose, low lawn grass or flowers are sown next to the flowers. These types of lilies in the Moscow region do not grow without film cover.

Trumpet lilies are unpretentious species. They rarely get sick and are not damaged by insect pests. Flowers easily take root in any climate.

There are conditions common to the successful cultivation of all varieties:

  • the soil in the selected area should be light and fertile;
  • Large trees cannot grow nearby;
  • choose a high site where water does not stagnate and groundwater does not accumulate;
  • a place protected from drafts (if not, artificial protection is created).

Proper soil preparation

Since flowers are not replanted every year, they grow in one place for several years, special attention is paid to soil preparation. The soil is lightened, making it looser. Fertilize, increasing the nutritional value of the soil, with peat, humus, manure and sand.

Note! Most lilies are grown on neutral soils, but there are varieties that prefer slightly alkaline or acidified soil. Before choosing a variety, it is advisable to check with a specialist what kind of soil is needed.

Mineral fertilizers are added to soil rich in organic matter. They dig no deeper than one spade bayonet.

The soil is prepared for spring planting in the fall, and in the spring fertilizers are applied to flowers planted before winter.

How to plant lilies correctly

Flowers are planted in spring and autumn. Each period has pros and cons. Gardeners give preference to autumn planting, since the plant has time to take root, the roots become stronger, and it is easier for the flower to withstand winter frosts and fluctuating spring temperatures.

What determines the choice of landing time?

Experienced flower growers consider the period until mid-autumn to be the most suitable time for planting. This depends on the natural course of plant growth.

After flowering, lilies rest (at rest). Then the bulb actively grows and takes root. With the onset of spring warmth, a peduncle bud is formed.

Sometimes the chosen flower variety forces gardeners to plant lilies in the spring, since not all of them can withstand the harsh winters of the central regions of the country.

Caring for lilies in the garden

To grow beautiful, healthy flowers, you need to take care of them. Caring for lilies is not much different from standard care for other flowers:

  • watered;
  • loosen, remove weeds;
  • fed.

Lilies do not need abundant watering, as it will lead to stagnation of water, which will cause the roots to rot. Lack of moisture is also harmful.

In spring, flowers are watered more often as the foliage grows rapidly. In summer, watering is reduced. To ensure long flowering, water once every 7 days. When flowering ends, watering is increased.

How to feed lilies for lush flowering in the garden

In order for lilies to bloom magnificently, they are fed.

  • At the beginning of spring, plants are fed with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate or urea is scattered on the surface of the soil around the bushes (2 tablespoons per 1 m²).
  • If the soil is dry, then water it under the roots (2 tablespoons per 10-liter watering can).
  • During the summer, plants are fed twice. During the formation of buds, another feeding with minerals (phosphorus, potassium) is carried out. Dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of azofoska in a bucket (10 l) of water. At the end of flowering, the lilies are fed again, since the supply of nutrients for the abundant color has been used up.

Note! Wood ash is added to any top dressing in the summer (100 g per 1 m²).

How to cut flowers correctly

Lilies are rarely cut.

Sometimes you want to put a vase with a delicate bouquet at home

In order not to harm the plant by pruning, some nuances must be observed:

  • You cannot cut flowers during the day in sunny weather, only in cloudy weather in the early morning or evening;
  • use a sterile knife and treat it with alcohol;
  • the stem is not cut off completely, a third part is left to feed the bulb;
  • so that water does not stagnate at the cut site after rain, it is made obliquely.

How to prepare a lily for winter

Before the onset of winter cold, flowers are prepared for wintering:

  • when the stems are dry, they are cut off, leaving at least 10 cm;
  • feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (nitrogen is not needed), since after flowering the bulb is formed, it requires nutrition;
  • make a thick layer of mulch from leaves, sawdust, hay.

For this purpose, pine needles are the most suitable choice. It will protect against frost, slugs, and mice.

Cover the top with material

Caring for lilies after flowering

After flowering, the underground part strengthens and buds form. Nutrition comes not only from the ground. The stems and leaves (due to the process of photosynthesis) also feed the bulb.

Lilies have faded: what to do next

Gardeners who decide to leave flowers in the ground for the winter cut the stems of the plant, feed it, and cover it.

Pruning lilies after flowering

If you cut the stems before they dry:

  • the bulb will stop growing;
  • the flower will not receive proper nutrition;
  • does not overwinter well;
  • will not produce lush flowering next year.

Important! Remove dried stems and those on which a seed box has begun to form, taking away nutrition from the plant.

Flowers are cut obliquely with tools disinfected with alcohol: pruners, scissors.

Do I need to dig up lilies for the winter?

Depends on a number of reasons:

  • if you need to propagate the plant;
  • the variety has poor frost resistance;
  • the flowers show signs of disease (the stem turns black, rot appears);
  • The lilies began to get smaller.

There is no consensus among experienced flower growers about whether it is necessary to dig up the bulbs. But once every 5 years, when you need to dig up the lilies, it is necessary to transplant them to a new place.

Collection and storage of planting material

The dug up bulbs are carefully inspected, sorted, and processed:

  • wash off the dirt with warm water;
  • cut off diseased and damaged roots and dried scales;
  • disinfected with potassium permanganate (weak solution), foundationazole or karbofos;
  • dry in a place inaccessible to the sun;
  • placed in containers (wooden or plastic), covered with sand and sawdust.

Store planting material in a cool room, for example, a cellar at a temperature not exceeding 4 °C.

If there are few bulbs, they are stored in the refrigerator, but first in film, then wrapped in wet canvas.

Note! Some gardeners, to be on the safe side, leave half of the bulbs to overwinter in the ground and dig up the other half.

Lilies: planting and care in open ground in the Urals and Siberia

In the harsh climatic conditions of the northern regions of the country, caring gardeners successfully grow lilies. The main thing is the right choice of variety, knowledge of how to care for lilies in a short, cold summer.

Asian and LA hybrids are suitable for breeding in Siberia: Snezhana, Alaska, Nochka, Iskra, Navona and other varieties. Pink lilies that are resistant to severe frosts are suitable: Marlene, Fermata, Lorena, as well as the popular orange one, Sterngtiger.

In the Urals and Siberia, flowers are planted in the spring and autumn.

Bulbs are buried in the flowerbed only in warm soil, when frosts are no longer dangerous (the second half of May). When planted in the spring, the flowers will take root, take root, grow green, but will be able to bloom next summer.

If the variety is frost-resistant, when planted in the fall the bulbs will take root and overwinter safely. Caring for flowers is no different from traditional care.

Features of growing lilies in the northern regions

With the right choice of a variety that is resistant to cold and temperature fluctuations, growing lilies is the same process as in the southern regions. But there are still some nuances.

It is advisable not to leave the bulbs in the ground over the winter. Despite the shelter, they may freeze. And if gardeners don’t dig up the bulbs, they must cover them with a layer of spruce branches. They throw a lot of snow, because snowdrifts are an excellent covering material.

Important! Bulbs overwinter easier in dry soil. If the autumn turns out to be rainy (for the northern regions - the norm), the flowerbed with lilies is covered with film or slate.

Lily diseases

Mice love to eat flower bulbs, and slugs love to eat succulent stems. In addition, lilies are susceptible to fungal and viral diseases.

Botrytis, or gray rot, is a common lily disease that appears on the lower leaves, then quickly spreads throughout the flower.

The causative agent of gray rot lives in plant bulbs, which is why it is so important to disinfect them. The first symptoms are the formation of round brown spots, which over time become a rusty coating and cover the entire plant.

Having discovered the disease, they immediately begin treatment with Bordeaux mixture and fungicidal preparations: discor, oxych. The treatment is repeated after 10 days.

Why do lilies' buds fall off without blooming?

There are many factors influencing the fall of buds:

  • water scarcity. Flowers experience a shortage especially on hot days and get rid of buds and some of the greenery;
  • fungal disease. Because of it, flowers also drop buds that do not have time to open;
  • botrytis (gray rot), spotting. Excess moisture causes rotting of all elements of the flower. The buds rot;
  • nematode. Because of this worm, the buds dry out and the leaves begin to fall off as the insect drinks the juices of the plant;
  • lily flies, fire beetles.

When the first signs appear, you need to find the cause and treat the plants so as not to lose flowering.

Lilies have brown leaves: what to do

The appearance of rusty and brown spots on greenery is caused by a fungal disease affecting the plant.

  • At first, the spots cover the edges of the leaves and look wet. Over time, they dry out and move to the stems and buds.
  • If the disease was noticed at the initial stage, you can try to save the lily. If the plant is completely damaged, there will be no flowering.

Note! To prevent brown spots, flowers are treated with agents such as zircon and epin. The treatment is carried out in cloudy weather on dry foliage.

Frequent loosening of the soil near plantings, especially in rainy weather, will reduce the risk of disease.

If brown spots are already visible:

  • affected leaves are removed and burned;
  • The completely affected plant is cut off, leaving a stump no higher than 5 cm;
  • the lily and the place of growth are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture or other products containing copper;
  • apply mineral fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium) to the roots;
  • sprinkle the plant with ash.

If the disease appears annually, it means that the place for growing lilies is not suitable, it’s time to change it.

Why do lily leaves turn yellow?

Yellowing of foliage occurs for a number of reasons. The main thing is insufficient care. Other:

  • lack of water. It is necessary to water the flowers on time, especially on hot days;
  • too frequent planting also causes yellowing of the leaves, the plant lacks oxygen and nutrition;
  • excess water is just as harmful as too little, causing the foliage to turn yellow;
  • not enough or too much fertilizer;
  • flowers experience “iron” hunger;
  • The leaves turn yellow due to fungal and viral diseases.

You can protect lilies from yellowing if the cause of the occurrence is established.

How to treat lilies

Dense plantings, weeds, and insufficient care for flowers lead to diseases. Caring gardeners begin the fight against diseases and insect pests from the time of planting.

The most effective method of protection is prevention. Plants need to be inspected more often in order to notice in time a disease or insects that have flown onto the succulent stems of lilies.

Pest protection

There are up to one and a half dozen dangerous lily lovers. The most common of them:

  • Curling leaves indicate spider mites. Spray with fitoverm, actellik;
  • The squeak beetle is clearly visible on the leaves. Against it, flowers are sprayed with decis, karbofos;
  • The lily fly lays eggs in the buds. Treatment is required three times. They use karbofos, ditox;
  • The mole cricket feeds on roots and bulbs, damaging them and leaving numerous holes in the ground. Thunder or grizzly preparations are poured into them. The same remedies will help against the larvae of the May beetle (Khrushchev).

Note! Begin treatment immediately, before there are too many pests. The stores have a wide selection of products against insects and diseases of bulbous crops. Instructions for use of the drugs are indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Lily propagation

Flowers can reproduce in several ways:

  • bulbs;
  • cuttings;
  • scales.

Reproduction of lilies by scales

The method is not entirely common, but it is common.

What do scales look like?

The scales are separated from the bulb, planted in the ground, and they take root. The crops are watered a lot, as a result of which an independent plant grows.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure after digging up the bulbs in the autumn:

  1. First, the scales are carefully washed with warm water.
  2. Disinfect for a quarter of an hour in potassium permanganate.
  3. Allow to dry, place in a bag with crushed charcoal (charcoal).

For one and a half months, they are kept at temperatures up to 23 ° C, and then taken to a cool place (up to 17 ° C) for a month. Afterwards they are stored in the cellar or on the refrigerator shelf until planting.

The planting hole should be no deeper than half the size of the scale.

Note! Lilies will bloom only after three years.

More than a hundred new flowers are obtained this way.

Propagation of lilies by cuttings after flowering

When there is little planting material, gardeners, solving the problem of how to propagate lilies, use this method.

  1. Cut the stem with pruning shears after flowering, almost at the base. A stick is inserted near the stump so that the place of the flower is not lost.
  2. The stem is cut into pieces of 10 cm, from which the leaves are removed from the bottom to the middle, and two short (3 cm) marks (shallow) are made with a sharp knife along the stem.
  3. Dip it in a root-forming agent (any) for a couple of hours, and immediately plant it under the film.
  4. Within two months, the cuttings will grow their own roots, and later small onions will form, which are transplanted to a permanent place.

flower stem

The stem is not always cut into pieces. Dig a shallow horizontal hole and place the entire stem in it, having previously made longitudinal cuts. They water it with epin and build a mini-greenhouse over the place. Cover in winter with peat, sawdust, and snow. By spring, bulbs should form.

Reproduction of lilies by bulblets

A quick and convenient option for forming bulbs. Not all varieties of lilies form bulbs, and some (for example, Asian hybrids, trumpet lilies) develop dozens of buds (aerial bulbs) during flowering. These are the bulbs.

What do bulbs look like?

When the bud bulbs are fully ripe, they are separated from the stem. They sometimes form roots and even leaves.

The bulbs are collected before they fall off (August-September), sent for storage until spring planting, or planted immediately in the fall.

Lilies are noble flowers. With their beautiful flowering, they will add uniqueness and attractiveness to the garden plot and will decorate any landscape.

Popular among gardeners, the delicate, beautiful and fragrant lily is a herbaceous bulbous plant from the Liliaceae family. A perennial flowering plant consists of a single-tiered root system and bulb, a tall straight stem reaching one and a half meters in height, small leaf plates with a glossy surface and racemose inflorescences of sixteen to thirty bell-shaped or funnel-shaped buds of white, pink, red, lilac, yellow and orange shades.

The flowering period lasts fifteen to twenty days. A notable feature of lilies is the variety of colors and unique tart aroma.

In order for these flowers to become a real decoration of the garden and the pride of the gardener, it is necessary to create certain conditions for them - regular watering and fertilizing, timely pruning and weed control, protection from pests and diseases. With proper planting and care, the lily will show all its sophistication and grace. Beginners and persistent flower lovers can easily cope with these procedures. The future flowering of the royal perennial depends entirely on hard work and a reverent attitude towards plants.

Variety Stargazer

Lily can be proud of its huge family of hundreds of species and thousands of varieties, from which you can choose flowers by color, climatic preferences, growing conditions, shape, size of buds and direction of petals, resistance to diseases and pests, flowering time and even by aroma.

For convenience, all specimens of this royal flower were divided into groups according to their origin.

Selecting a location

The place for planting and growing lilies must be selected carefully, as it will play a major role in the further development of the plants. When choosing, it is recommended to take into account the type and variety of crop.

  • Lilies with buds of white and light colors feel better in open sunny areas with plenty of light, warmth and the absence of drafts, while dark and bright flowers, rich in color, prefer to grow in semi-shaded or slightly shaded places.
  • Tall varieties are recommended to be planted near bushes or trees, buildings or fences. They will provide flowers with reliable natural protection from strong gusts of wind, which can damage tall flower stalks.

When choosing bulbs in a specialized store, first of all you should pay attention to the type of plant, because each of them has its own requirements for planting and care. Having decided on the type and variety, you can proceed to inspecting the planting material.

High-quality bulbs have their own characteristics:

  • absence of any damage or rot on the surface;
  • the presence of dense scales without damage (spots and cracks) and signs of disease;
  • the presence of wet roots about five centimeters long;
  • size in diameter - at least three centimeters.

If planting material is purchased long before planting, it is very important to create the right conditions for their storage:

  • container with sawdust, moss or peat;
  • moderate humidity in the storage area;
  • good ventilation;
  • air temperature - five to ten degrees Celsius.

Before planting, the bulbs are sorted by size and quality, cleaned of dried scales, dried roots are removed and treated with special solutions. First, they are soaked for fifteen minutes in a manganese solution, washed, and then dipped in a Fitosporin solution for thirty minutes and allowed to dry.

Important! In case of premature germination of the bulbs, it is recommended to plant them as seedlings in individual flower pots.

If there are doubts about the quality and health of the soil in the selected area, you should definitely treat it with disinfectants. The optimal soil composition for lilies: turf or garden soil, coarse sand, peat, rotted humus and wood ash. Soil requirements: neutral in composition, loose, nutritious, drained (using river pebbles or gravel), with good moisture passage (moderately moist), healthy.

Preparing the soil for planting includes the following activities:

  • deep digging of the top layer of soil (thirty-five to forty centimeters);
  • formation of a drainage layer;
  • applying fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus;
  • reducing high acidity (leaching) using chalk or wood ash;
  • abundant moisture of the area (gradual).

In prepared planting holes with a depth of ten to twenty centimeters, depending on the size of the bulbs and the type of lilies, drainage material about five centimeters thick is first poured, then a three-centimeter layer of sand, and only then a fertile soil mixture.

How to plant lilies in open ground correctly

Planting dates (spring and autumn)

Depending on the local climate, lily bulbs can be planted in early spring or mid-autumn. The main thing is that there is no danger of soil freezing in the area after planting (in autumn).

For example, in southern latitudes October is considered the most favorable month for this procedure. But most species and varieties require spring conditions. Late flowering plants can be planted in the spring in warm climates, but only in the fall in cold climates. Due to the short summer, they simply will not have time to bloom before the cold weather arrives. In general, all these nuances should be taken into account when choosing a variety and when purchasing planting material.

Benefits of spring planting:

  • It is better to store the bulbs collected in the fall in special conditions until spring, rather than having them freeze and get wet in the ground after autumn planting.
  • The absence of children on the bulbs can be compensated for by the free purchase of any planting material throughout the year.
  • For full growth and rapid flowering, all the necessary natural conditions are available.

Planting technology and features

Bulbs are placed in planting holes filled with substrate, sprinkled with a small layer of sand, and then filled to the top with nutritious soil. After this, carry out the first abundant watering and apply mulching material.

Since flower bushes grow very quickly, the distance between plantings should be at least thirty to forty centimeters.

Bulbs of low-growing varieties are buried eight to ten centimeters into the ground, and tall ones - ten to twenty centimeters (depending on the size of the planting material).

Caring for lilies consists of several mandatory procedures - watering and fertilizing, loosening and weeding, pruning and replanting, propagation and preparation for winter, disease and pest control and preventive measures.

Watering requirements

Watering is very often combined with two more procedures - adding nutrients to the soil and preventive treatment of the soil against diseases and pests.

The irrigation regime must meet two important requirements - moderation and regularity. Excess water causes the development of rot in the root part, while lack of moisture negatively affects the decorative effect of the entire plant, the shape and size of the buds, and the abundance of flowering. To maintain moderate moisture in the soil, it is recommended to mulch it. Mulch will prevent drying out and will save the area from the appearance of weeds, and therefore from weeding.

On especially hot summer days, when the thermometer rises above twenty-seven to thirty degrees, you can water lilies only early in the morning or in the evening - after sunset. During the rainy season, watering may not be carried out.

Attention! Irrigation water should not fall on the leaves. In this regard, many experienced gardeners advise using the drip irrigation method.

Application of fertilizers and fertilizers

It is necessary to feed lilies regularly, regardless of when they were planted - in spring or autumn. This will require various nutrient mixtures or organic solutions containing nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other useful microelements and substances for application by root and foliar methods.

During the season, at least three to four feedings will be required at different stages of crop development.. The dosage when preparing solutions, as well as when applying per square meter, must be strictly observed. Excess fertilizer will only cause harm.

We offer several options for feeding and fertilizers.

  • Ash infusion can be used as a top dressing and as a preventative against mold and pests five to six times a season.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers, urea, and superphosphate are used at the initial stage of lily development in the spring to stimulate growth.
  • A solution of ten liters of water, superphosphate (thirty grams), ammonium nitrate (forty grams) is used as foliar feeding in the spring, when the height of the sprouts reaches ten to fifteen centimeters.
  • During the formation of buds For root feeding, a composition of ten liters of a solution of mullein, superphosphate and potassium sulfate (thirty grams of each) is used.
  • Before flowering, you need to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the root.
  • At the very beginning of flowering We recommend foliar feeding with ten liters of a solution of mullein, superphosphate (about forty grams) and potassium fertilizer (fifteen grams).
  • After flowering ends You can apply complex mineral fertilizers containing calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

How to feed lilies for lush flowering - video


For decorative purposes, it is worth regularly removing faded buds throughout the season. In addition, this will allow perennials not to waste their energy on producing seeds. Let them better direct their unspent energy to new buds and lush flowering.

When cutting flowers for bouquets, it is recommended to leave the stem about fifteen centimeters high. This will help the plants strengthen their roots. .

You should not cut off living and vigorous leaves, as they are a source of energy and nutrients for the bulb. Only dried and wilted, damaged and infected leaf blades can be removed.

Cutting the stem to the soil level is carried out only in the autumn.

Diseases and pests

  • To protect the bulbs from mice during autumn planting, it is recommended to place the planting material in a hole in a special metal mesh.
  • To protect against harmful insects, throughout the spring and summer season, the soil in the flower garden is treated and the plants are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.
  • You can get rid of the onion leaf beetle and root mite by spraying with a solution of one bucket of water, copper sulfate, baking soda and ammonia (one tablespoon each).

Features of transplantation

Most often, replanting is combined with dividing the bush. In the fifth year of life, the flowering of lilies noticeably decreases, and sometimes stops altogether. This is the basis for removing the plant from the soil and separating the daughter bulbs.

After watering, carefully dig up the lily using a garden tool, wash the root part with water, separate the young shoots and place them in a pink manganese solution for disinfection. After trimming the long roots to eight to ten centimeters, the flowers are planted in a new place.

Reference! Since replanting is a serious stress for a lily, it is not recommended to do it more often than once every four to five years.

Preparing for winter

Types and varieties of lilies with early flowering tolerate winter well. Therefore, in the fall, watering is gradually reduced, then the stem is trimmed to the surface of the soil and a cover is built from sawdust or fallen leaves.

It is recommended to dig up the bulbs of late-flowering lilies and place them for storage in a cool room (basement or cellar) with good ventilation or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, after packing them in a bag with peat. They will not survive cold winter conditions outdoors.

Reproduction by scales

When planting a flower bed or flower garden, it is important to choose the “right” neighbors for the lilies. In terms of neighborhood, these are universal crops, because they get along well with many representatives of the flora. Lilies feel comfortable in the company of peonies, delphiniums, roses and carnations. They harmonize with ferns and junipers, phlox and crocuses, daffodils and irises. Astilbe, euonymus and rhododendron will be a good neighbor for the lily.

Tips for growing lilies from an experienced gardener - video

Growing different types of lilies is a wonderful experience in floriculture for both beginners and professionals, because the variety of varieties allows you to constantly improve and increase your knowledge.

Lilies are flowers that do not leave anyone indifferent to their beauty and aroma. They have a variety of colors - from rich to pale tones. They bloom in June and often bloom until the end of September. Lilies grown in Russia are imported mainly from abroad, often from Holland. The most popular are Asian varieties, which take root well in regions with cold climates. How to grow lilies on a summer cottage? We invite you to find out the opinion of experienced flower growers.

Lilies in a summer cottage

Lily: choice of variety and planting time

Before you start growing lilies, you need to choose suitable and favorite varieties, which are divided into nine groups. Each has its own individual characteristics. Flower varieties are divided according to flowering time (early, late, mid-late), and stem height (high, low, medium). Also, the degree of growth matters. With a high reproduction rate, you will often have to divide the nests and plant the bulbs. In addition, different varieties are susceptible to different diseases. It is better to plant those species that are most susceptible to damage in a separate area, and try to propagate them by seeds. Plants grown in this way are more resistant to late blight and have good immunity. According to all the nuances, the location of lilies in the flowerbed is of no small importance. I advise experienced gardeners to take into account the color combination of plants in the flower garden.

Beginning flower growers often believe that growing lilies is a difficult process and not everyone can do it. But, with the necessary care, you can enjoy their flowering and aroma yourself and delight your guests. It is recommended to plant lilies in the fall. Most often, they are planted in September, but in some regions, with a warmer climate, this can be done until mid-October, the main thing is that the bulb has time to take root.

Bulbs planted in the fall will have time to adapt and prepare for wintering in a new place. Lilies planted at this time bloom earlier and bloom more abundantly than those planted in the spring.

How to buy good lily tubers?

  • healthy bulbs have an intact bottom and a dense structure, without any spots;
  • if there are roots, they should not be dry or rotten.

When using your own planting material, before planting you need to sort it out and discard diseased and rotten specimens. If there are a small number of dry roots, they need to be trimmed, as well as any healthy roots that are too long.

Planting lilies

A healthy tuber should be fresh, not have long (more than 10 cm) green sprouts, dry roots and scales. If, after purchasing, it is not possible to immediately plant the plants, then they are stored in a plastic bag in which holes are made for ventilation. In the bag there is planting material, you need to cover it with wet peat, sawdust, sphagnum.

To prevent diseases and protect against pests, it is recommended to treat the bulbs in karbofos (5 ml of product per liter of water is enough) or manganese solution (5 g of powder per 10 liters of water). If the tubers are small (up to 10cm), then they may not produce flowers in the first season. In addition to the bulbs, you can disinfect the area prepared for planting. To do this, water the flowerbed with a formaldehyde solution (1%), at the rate of one bucket per square meter. After this, the soil should be dug up and covered with film or tarpaulin for 5-8 days. This method will help destroy the fungus in the ground, as well as adult individuals and larvae of pests (mole crickets, May beetles, wireworms).

Rules for planting lilies

Before planting flowers, it is necessary to determine the area for their cultivation. Varieties with large inflorescences look good in a separate flower bed, while small ones are recommended to be combined with other flowers and plants (roses, phlox, peonies). The illumination of the area is also important. There are varieties that like partial shade, while others require full sun. Lilies grow well in loose, nutritious soils. At the same time, groundwater should not be near the surface, otherwise the tubers will rot in the ground. Before planting tubers, you need to dig up the entire area where you plan to grow flowers.

In order to plant lilies correctly, you must:

  1. In the chosen place, dig a hole with a depth of 13 to 20 cm and a diameter of up to 4 cm. The specific size depends on the size of the tuber and the quality of the soil. The standard depth is made so that it is equal to triple the height of the bulb. Small bulbs should not be deeply buried, and if the soil is heavy, then planting should also not be deep. When planting tall hybrid varieties, it is recommended to double the depth. If the depth is insufficient, there is a risk of disease.
  2. A drainage layer (expanded clay, small pebbles) is poured onto the bottom of the holes, and a small amount of sand mixed with ash is placed on top, and the bulbs are laid, carefully straightening the roots.
  3. After this, the planting material is covered with earth and lightly compacted.
  4. Next to the bulb, you can make a depression the size of your finger and put granular fertilizer into it. Sprinkle all this with wood ash or peat.

Watering is carried out if the weather is dry and the soil is not wet. If the soil is damp, there is no need to water. Do not apply too much organic fertilizer, such as manure. Their excess will lead to abundant growth of green mass and at the same time small inflorescences.

Lilies of such varieties as “Eastern”, “Tiger”, “Asian”, “Henry” grow well in slightly acidic soils. The variety “Umbrella” and similar ones prefer slightly acidic soil. If the plants are planted in an area where there is stagnation of water in spring, and it is not possible to change the location, then when planting, a larger drainage layer should be laid on the bottom of the holes. If the soil is poor, it is useful to add humus or compost, such as “Pixa”, “Bogatyr”. When planting flowers in a sunny area, without the slightest shade, you need to mulch, for example with sawdust, and plant other flowers nearby - chamomile, flax, bells, which will help keep the soil moist.

At the end of autumn, the planted plants need to be prepared for wintering. If winters are frosty, it is better to cover the plantings. To do this, you can use peat, fallen leaves or any non-woven material. Do not use straw or hay, as rodents may infest and damage the bulbs.

Even in warm regions, if frosts have already set in and there is not enough snow (less than 10 cm layer), then it is recommended to cover the plantings with a layer of pine needles, peat, or even fallen leaves. But it is important to remove the mulch layer as the snow begins to melt. If you do this too late, the sprouts, due to the lack of light, the penetration of which was prevented by the mulch, will be pale and weak. You should not use film to cover your plantings, as it provokes a greenhouse effect, which is not beneficial for the plants.

Lilies are an outlet for gardeners. Hardy, unpretentious, winter-hardy, reproduce well (either by children, or by bulbs and even scales), height for every taste - from dwarf varieties to one and a half meter giants. They grow in one place for a long time. Colors of any shade - yellow, burgundy, white, even green! Interesting varieties: two and three colors. Well, how can you pass by and not be carried away by such beauty! That is why the most treasured corner of my garden with loose, fertile soil is given to lilies.

Debbie R/Flickr.com

My lilies love a sunny place. However, there are varieties that prefer partial shade. Attitudes towards soil acidity vary, so you can choose lilies that would be suitable specifically for your site. Thus, American and oriental hybrids love slightly acidic or acidic soil, while tubular hybrids love alkaline soil. But still, most species and varieties prefer neutral soil.

When buying lilies, I always pay attention to the fact that the bulbs are healthy, dense, and without damage. Lilies can be planted in spring, autumn and even summer.


I prepare the soil for planting thoroughly, two weeks in advance. I dig up the soil, add humus, compost, a mixture of mineral fertilizers - about 30 grams per 1 square meter. Mix thoroughly. Without fail, in each hole I make a drainage cushion of sand and add a handful of ash. I put it in the sand. I add a layer of nutritious soil on top. I water and mulch with straw or dry grass.

Meredith Leigh Collins / Flickr.com

The timing of planting in spring depends on the variety. Some hybrids are planted as soon as the snow cover melts in March, the most heat-loving ones when the air warms up to +10°C and above, but mostly in the second half of April.

The depth of planting the bulbs in the soil varies and also depends on the variety, so once again I carefully study the information on the label. Typically, they are planted at a depth three times their height. In sandy soil - deeper, in heavy soil - closer to the surface. The advantages of deep planting are that in summer the bulb will be provided with more moisture, in winter it will withstand frost more easily, and in spring deep planting will protect it from frost. Deep planting also promotes the formation of more baby bulbs and strengthens the root system.

I plant them at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.


Planting in autumn.

If the lily plantings have grown too dense, they have to be separated and planted. Closer to autumn, lilies fade, after some time you can work with them. I carefully dig it up so as not to damage the roots, shake it off the ground, separate the children, trim the roots a little, but not completely! I plant both children and bulbs in well-fertilized nutritious soil, just like in the spring - in sand and holes. I definitely mulch the planting. Some gardeners treat the bulbs with disinfectants after digging. I do without this procedure, because I am confident in my seed material that the bulbs are healthy and without damage.

Caring for lily plantings is not difficult. If you water the plant in time, weed it, loosen the soil and feed it, then your plot will turn into a paradise of blooming luxurious plants that can easily “break” the heart of any beauty connoisseur.



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