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Academy of Law and Management UFS. Institute for the Training of State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of Law and Administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service

For more than 40 years, the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has been an institution of higher education. Its name and departmental affiliation changed several times, but the high quality of personnel training remained unchanged. The main field of activity of graduates was determined by penal institutions, but a large number of employees of the police, tax system, courts, and prosecutors rightfully call this university their alma mater

In the 20s of the last century, throughout the country as a whole, the problem of increasing the level of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies became extremely acute. As of the beginning of 1925, among police officers, only 4.5% graduated from junior command and reserve schools, and 0.81% graduated from secondary command training schools. For a long time, the leadership of the Ryazan police, with great effort and varying success, tried to organize professional training for its employees. And only in the mid-30s did it become possible to create a police school of the highest level at that time. This became the starting point in the history of the university.

According to the order of the NKVD Directorate for the Moscow Region, on November 1, 1934, Ryazan retraining courses for local police inspectors were established. For the first time, a plan for the creation and permanent operation of an institution of this kind has been successfully implemented. With the help of teachers and administrative and technical workers (31 people), it was planned to train 150 cadets within 3.5 months - 3 graduations per year.

On April 15, 1935, the Ryazan courses carried out their first graduation, after which, in addition to district inspectors, they began to train other specialists. After short approvals, in the fall of 1936, the Ryazan courses were transformed into the Ryazan School of Secondary Command Staff of the RKM Directorate, that is, the training of junior specialists was abandoned at this stage. The duration of training has increased to two years. Subsequently, the educational institution changed its “sign” many times, although often the training program, the places of distribution of specialists, and the management of the institution remained the same.

The archives have preserved some documents characterizing the special atmosphere and life of that time, in particular a certificate of graduation in 1938 by one of the cadets from the 18th Ryazan School of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia - that was the name of the educational institution then. First edition! Carefully written letters on a homemade form. Even the coat of arms of the USSR is drawn by hand. And in the upper right corner there is the inscription “Workers of all countries, unite!” written in uneven handwriting.

In the first set of cadets, the majority were workers. Only a few people were members of the Komsomol, the rest were members or candidates of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The average education level is 4 grades. The Credentials Commission was more interested in the candidates undergoing political studies in various circles and the corresponding party-political certification.

In the pre-war period, the social portrait of cadets changed somewhat. The vast majority of them previously served in the internal affairs bodies. Age ranged from 23 to 30 years. There were fewer family members and members of the Communist Party. The level of assimilation of the studied materials was quite high. Thus, out of 128 cadets who completed their training in 1940, 56.2% were rated “excellent”, “good” - 31.8%, “mediocre” - 11.3%, “poor” - 0.7%. In relation to 127 graduates, that is, all who successfully completed their studies, a petition was filed for promotion to more responsible work

Back in the first half of 1941, another reorganization of the educational institution was carried out. It became known as the Ryazan Interregional Police School. The essence of the reform is obvious: in connection with the improvement of the material, technical, educational and methodological base of the school, it was decided to expand the region for which specialists were trained. The staff of trained cadets increased by one and a half times, their number exceeded 180 people.

The morning of June 22, 1941 sharply changed the established way of life and divided it into two sharply different periods - peace and war. In relation to certified employees of the school and its cadets, there was reservation for conscription into the active army. However, many employees left to defend their homeland as volunteers.

At the end of 1941 and 1942. the volume of specialist training has decreased. The class of 1942 consisted of only 63 people. With the stabilization of affairs at the front, the educational process was also restored, the number of students increased to 130, and by 1944 - to 184 people. Women employees of internal affairs bodies began to be actively involved in training and retraining. From September 1943, the school was jokingly called a “nunnery” because men were not sent to study. The exception was the special department, which trained operational personnel for units and formations operating at the front. This situation remained until the end of 1945, when front-line soldiers became the main contingent of students.

The war ended, thousands of men who knew how to fight, but were unaccustomed to peaceful affairs, returned home. Inevitably, some part of them had to fall into the sphere of influence of the criminal world, while the other part deliberately aimed at fighting the criminal environment. The task of the school staff was to equip the representatives of the second with the necessary knowledge and experience.

In 1947, the interregional police school became the Ryazan police school. This is another step forward - the educational institution has reached the all-Union level. Under the new conditions, the meaning of training completely unprepared recruits was lost. At the disposal of the component bodies there were enough front-line soldiers and employees of the internal affairs bodies who had practical experience in service. NCOs and junior reserve officers formed the basis of the new contingent of cadets.

In March 1953, Stalin died. In numerous forced labor camps scattered across the vast expanses of the Soviet Union, this news had an effect that, according to N.S. Morozov, one of the researchers of the post-Stalin history of the USSR, could be compared to an earthquake. Despite attempts to establish order in the camps, resistance did not weaken, but took on new forms: absenteeism, protest hunger strikes, blocking of residential barracks, attempts to release regime violators, whom the administration placed in high-security barracks, the so-called BURs. In this regard, the country has taken measures aimed at improving the work not only of the system of forced labor camps, but also of all law enforcement agencies.

In September 1954, the Ryazan Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was liquidated and on its basis the Ryazan School of Retraining for Commanding Officers of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was created. From that moment to the present, the educational institution, which has gone through a long path of development and has graduated thousands of specialists, is one of the bases for training personnel in the correctional labor system.

Practical workers from forced labor camps with 15 or even 20 years of experience, with the rank of captains, majors, even colonels, came to retrain the commanding staff of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, but they completely lacked a theoretical basis. The retraining school for commanding officers was called upon to fill the lack of theoretical knowledge.

Time passed, the school grew, and the correspondence faculty, where internal affairs and police officers were trained, gained strength. There was a need to expand the school's educational base. The entire variable composition of the school took part in the construction of a new building on the street. Mayakovsky, which was built in 1967.

In October 1970, 25 Cuban students arrived at the school to study, which indicates recognition of the high level of the teaching staff and the authority of the school in the eyes of the administration. In November of the same year, a group of senior employees of the Personnel Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the Ryazan Special Secondary School for Training Commanders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR to implement the Decree of the USSR Government “On the establishment of the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.” The commission worked for 6 days and identified employees who were subsequently enrolled in the staff of the RVSh of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the existence of the Ryazan Special Secondary School for Training Command Staff, there were 9 full-time graduates from 1963 to 1971. 99 specialists received diplomas with honors. Among the specialists who graduated from school in absentia, 15 people received diplomas with honors. In total, the Ryazan Special Secondary School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR graduated 1,763 specialists, many of whom, to this day, carry out worthy service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and in technical technical colleges.

In the summer of 1971, the university produced its first intake of students, and on October 1, the grand opening of the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs took place. An important event in the history of the educational institution, indicating that it has firmly taken its rightful place among the leading universities of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs system, was the presentation of the Red Banner to the staff on May 12, 1973.

In 1973, a university summer camp began operating in the village of Seltsy, Rybnovsky district. Since the summer of the same year, camp training began with second-year students at its base, during which students improved in military, physical and tactical-special training. Summer military exercises held jointly with airborne school cadets were traditional.

In January 1974, the first training practice for students was held. More than 300 people underwent it in 13 basic correctional labor institutions. The practice was not so much contemplative as active. Students participated in activities to maintain and strengthen the regime for serving their sentences, gave lectures, and conducted political classes among convicts. At the same time, many students realized for the first time what their future profession was, many of them decided on their specialization - to become an employee of the operational or political educational apparatus.

In the second half of the 70s, the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR established itself as a major scientific and methodological center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, the university became a permanent base for holding major symposiums. Thus, on December 22, 1977, the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference “The Pedagogical Legacy of A.S. Makarenko and the Problems of Education of Convicts” was held at the Russian Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, together with the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR; on April 19-20, 1978 - a scientific and methodological conference "The New Constitution of the USSR and the problems of improving teaching in universities of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs."

In addition, the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs proved that its staff is capable of solving not only educational and scientific issues. In accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the personnel of the RVSh of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were involved in service in Moscow during the XXII Olympic Games. As part of four combined battalions, students and teachers of the university successfully ensured the safety of competition participants and guests of the Olympics. Subsequently, twice more the staff of the RVSh of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was instructed to perform similar official tasks. The university personnel ensured the protection of public order and security in the Moscow Metro and other facilities in 1985 during the XII World Festival of Youth and Students and in 1986 during the Goodwill Games.

The deterioration of the general situation in the country since the mid-80s has had a negative impact on the activities of the university. The fact is that, in accordance with the decision of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the personnel of the RVSH of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were recruited to protect public order in the republics of Transcaucasia. During the period from July 1988 to June 1989, six battalions with a total strength of 1,636 people were formed at the university and sent to their places of service (the cities of Yerevan and Stepanakert). The RVSh battalions of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were part of the Military Operational Group of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and were repeatedly noted by the command as the best units.

The distraction of a significant part of students, teachers and support staff from the educational process necessitated the need to make significant changes to the curricula, reduce training sessions, organize them and conduct them at duty stations, cancel complex exercises and internships. The results of such forced measures had an immediate effect: graduates of 1989 generally showed worse knowledge than in previous years. The results of transfer exams were also worse compared to the previous academic year.

Difficulties arose in staffing the school, and the plan for recruiting students was not fulfilled.

More and more often there was talk about the crisis of legal education and the general decline of the RVS of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the early 90s, the university acquired a new direction of activity. Based on the comprehensive program of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for restructuring the system of training and retraining of personnel, in May 1990 it was decided to open a psychological department at the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics for Correspondence Study, the Special Faculty and the Faculty of Advanced Studies already existed at the university. Thus, the formation of the faculty system was completed.

By 1995, the protracted process of restructuring and transformation of the university was basically completed. Formally, this was reflected in the renaming of the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - it became officially known as the Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On July 1, 1999, the RIPE was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the jurisdiction of the central body of the penal system - the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The university became known as the Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. During the transfer, the Tomsk and Kirov branches were transferred to the institute.

Thus, the university approached its thirtieth anniversary in 2000 with a rather complex structure, noticeably different from the one that existed in 1970. The total number of teaching staff reached 246 people. Of these, approximately 61% had academic degrees and titles. 32 doctors of science and 118 candidates of science worked at the university. In total, about 4,000 people studied at the institute’s faculties in full-time, part-time and short-term correspondence forms, on a budgetary and commercial basis.

In 2001, the status of the university changed again - it was transformed into a branch academy. By order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, RIPE of the Ministry of Justice of Russia was renamed into the Academy of Law and Administration of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. And since 2005, the university has been named the Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Thus a new page opened in the history of the educational institution, which is still being written today.


Director of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

Professor of the International Association of Scientists, Teachers and Specialists

carries out general management and organization of the work of the structural unit.

Tel. 93-82-30

Deputy Director of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

coordinates the educational work of the structural unit.

Tel. 93-46-30

Deputy Director of the Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

coordinates the scientific and educational work of the structural unit.

Tel. 93-46-31

The mission of the institute is to train highly qualified personnel who meet the modern demands of society and the state for state and municipal service in law enforcement agencies, state authorities and local government.

Institute values:

· high level of organization of the personnel training structure, taking into account the needs of the region; choosing the content of education in accordance with the requirements and spirit of the times, bringing the content of training programs as close as possible to the real conditions of professional activity; improvement of the system of additional professional education;

· democratic principles of department management; openness, readiness for fruitful cooperation at any level; careful and efficient management of human and material resources;

· respect for the individual; compliance with social, national, religious and other principles of equality of workers and students; compliance of the management, teaching staff of the institute, students and listeners with the high professional and moral criteria required of representatives of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia;

· corporate patriotism and ethics, cohesion in achieving strategic goals; supporting positive changes in order to implement the social responsibility management system; strengthening image and reputation in order to strengthen market positions in the field of educational services.

The activities of the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are based on the requirements of regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, the Concept for the development of the penal system of the Russian Federation until 2020, the Development Program of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia until 2020, decisions of the scientific and methodological councils of the academy, meetings with the head of the academy , local regulations of the academy, orders, instructions of the head of the academy and his deputies, as well as decisions of the collegial governing body - the council of the institute, at whose meetings issues of organizing and improving the educational process, educational work, organization of student research activities, personnel and other relevant issues are considered questions. The activities of the council are structured in such a way as to effectively organize work in all areas of activity, ensuring the implementation of planned activities with high quality and on time.

In accordance with federal state educational standards of higher education, the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia implements educational programs at all levels of higher education: bachelor's, specialist, master's, as well as training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.

Presentation of master's degree programs
for undergraduate students

In addition, students have the opportunity to study in the additional educational program “Translator in the Field of Professional Communication.”
The Institute implements various advanced training programs under agreements with organizations and enterprises.

Graduation of students of the additional educational program - “Implementation of state policy in the field of combating corruption at the municipal level” 2019

For students of the institute, educational, industrial, pre-diploma, as well as research internships are organized on the basis of organizations and enterprises of various forms of ownership, state authorities and local governments of the region.

Based on cooperation agreements with potential employers involved in the implementation of the educational process through the organization of practical training, the institute has created a corporate training environment for the accumulation of student competencies in the field of solving practical problems. Contractual relations have been formed with all institutions - practice bases. There is the necessary educational and methodological support for all types of practices (regulations, practice programs and teaching aids).

Educational, methodological and information support for the educational process at the Institute for the Training of State and Municipal Employees meets the requirements of federal state educational standards of higher education. Students are provided with access to information library resources, an electronic library system containing publications of educational, educational, methodological and other literature on the main disciplines studied, have the opportunity to access the global Internet, use the reference legal systems “Consultant-Plus Technology 3000”, “Garant” Platform P1", "1C Accounting". When implementing the additional educational program “Translator in the field of professional communication”, as well as when organizing independent work of students, the electronic educational environment “Moodle” is used.

In the educational process with students, specialized computer classes of faculties, language laboratories, and a video library of educational films are used.

The Institute conducts successful admission campaigns. As part of its work to attract potential applicants, the Institute takes part in the Open Days of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, conducts an active information and advertising campaign among applicants in schools, colleges, technical schools in Ryazan and the Ryazan region, and also implements special career guidance projects for schoolchildren of the city and region , such as “School Academy”, “Vocational Guidance Days”, etc. The level of training of persons admitted to the first year at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is steadily growing. In 2018, the average Unified State Examination score for persons enrolled in full-time studies was 63.7 points.

Lesson with applicants – participants in the “School Academy” project:
spring intensive - 2019" at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia

The institute pays great attention to the research activities of students. The Institute maintains and develops scientific relations with student scientific societies of universities in Ryazan and other regions of the country.
The Institute organizes large-scale work to adapt first-year students to the university education system, familiarize them with the traditions of the Academy and the Institute, including visits by first-year students to the Museum of the History of the Penitentiary System and the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia; coverage of issues of professional training and education within the framework of student conferences; student participation in academy open days; participation in scientific and professionally oriented events: “Science Day”, “Lawyer’s Day”, “Accountant’s Day”, “Psychologist’s Day”; participation in the work of the student scientific society (SSS).

among financial education volunteers in the Ryazan branch of the Bank of Russia in 2019.

An important factor in the professional education of students is the interaction of the institute with graduates. Graduates make an invaluable contribution to the education of future specialists and the preservation of the best traditions of the academy and the institute, actively participating in the scientific and creative events of the university: “Career Days”, “Graduate Day”, “Days of Professional Excellence”.
The institute has created all the conditions for the realization of the creative potential of the institute’s students: hobby groups work, special events dedicated to significant dates and holidays are held, the creative formations of the academy take an active part in competitions and festivals.
The Council of Elders of the Institute is actively working - a collegial body that takes part in managing the educational process in the department. The main task of the headman is to coordinate the work of all the headmen of the institute’s educational groups, organize the participation of students in various events, such as “Parade of Winners”, “By preserving forests, saving Russia”, “Appreciate your life”, “Yesenin Spring” and many others. Many activists were awarded letters of gratitude and certificates from regional authorities.

The Institute actively promotes a healthy lifestyle. As part of regional events aimed at preventing AIDS and HIV infection, the institute hosts on-site educational events of the Ryazan Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS. Classes are held in the lecture hall of the Ryazan Narcological Dispensary on combating drug use and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The most important component of the educational process at the institute is the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The institute regularly hosts Sports Games in mini-football, table tennis, volleyball, checkers, and chess. Students are active participants and fans of sports competitions that take place at the academy.
In general, the institute systematically and purposefully works on the tasks assigned to it and sees the priorities of its further development in active interaction with the departments of the academy, the implementation of a client-oriented approach to training, and the formation of long-term relationships between the university and employers and other participants in the educational services market.

Academy of Law and Administration of the Federal Penitentiary Service(full official name - federal government educational institution of higher education "Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service"; abbreviation - Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia) - a higher educational institution in the system of educational institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service that trains officers for the penal system. The Pskov branch operates as part of the institute.

Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service
(Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia)
International name Academy of Law Management of the Federal Penal Service of Russia
Former names Ryazan police school,
Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics
Year of foundation 1934
Reorganized 1971
Head of the Institute Major General, Doctor of Law, Professor A. A. Krymov
Students 5000
Location Ryazan
Legal address Russia, Ryazan region, Ryazan, Sennaya street, 1
Website apu.fsin.su


In 1934, by order of the Moscow Department of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD), Ryazan courses for the training of local police inspectors were formed. Since the 1935/1936 academic year, the training of senior NKVD officials began in Ryazan.

Since 1941, the school has been called the Ryazan Interregional Police School. It is interesting that the school was called a convent because from 1943 to 1945 no front-line soldiers were sent to the school.

In 1947, the school received the name Ryazan School for Police Commanders, and since 1954 - Retraining School for Commanders of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In 1971, the school received the status of a higher educational institution - the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since 1995 - Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since 2001 - Academy of Law and Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Since 2005 - Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.


Semenov M. G., lieutenant colonel (August 1935 - May 1938)

Muzalev D. M., police lieutenant (June 1938 - February 1939)

Rozanov K. A., police captain (October 1944 - February 1946)

Tursukov A. E., police major (February 1946 - March 1949)

Stolyar F.M., police colonel (March 1949 - March 1957)

Zemlyanov I.M., colonel of internal service (March 1957 - October 1961)

Morgunov M. S., colonel of internal service (October 1961 - March 1971)

Emelin N. G., candidate of legal sciences, associate professor, police commissioner of the 3rd rank (June 1971 - August 1974)

Smorygo V. A., Lieutenant General of the Internal Service (August 1974 - May 1981)

Rubtsov V.G., Major General of Internal Service (May 1981 - July 1988)

Zubkov A.I., Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Law, Professor, Major General of the Internal Service (July 1988 - September 1990)

Ponomarev S. N., Candidate of Legal Sciences, Professor, Major General of Internal Service (September 1990 - August 2003)

Grishko A. Ya., Doctor of Law, Professor, Major General of Internal Service (October 2003 - July 2011)

Krymov Alexander Alexandrovich, Doctor of Law, Professor, Major General of Internal Service (November 2011 - present)


Higher academic courses

Higher Academic Courses (HAC) were established to carry out professional retraining and advanced training of management staff of institutions and bodies of the penal system by order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated March 19, 2001 No. 407-k on the basis of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

The purpose of the Higher Attestation Commission is to implement additional professional development programs and professional retraining for employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia who have secondary vocational and (or) higher education, as well as those receiving secondary vocational and (or) higher education.

The implementation of additional professional programs is carried out on the basis of the annual plan for initial training, professional retraining and advanced training of employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, approved by order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

The main tasks of the Higher Attestation Commission are to meet the needs of penal system employees in obtaining knowledge about the latest achievements of domestic and foreign government bodies in the implementation of state penal policy, best practices in the functioning of penal system structural units, as well as in improving skills for the effective performance of their official duties in daily life of the penal system.

Pskov branch

In September 2013, the Federal Penitentiary Service decided to reorganize the FKOU VPO PYI FSIN of Russia by joining the Academy of the FSIN of Russia. By Order of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia dated November 22, 2013 No. 677 “On amendments to the Charter of the federal government educational institution of higher professional education, the Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service,” the Pskov branch of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia was created. Located in the city of Pskov (Zonal Highway, 28). 976 students.


In the Pskov branch of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia there are 7 departments and 1 faculty:


  • Department of State Legal Disciplines
  • Department of Civil Law Disciplines
  • Department of Regime Organization and Operational Investigative Activities in the Penitentiary System
  • Department of Social, Humanitarian and Natural Sciences
  • Department of Criminal Law Disciplines
  • Department of physical, fire and tactical-special training


  • Training of state and municipal employees

Educational activities

Educational activities at the academy are carried out in accordance with federal state educational standards of higher education in areas of training (specialties) determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, standard and exemplary curricula and discipline programs approved by the Federal Penitentiary Service, working curricula and programs developed academy.

The Academy, in accordance with the license, implements professional educational programs of higher education, various in duration and level of training, programs of additional professional education in full-time and part-time forms of study:

  • Higher education:
    • Bachelor's degree
    • Specialty
    • Master's degree
    • Training of highly qualified personnel
  • Additional professional education:
    • Higher academic courses
    • Faculty of Advanced Training and Initial Training
    • Institute for Training State and Municipal Employees

Research activities

The Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is the largest specialized scientific center of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, providing comprehensive multi-level scientific support for the activities of institutions and bodies executing punishment. The share of research developments carried out on the orders of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and requests from territorial bodies of the penal system is more than 95% of the total volume of scientific research developments of the academy.

The Academy successfully operates 24 scientific schools that are widely recognized in the country and abroad:

“Prevention of juvenile crimes” - Viktor Ivanovich Ignatenko, Professor of the Department of Criminology and Organization of Crime Prevention, Doctor of Law, Professor;

“Criminal and penal policy in relation to certain categories of convicts, prevention of crimes of minors and youth” - Kashuba Yuri Anatolyevich, professor of the department of penal law, Doctor of Law, professor;

“Investigation and prevention of crimes committed by convicts in correctional institutions” - Shurukhnov Nikolay Grigorievich, professor of the department of criminal procedure and criminology, doctor of legal sciences, professor;

“Criminal procedural activities of bodies and institutions of the penal system” - Krymov Alexander Aleksandrovich, head of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor;

“Psychological and pedagogical problems of professional training of employees of the penal system” - Galina Ivanovna Aksenova, professor of the department of general psychology, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor;

“Organization of the educational process and professional training of convicts” - Nina Alekseevna Tyugaeva, professor of the department of legal psychology and pedagogy, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, etc.

The Academy attaches leading importance to scientific cooperation and interaction in the field of personnel training for the penitentiary system, carried out with divisions of the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, 81 territorial bodies of the penitentiary system, 16 research and educational organizations of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia and other departments.

Scientific work

  • International scientific and practical conference "Penal policy and issues of execution of criminal penalties."
  • International Penitentiary Forum “Crime, Punishment, Correction.”

The International Penitentiary Forum was first organized at the academy in 2013. During this time, it became the main scientific event of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the “calling card” of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia - the leading university in the penal system. The strategic goal of the forum is to provide expert and analytical support for the modernization of the penal system carried out by the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia. As part of the forum, leading Russian scientists and experts, representatives of state and municipal authorities, foreign penitentiary departments and educational institutions, public organizations, practical workers of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia take part in the development of proposals to improve the efficiency of penitentiary science and practice. The forum's discussion platforms discuss the main directions for increasing the efficiency of institutions and bodies executing punishment; issues of improving interstate cooperation regarding the implementation of criminal penalties; organizational, legal, material, technical, psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for the quality development of the penal system.

Business card of the department

Since 2016, the departments of the academy, together with the departments of leading educational organizations in Russia, have been implementing the project “Business Card of the Department.” Leading educational organizations in Russia, such as Moscow State University named after M.V., act as co-organizers of these events. Lomonosov, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Russian State University of Peoples' Friendship, Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya, Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman, State University of Management, Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev and others. This project is aimed at comprehensively improving the scientific activities of the academy’s departments, expanding their scientific horizons, increasing the publication activity of the teaching staff and the scientometric indicators of the academy as a whole, working to renew the activities of dissertation councils in the academy, as well as searching for new forms of interaction with leading scientists, educational and scientific organizations of Russia.

Printed publications

  • “Vivat, Academy” - monthly
  • “Humanitarian-Penitentiary Bulletin” - almanac
  • Man: crime and punishment
  • Criminal law
  • Applied legal psychology
  • International Penitentiary Journal

The international cooperation

Currently, the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is in partnership with the following educational organizations and penitentiary services of foreign countries:
Republic of Belarus

  • Department of Execution of Punishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus
  • Mogilev Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus

The Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Committee of the Criminal Executive System of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. Sh. Kabylbayeva
  • Karaganda Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. B. Beisenova
  • Aktobe Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after. M. Bukenbaeva
  • South Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Auezov Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Republic of Azerbaijan

  • Penitentiary Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Republic of Armenia

  • Criminal Executive Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia
  • Center for Legal Education and Implementation of Rehabilitation Programs

The Republic of Tajikistan

  • Center for International Programs of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tajikistan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan

  • State Penitentiary Service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Training center for training and advanced training of employees of the penal system of the Kyrgyz Republic


  • General Directorate for the Execution of Judgments of Mongolia Law Enforcement Service University of Mongolia

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

  • People's Police Academy of the Ministry of Public Security of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Kingdom of Norway

  • Royal Norwegian Prison Service
  • Prison Staff Training Academy of the Kingdom of Norway Prison Service

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The Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia occupies a worthy place among universities in Ryazan and Russia. The FSIN Academy is based on the Ryazan School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is considered one of the leading scientific and methodological centers and a higher educational institution of the federal penitentiary service. One of the main aspects of the academy is the training of highly qualified specialists for the executive system of criminal law. The Academy represents a 6,000 multinational team of employees and students. Training is carried out at 6 faculties: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Personnel, Faculty of Advanced Training and Initial Training, Higher Academic Courses, Faculty of Management, Institute for Training of Municipal and State Servants. The Academy is positioned as a center for practical training; it includes three correctional institutions in the region. Education can be obtained at the expense of the budget and on a commercial basis

Text copied from Yell.ru -

For more than 40 years, the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia has been an institution of higher education. Its name and departmental affiliation changed several times, but the high quality of personnel training remained unchanged. The main field of activity of graduates was determined by penal institutions, but a large number of employees of the police, tax system, court, and prosecutor's office rightfully call this university their alma mater.
In the 20s of the last century, throughout the country as a whole, the problem of increasing the level of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies became extremely acute. As of the beginning of 1925, among police officers, only 4.5% graduated from junior command and reserve schools, and 0.81% graduated from secondary command training schools. For a long time, the leadership of the Ryazan police, with great effort and varying success, tried to organize professional training for its employees. And only in the mid-30s did it become possible to create a police school of the highest level at that time. This became the starting point in the history of the university.
According to the order of the NKVD Directorate for the Moscow Region, on November 1, 1934, Ryazan retraining courses for local police inspectors were established. For the first time, a plan for the creation and permanent operation of an institution of this kind has been successfully implemented. With the help of teachers and administrative and technical workers (31 people), it was planned to train 150 cadets within 3.5 months - 3 graduations per year.
On April 15, 1935, the Ryazan courses carried out their first graduation, after which, in addition to district inspectors, they began to train other specialists. After short approvals, in the fall of 1936, the Ryazan courses were transformed into the Ryazan School of Secondary Command Staff of the RKM Directorate, that is, the training of junior specialists was abandoned at this stage. The duration of training has increased to two years. Subsequently, the educational institution changed its “sign” many times, although often the training program, the places of distribution of specialists, and the management of the institution remained the same.
The archives have preserved some documents characterizing the special atmosphere and life of that time, in particular a certificate of graduation in 1938 by one of the cadets from the 18th Ryazan School of the Workers' and Peasants' Militia - that was the name of the educational institution then. First edition! Carefully written letters on a homemade form. Even the coat of arms of the USSR is drawn by hand. And in the upper right corner there is the inscription “Workers of all countries, unite!” written in uneven handwriting.
In the first set of cadets, the majority were workers. Only a few people were members of the Komsomol, the rest were members or candidates of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). The average education level is 4 grades. The Credentials Commission was more interested in the candidates undergoing political studies in various circles and the corresponding party-political certification.
In the pre-war period, the social portrait of cadets changed somewhat. The vast majority of them had previously served in the internal affairs bodies. Age ranged from 23 to 30 years. There were fewer family members and members of the Communist Party. The level of assimilation of the studied materials was quite high. Thus, out of 128 cadets who completed their training in 1940, 56.2% were rated “excellent”, “good” - 31.8%, “mediocre” - 11.3%, “poor” - 0.7%. In relation to 127 graduates, that is, all who successfully completed their studies, a petition was filed for promotion to more responsible work.
Back in the first half of 1941, another reorganization of the educational institution was carried out. It became known as the Ryazan Interregional Police School. The essence of the reform is obvious: in connection with the improvement of the material, technical, educational and methodological base of the school, it was decided to expand the region for which specialists were trained. The staff of trained cadets increased by one and a half times, their number exceeded 180 people.
The morning of June 22, 1941 sharply changed the established way of life and divided it into two sharply different periods - peace and war. In relation to certified employees of the school and its cadets, there was reservation for conscription into the active army. However, many employees left to defend their homeland as volunteers.
At the end of 1941 and 1942. the volume of specialist training has decreased. The class of 1942 consisted of only 63 people. With the stabilization of affairs at the front, the educational process was also restored, the number of students increased to 130, and by 1944 - to 184 people. Women employees of internal affairs bodies began to be actively involved in training and retraining. From September 1943, the school was jokingly called a “nunnery” because men were not sent to study. The exception was the special department, which trained operational personnel for units and formations operating at the front. This situation remained until the end of 1945, when front-line soldiers became the main contingent of students.
The war ended, thousands of men who knew how to fight, but were unaccustomed to peaceful affairs, returned home. Inevitably, some part of them had to fall into the sphere of influence of the criminal world, while the other part deliberately aimed at fighting the criminal environment. The task of the school staff was to equip the representatives of the second with the necessary knowledge and experience.
In 1947, the interregional police school became the Ryazan police school. This is another step forward - the educational institution has reached the all-Union level. Under the new conditions, the meaning of training completely unprepared recruits was lost. At the disposal of the component bodies there were enough front-line soldiers and employees of the internal affairs bodies who had practical experience in service. NCOs and junior reserve officers formed the basis of the new contingent of cadets.
In March 1953, Stalin died. In numerous forced labor camps scattered across the vast expanses of the Soviet Union, this news had an effect that, according to N.S. Morozov, one of the researchers of the post-Stalin history of the USSR, could be compared to an earthquake. Despite attempts to establish order in the camps, resistance did not weaken, but took on new forms: absenteeism, protest hunger strikes, blocking of residential barracks, attempts to release regime violators, whom the administration placed in high-security barracks, the so-called BURs. In this regard, the country has taken measures aimed at improving the work not only of the system of forced labor camps, but also of all law enforcement agencies.
In September 1954, the Ryazan Police School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was liquidated and on its basis the Ryazan School of Retraining for Commanding Officers of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was created. From that moment to the present, the educational institution, which has gone through a long path of development and has graduated thousands of specialists, is one of the bases for training personnel in the correctional labor system.
Practical workers from forced labor camps with 15 or even 20 years of experience, with the rank of captains, majors, even colonels, came to retrain the commanding staff of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, but they completely lacked a theoretical basis. The retraining school for commanding officers was called upon to fill the lack of theoretical knowledge.
Time passed, the school grew, and the correspondence faculty, where internal affairs and police officers were trained, gained strength. There was a need to expand the school's educational base. The entire variable composition of the school took part in the construction of a new building on the street. Mayakovsky, which was built in 1967.
In October 1970, 25 Cuban students arrived at the school to study, which indicates recognition of the high level of the teaching staff and the authority of the school in the eyes of the administration. In November of the same year, a group of senior employees of the Personnel Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the Ryazan Special Secondary School for Training Commanders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR to implement the Decree of the USSR Government “On the establishment of the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.” The commission worked for 6 days and identified employees who were subsequently enrolled in the staff of the RVSh of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
During the existence of the Ryazan Special Secondary School for Training Command Staff, there were 9 full-time graduates from 1963 to 1971. 99 specialists received diplomas with honors. Among the specialists who graduated from school in absentia, 15 people received diplomas with honors. In total, the Ryazan Special Secondary School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR graduated 1,763 specialists, many of whom, to this day, carry out worthy service in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and in technical technical colleges.
In the summer of 1971, the university produced its first intake of students, and on October 1, the grand opening of the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs took place. An important event in the history of the educational institution, indicating that it has firmly taken its rightful place among the leading universities of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs system, was the presentation of the Red Banner to the staff on May 12, 1973.
In 1973, a university summer camp began operating in the village of Seltsy, Rybnovsky district. Since the summer of the same year, camp training began with second-year students at its base, during which students improved in military, physical and tactical-special training. Summer military exercises held jointly with airborne school cadets were traditional.
In January 1974, the first training practice for students was held. More than 300 people underwent it in 13 basic correctional labor institutions. The practice was not so much contemplative as active. Students participated in activities to maintain and strengthen the regime for serving their sentences, gave lectures, and conducted political classes among convicts. At the same time, many students realized for the first time what their future profession was, many of them decided on their specialization - to become an employee of the operational or political educational apparatus.
In the second half of the 70s, the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR established itself as a major scientific and methodological center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, the university became a permanent base for holding major symposiums. Thus, on December 22, 1977, the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference “The Pedagogical Legacy of A.S. Makarenko and the Problems of Education of Convicts” was held at the Russian Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, together with the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR; on April 19-20, 1978 - a scientific and methodological conference "The New Constitution of the USSR and the problems of improving teaching in universities of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs."
In addition, the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs proved that its staff is capable of solving not only educational and scientific issues. In accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the personnel of the RVSh of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were involved in service in Moscow during the XXII Olympic Games. As part of four combined battalions, students and teachers of the university successfully ensured the safety of competition participants and guests of the Olympics. Subsequently, twice more the staff of the RVSh of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was instructed to perform similar official tasks. The university personnel ensured the protection of public order and security in the Moscow Metro and other facilities in 1985 during the XII World Festival of Youth and Students and in 1986 during the Goodwill Games.
The deterioration of the general situation in the country since the mid-80s has had a negative impact on the activities of the university. The fact is that, in accordance with the decision of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the personnel of the RVSH of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were recruited to protect public order in the republics of Transcaucasia. During the period from July 1988 to June 1989, six battalions with a total strength of 1,636 people were formed at the university and sent to their places of service (the cities of Yerevan and Stepanakert). The RVSh battalions of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs were part of the Military Operational Group of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs and were repeatedly noted by the command as the best units.
The distraction of a significant part of students, teachers and support staff from the educational process necessitated the need to make significant changes to the curricula, reduce training sessions, organize them and conduct them at duty stations, cancel complex exercises and internships. The results of such forced measures had an immediate effect: graduates of 1989 generally showed worse knowledge than in previous years. The results of transfer exams were also worse compared to the previous academic year.
Difficulties arose in staffing the school, and the plan for recruiting students was not fulfilled.
More and more often there was talk about the crisis of legal education and the general decline of the RVS of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In the early 90s, the university acquired a new direction of activity. Based on the comprehensive program of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for restructuring the system of training and retraining of personnel, in May 1990 it was decided to open a psychological department at the Ryazan Higher School of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Economics for Correspondence Study, the Special Faculty and the Faculty of Advanced Studies already existed at the university. Thus, the formation of the faculty system was completed.
By 1995, the protracted process of restructuring and transformation of the university was basically completed. Formally, this was reflected in the renaming of the Ryazan Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation - it became officially known as the Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. On July 1, 1999, the RIPE was transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to the jurisdiction of the central body of the penal system - the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. The university became known as the Ryazan Institute of Law and Economics of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. During the transfer, the Tomsk and Kirov branches were transferred to the institute.
Thus, the university approached its thirtieth anniversary in 2000 with a rather complex structure, noticeably different from the one that existed in 1970. The total number of teaching staff reached 246 people. Of these, approximately 61% had academic degrees and titles. 32 doctors of science and 118 candidates of science worked at the university. In total, about 4,000 people studied at the institute’s faculties in full-time, part-time and short-term correspondence forms, on a budgetary and commercial basis.
In 2001, the status of the university changed again - it was transformed into a branch academy. By order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia, RIPE of the Ministry of Justice of Russia was renamed into the Academy of Law and Administration of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. And since 2005, the university has been named the Academy of Law and Management of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Thus a new page opened in the history of the educational institution, which is still being written today.



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